Hallelujah, Christ as a grain of wheat was glorified in His resurrection to be enlarged and expanded, and we all are included in the divine-human incorporation of God and man! We can experience, enjoy, and express Christ as the grain of wheat; through His resurrection, Christ was glorified to become a life-giving Spirit, regenerate us […]
How Christ as a Grain of Wheat was Glorified in His Resurrection to be Enlarged
Christ Speaks for God by being the Ladder joining God and Man for God’s Building

Christ speaks for God by being the ladder joining God and man for God’s building; He is the heavenly ladder installed in our spirit to make us one with God for God’s building today. Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His becoming the ladder that brings heaven (God) to earth (man) […]
Christ Speaks for God in Incarnation as the Tabernacle of God, Full of Grace and Reality

Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His incarnation as the tabernacle of God, coming to us full of grace and reality to make God real to us and for us to enjoy His riches for our enjoyment. Amen, Christ as the Word of God expresses God, manifests God, and explains God, […]
Christ is the Word of God, the Journeying Triune God on the Bridge of Time – John 1

As the introduction to the whole Gospel of John, John 1 stresses that Christ is the Word of God as the definition, explanation, and expression of the mysterious and invisible God, especially in the five greatest events in the history of the universe. Hallelujah for our Christ! This week in our morning revival we come […]