God desires to gain a building, a habitation, a mutual dwelling place of God and man; Christ came to be the mingling of God with man, and in His resurrection He enlarged God’s building to include all those who believe into Him; He’s changing death into life in our being for the building up of […]
Christian Life is a life of Changing Death into Life for the Building up of the Body
Christ is Enlarging His Body by Working on us through the Process of Resurrection

It is truly wonderful to realize that the building up of the church as the Body of Christ is the increase of Christ in us, His believers, and this increase is actually our growth in life; the way Christ enlarges His Body is through the process of resurrection. Christ Himself is building up His church, […]
The Church is the Body of Christ; the Growth of the Church is the Growth of Christ

Since the church is the Body of Christ, the growth of the church is the growth of Christ in all the believers in Christ as the many members of the Body of Christ. The church is not a physical building or location, neither is the church merely a group of people who gather together around […]
Baptizing People into God and Practicing the God-Ordained Way for God’s building

Everything the Lord is doing today is for God’s building, and what we as believers in Christ should seek to do today is build up the church as the Body of Christ. However, some may say that it is impossible to have the recovery of the church life today, and it is close to impossible […]
God’s Main Work is the Work of Building up the Church for His Corporate Expression

Today God does only one work: the work of building Himself into man and man into God so that God and man may be mingled together and become the building of God, the dwelling place of God, the house of God. Everything that He did and does is for His main work of building. When […]
The Central Vision of the Bible: the Increase of the Triune God is for God’s Building

This week we’re in the last of the six portions of enjoyment on, The Increase of Christ for the Building up of the Church, and the title of this week is simply, The Increase of Christ for God’s Building. In order for Christ to have the increase of Himself in God’s economy, He must create […]
Our will must be Subdued to be in Harmony with God for Christ to Increase in us

When speaking of Christ growing in us we need to realize that, in order for Him to increase within us we need a renewed mind (we need to be renewed in the spirit of our mind) and a submissive will (our will needs to be subdued and be in harmony with God). Having Christ growing […]