We should Earnestly Contend for the Faith Delivered to the Saints – the Common Faith

In his epistle, Jude said, I found it necessary to write to you and exhort you to earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints; we need to be those contending for the faith, the objective faith, and not contend for any doctrine or teaching. Amen! On one hand, we need […]

Lay Hold on Eternal Life to Which we are Called to Fight the Good Fight of the Faith

As believers in Christ who love Him and pursue Him both personally and corporately, we fight the good fight of the faith by laying hold on the eternal life; we lay hold on eternal life by living by this life so that we may be able to fight the good fight of the faith. As […]

Objective Faith and Subjective Faith: we Believe in Christ and we’re Joined as One

When we speak of faith we need to realize that in the New Testament faith is both objective and subjective; the objective faith refers to the subject of our believing, while the subjective faith has to do with our action of believing. Amen! This week we come to the topic of, Keeping the Faith. We […]