Without practicing the Scriptural way to meet and serve – the way that is shown in the New Testament – the Lord’s words concerning the building up of the church cannot be fulfilled. For the building up of the Body of Christ, we believers in Christ all need to practice the Scriptural way to meet […]
Practicing the Scriptural Way to Meet and Serve to Build up the Church Practically
The Church as the Body of Christ is the Corporate Christ, the Body-Christ

The church as the Body of Christ is the corporate Christ, the Body-Christ, and all believers in Christ are members of the Body of Christ, that is, all believers are members of Christ. First of all, the expression “the Body of Christ” is not an allegory or a type, but it is what it says […]
The Reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of the Reality of the Triune God

What is the reality of the Body of Christ? How can we know the reality of the Body? Is the Body of Christ merely something spiritual and intangible, or can we know the Body in reality? The reality of the Body of Christ is the Spirit of the reality of the Triune God. The reality […]
The Church is the Body of Christ, the Fulness of Christ the Head to be His Expression

This week and the following few weeks we are prayerfully considering the status of the church – the church is the Body of Christ, the church is the new man, and the church is the bride of Christ. The church is not simple but profound and rich in meaning; there are many aspects – many […]
Reaching the Highest Peak to be the Overcomers of Today who Bless Everyone from Zion

According to what we see in Psa. 133-134, Jehovah’s commanded blessing of life is on the saints who dwell together in oneness, and the overcomers in the churches bless everyone from Zion and are a blessing from Zion. Hallelujah, what a high peak! Psalm 132 is the base, Psalm 133 builds upon it, and Psalm […]
In the Church Life our Christian Living is the Living of Grace, the Experience of Grace

In the church life in oneness we enjoy the divine anointing and the refreshing grace of God, and our entire Christian life becomes a living of grace, an experience of grace. Psalm 133 gives us a clear picture of the church life in oneness under God’s blessing. Here the church life is both a person […]
Receiving the Supply of the Spirit by Being in the Body in Fellowship with the Saints

The element of our oneness in the church life is the anointing of the compound, all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit, and this Spirit is for the Body; for us to receive the supply of the Spirit, we need to be in the Body. In Exo. 30:23-25 we see that there was a compound ointment that was to […]