As the Lord Jesus shepherds our soul and restores our soul, we not only experience Christ but also enjoy Him, for we get a taste for enjoying the Lord in our soul and we enjoy what we eat – we eat Christ and we enjoy Him, the One who is the Shepherd and Overseer of […]
May we Experience and Enjoy Christ as the Shepherd and Overseer of our Soul Today!
Today Christ as the Life-giving Spirit in our spirit is the Shepherd of our Souls

As we become the reproduction of Christ, we can experience and enjoy Christ as the Shepherd of our souls; He is the Shepherd of our souls, overseeing our inward condition, caring for the situation of our being, comforting us, and restoring our soul. What a wonderful Shepherd we have! The Apostle Peter speaks of Christ, […]
The Lord Jesus Shepherds us into the Full Enjoyment of Himself in the House of God

The Lord Jesus shepherds us into the full enjoyment of Himself in the house of God now and for eternity. Amen! The Lord Jesus as our Shepherd is shepherding us into the enjoyment of Himself even as we walk in the valley of the shadow of death, and He sets a table before us in […]
Christ Shepherds us to Enjoy Him, Drink the Spirit, and Walk on Paths of Righteousness

The Lord Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His sheep; Christ shepherds us to enjoy Christ as green pastures and the Spirit as the waters of rest, and He also shepherds us to revive us and transform us as we walk according to the spirit on the paths of righteousness. Hallelujah for Christ as […]