To abide in the Lord is to be one spirit with Him; the focus of God’s economy is the mingled spirit – the divine Spirit mingled with our human spirit; we need to be one spirit with the Lord and live in our mingled spirit so that we may abide in the Lord all the […]
To Abide in the Lord is to be One Spirit with Him and Live in the Mingled Spirit
The Spirit Mingled with our spirit is the Key to our Fellowship with God in Spirit

The Lord became a life-giving Spirit to be joined to us as one spirit, and today the Lord is with our spirit, even one with us in spirit; the Spirit with our spirit is the key to our fellowship with God as believers in Christ. Hallelujah! We need to know that the Lord is with […]
The Seed of David became the Son of God: how we can Cooperate with God’s Intention

Jesus Christ is the seed of David, having a dignified human nature which was exalted and glorified along with His divine nature; the seed of David – Christ as the Son of Man according to the flesh – became the Son of God, implying that God’s intention is to make Himself man so that man […]
The Church is the Means used by God to Fulfill His Purpose and Settle His Problems

The church as the Body of Christ is the unique means for God to fulfill His purpose and settle all His problems, and for us to live a life for the fulfilment of His purpose, we need to know and do the will of God; God’s will is to mingle Himself with us to obtain […]
God’s Eternal Purpose is to Mingle Himself with Man to gain the Body of Christ

God’s eternal purpose is to dispense Himself into His people to make them the same as He is in life and nature but not in the Godhead for His enlarged and expanded expression. The answer to all questions is God’s economy, and His intention is to mingle Himself with man to produce the church as […]
God is Spirit and we have a spirit to Contact God, Enjoy God, and be One with God

In the blueprint of God’s original intention, man is the center of the entire universe, and the center of man is in his spirit; man has a spirit to contact God, enjoy God, receive God, and be one with God, and as believers in Christ, our spirit has been reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified […]
Cooperate with God’s Economy by Exercising our Spirit to Receive God’s Dispensing

We want to be those who cooperate with God’s economy by exercising our spirit day by day to receive God’s dispensing. God’s eternal economy is His household administration to dispense Himself in Christ into His chosen people so that He may have a house to express Himself; we cooperate with God’s economy by seeing it […]