God’s goal is the full development of the kingdom of God, and the New Testament shows us the sowing, growing, propagation, development, and full harvest of the kingdom seed, the kingdom gene, for God to have His kingdom in full. Hallelujah! What the Bible tells us is that God desires to gain a kingdom on […]
The Story of the Kingdom Gene: its Sowing, Growing, and Developing into a Harvest
Having an Absolute Consecration to the Lord and Fighting the Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual warfare is between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan; we as believers in Christ need to fight for the kingdom of God to come in by having an absolute and thorough consecration before the Lord in the day of His spiritual warfare. Amen! Spiritual warfare is a necessity today because Satan […]
Spiritual Warfare is Necessary to Subdue the Satanic Will and Bring in God’s Kingdom

We need to see that spiritual warfare is necessary in order to subdue the satanic will and bring in the kingdom of God. The purpose of spiritual warfare is to bring in the kingdom of God; because Satan’s will is set against God’s will, there’s a conflict, and we human beings can choose the divine […]
Deep Calls Unto Deep: take Time to Absorb Christ and have a Hidden Life with Him

Deep calls unto deep, and only what comes from the depths of our being can touch the depths of others’ being; we need to send roots downward and bear fruit upward, sending our roots deep down into Christ in our personal and private time with Him and not exposing our roots but having hidden and […]
The Parable of the Sower: Christ makes His Home in our Heart for God’s Building

The parable of the sower illustrates how Christ makes His home in our heart for God’s building. The Lord as the Sower came to sow Himself as the seed of life into our heart, and God strengthens us with Himself as the element while we afford the Lord the nutrients for Him to grow in […]