Only those who are regenerated by Christ and who live by Christ as the church can match Christ and complement Him; when Christ sees this, He will surely say that this time this is bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh. Adam and Eve are a rich type of Christ and the church; […]
The Church will Match Christ as Bone of His Bones for their Eternal Married Life
The Church is Built with Resurrection Life and Washed by the Word to be the Bride

As seen in the type of Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 and shown throughout the New Testament, the church comes out of Christ, is built in His resurrection life, and is composed of all the believers in Christ who are being transformed to be the counterpart of Christ, the reproduction of Christ. We may […]
Christ’s Death and Resurrection Produced and Built up the Church as His Counterpart

Through Christ’s death and resurrection, God produced and built the church as the counterpart of Christ. Adam and Eve are a picture, a type, of Christ and the church; when Adam was created, he was a type of Christ, and his need for a wife shows the need Christ has for the church. In God’s […]
Only what Comes out of Christ can be the Church to Match Christ as His Counterpart

Only what comes out of Christ can return to Christ to match Christ as His counterpart, just as only what came out of Adam and was built by God to become a woman could return to him to be his wife. It is important for us to see what did God do to gain His […]
God Desires to have Christ and the Church for His Expression and Dominion on Earth
![The third step of God’s procedure in fulfilling His purpose was to work Himself into man to make man His complement. Adam here [in Genesis 2:18] typifies God in Christ as the real, universal Husband, who is seeking a wife for Himself (Rom. 5:14; cf. Isa. 54:5; John 3:29; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:31-32; Rev. 19:7; 21:9). Adam’s need for a wife typifies and portrays God’s need, in His economy, to have a wife as His complement. Gen. 2:18, footnote 1, RcV Bible](
In Genesis 2 we see a picture of Christ and the church in the types of Adam and Eve; God wants not only Christ (as typified by Adam) but also the church – God wants Christ and the church. Christ is the mystery of God, He is the explanation and expression of God, and He […]
Loving the Lord and being Washed by His Living Word to be the Counterpart of Christ

This week we are enjoying one of the most wonderful statuses of the church – the church as the counterpart of Christ, the bride of Christ; the work in the Lord’s recovery is His genuine work to prepare His bride. A counterpart is one that closely resembles another; it is one that has the same […]
The Goal of the Lord’s Recovery is to Bring Forth the One New Man to End this Age

God desires to gain the church as the Body of Christ to be the one new man, and the goal of the Lord’s recovery is to bring forth the one new man. But if we look at ourselves, at the local church where we meet, and at the country we are in, can we say […]