man has a spirit to receive God and be mingled with God (winter school of truth)

Zechariah 12:1 says, “Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundation of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him”. This verse shows that in God’s creation He made three crucial, equally important items: the heavens, the earth, and the spirit of man. For many centuries, much attention have been paid to the heavens and the earth but not the spirit of man. Why did God form the spirit of man and what is the purpose of this spirit? In the Winter School of Truth 2011, we were blessed with much speaking about the spirit of man and the Spirit of God. [continue reading this portion from the Winter School of Truth online]

to not lose our inner feeling we need to turn to our spirit! (2011 winter school of truth)

It was great experience for me to be again at the Winter School of the Truth in London, UK. Through the messages I realized that my spirit was so deadened… Brother Tom shared that if we touch a hot object, we can lose our feeling or sense of that part – the skin can become callus. If we keep a continual contact with the world and keep touching it, we can also lose our feeling or sense, just like the people today. So it’s very easy to lose our feeling…. To not lose our sense we have to deny our self and our soul life (old man), and we need to turn to the spirit! [continue reading online – a short sharing from a brother’s top enjoyment in the Winter School of truth]

God specifically chose us, sealed us, and now He owns us! (2011 winter school of truth)

Doesn’t it feel good to know that you actually belong to Someone and that Someone actually cares about you very much? I have learned that when we believed in the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of God sealed us: this signifies that God is our owner and that we belong to Him! This can be related to: when a farmer wishes to seal his/her cattle so that the cattle then becomes the farmer’s property; therefore, an ownership is signified by the seal. Similarly, God is our owner and we belong to Him and only to Him! Because we have been sealed, we should bear the image of God and the expression of God. Praise the Lord, we want to SAY NO TO SATAN and SAY YES TO THE LORD! [continue reading this sharing from a sister who recently attended the Winter School of the Truth in London, UK]