The practical way for us to experience Christ increasing in us and we decreasing is by having a renewed mind and a submissive will; the more we’re renewed in the spirit of the mind and subdued in our will, the more Christ will grow in us and we will decrease. This is our need today. No […]
Learning to be Renewed in the Spirit of the Mind for Christ to Increase in Us
The Growth in Life is Christ Wrought into us and Formed in us by Saturating Us

The growth in life is Christ wrought into us and formed in us until Christ is fully grown into us; He does this by making His home in our heart and by saturating every part of our heart with Himself until He takes full possession. Christ is all-inclusive, vast, immense, and He fills all in […]
Growth in Life is not mere Change in Behavior but the Increase of Christ Within us

Spiritual progress and the growth in life is the increase of Christ within us; when Christ increases while we decrease, we grow with the growth of God for the building up of the church. But if there’s no increase of Christ in us day after day, we stagnate in our growth in life, and the […]
Being Freed from Everything that Usurps God in us for Christ to Increase in our Being

In order for us as believers in Christ to have the increase of Christ, we need to let Christ grow in us and be freed from anything that usurps the place of God; for Christ to increase in us involves the removal of any idols or things that usurp God and the adding of the element […]
Spiritual Progress is the Increase of the Element of Christ within the Believers

It is good to have a balanced view of the increase of Christ it its two main aspects: the increase of Christ for the outward increase in number of believers, and the increase of the element of Christ within us for our spiritual progress and growth in life. The external increase in number of believers […]
The Base for the Increase of the Church is Establishing Small Group Meetings in Homes

The book of Acts shows us not only a record of the way the church increased to be the increase of Christ on earth, but also the four main factors or means of the church’s increase and spread: prayer, the Spirit, the Word, and the homes. First, the disciples prayed in one accord; they left […]
Taking the way of Prayer, the Spirit, and the Word to carry out God’s Move Today

As those who are the increase and continuation of Christ on earth today, we need to clearly see from the book of Acts that the God-ordained way to carry out God’s move to fulfill His New Testament economy is entirely by three main substances – prayer, the Spirit, and the word. In the church life […]