The Triune God in humanity was sown into us as the divine gene to grow in us and develop into the kingdom of God; to preach the gospel of the kingdom is to propagate and develop the seed, the gene of the kingdom to consummate this age. Hallelujah! This week we come to the last […]
Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to Propagate the Gene of the Kingdom into People
Deep Calls Unto Deep: take Time to Absorb Christ and have a Hidden Life with Him

Deep calls unto deep, and only what comes from the depths of our being can touch the depths of others’ being; we need to send roots downward and bear fruit upward, sending our roots deep down into Christ in our personal and private time with Him and not exposing our roots but having hidden and […]
The Growing of Christ within us for the Body is the Coming of the Kingdom of God

We need to see that the growing of Christ within us for the Body and in the Body is the coming of the kingdom of God in us in a practical way today. As believers in Christ, we have the divine life in the organic union with the Lord, and we need to let the […]
The Kingdom of God is the Totality of Christ as Life with All His Activities in us

The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life; the kingdom of God is an organism constituted with God’s life as the realm for His ruling, and the kingdom of God is the totality of Christ as life with all His activities in us. Amen! This week we start a new morning revival […]
Churches Produced by the Propagation of Christ are the Kingdom of God on the Earth

The main subject of the apostles’ preaching in the book of Acts is the kingdom of God; the churches and the kingdom of God go together, for the churches are the kingdom of God on earth today. Amen! The third main nugget in the book of Acts is the kingdom of God. When the Lord […]
We are being Renewed by being Nourished with the Fresh Supply of Resurrection Life
![Therefore we do not lose heart; but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner [man] is being renewed day by day. 2 Cor. 4:16](
In order for us to live in resurrection, we must be renewed day by day by contacting the Lord to be nourished with the fresh supply of resurrection life; as we contact the Lord, He adds Himself to our being and we are being inwardly renewed. Praise the Lord! May we be those who do […]