In our study of how it all ends with regards to the church – the eschatology of the church – we see the Catholic Church, the Protestant church, and the original and recovered church. First, from the very beginning, there was only ONE church: the original church, but because of the heresies, false teachings, and […]
The Real Condition and End of the Catholic Church, Protestant Church, and Recovered Church
The Eschatology of the Church: the Degradation of the Church and the Recovered Church

The Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself for our sins that we might be rescued out of the present evil age according to the will of our God and Father (Gal. 1:4). This present evil age is not merely the outward material secular world, which is definitely evil, corrupted, immoral, and bad, but the present religious […]
We All need to be Delivered from Religion, from Christianity as the Present Evil Age

If you take a closer look at Christianity today under the Lord’s shining light you can see that Satan utilizes religion to keep people away from Christ and the church as God’s will. Where can we see or hear about our personal relationship with Christ and the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ as the good […]
Satan utilizes Religion to Keep People from Christ and the Church as God’s Will

Today when you talk to others about Christ, they immediately associate this with religion; when you try to explain to them that you’re speaking of a living Person who is now the Spirit, they think you’re a religious person trying to get them into religion. Religion is something formed by the human mind under the […]
Religion is Something for God and for the Benefit of People yet without Christ!

I am still prayerfully considering Gal. 1:4 where Paul said that Jesus Christ gave Himself so that we may be rescued, delivered, and plucked out of the present evil age, from the present degraded religious system in Christianity. The present evil age for Paul was Judaism, which was a religion based on the holy word […]
Jesus Christ Gave Himself for our Sins to Rescue us out of the Present Evil Age

This week we come to a wonderful yet sobering conclusion of the crucial points of the major items of the Lord’s recovery. We enjoyed many crucial matters related to the economy of God, the Triune God, the all-inclusive Christ, the consummated Spirit, the eternal life, the recovery of the church, the oneness of the Body […]
Taking the Lead to Stand on the Unique Ground of the Church, the Ground of Oneness

Ever since the Lord Jesus was raised from the dead and became a life-giving Spirit which was both breathed into His disciples for their living and poured out upon them as power for their work, there is such a thing in this universe called, the church. God has on earth not only a group of […]