Church Life Links

This is a small compilation of spiritual links that, I think, would encourage all of us in our Christian walk.

We all realize how much we need to read the Word of God, pray over it, and also have access to the proper interpretation of the Word – which “betrothes” us to Christ, makes us love Him and His Word more, and opens the mysteries of God’s economy to us.

Some of the websites where you can find spiritual nourishment – are listed below.

Spiritual Nourishment online

  • Recovery VersionRead the New Testament online (the Recovery Version) – the entire text of The New Testament Recovery Version, complete with footnotes and cross-references, for your viewing and searching. Search by verse reference or by keywords, or select the book and chapter you’d like to read from.
  • Ministry Books – Read online spiritual books like the Life-study of the Bible, the collected works of Watchman Nee, selected titles by Witness Lee, the conclusion of the New Testament, high peak books, etc. Put online by Living Stream Ministry.
  • Emanna – The Word of God delivered to you daily by email – a daily portion from the Word and a portion of spiritual nourishment(short words of the ministry) to strenghten your faith. Very encouraging and supplying.
  • LSM Radio – Tune in to the Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee(the radio programme of LSM) – or download past radio programmes from the archive. A series of 26-30mins radio broadcasts going through the whole Bible, book by book, with questions and answers. Good spiritual food.
  • Affirmation & Critique – Scholarly works on Christian faith and theology, magazine put out by A&C Press with articles on the main topics of the Bible written in a very scholarly way. Some topics: knowing the Triune God; union with the Triune God; the All-inclusive Christ; the Pneumatic Christ; The full ministry of Christ; the corporate Christ; The Kingdom of God; The Purpose of God; God; John 14; Ephesians.
  • Living Stream Ministry YouTube channel has video messages given by Brother Witness Lee and programs from LSM Radio’s Life-study of the Bible with Witness Lee broadcasts. Enjoy listening and watching ministry messages from both life-studies and other conferences.
  • LSM Webcast – Up-to-date ministry broadcasts, browse online publications from LSM, and many messages – both in audio and video format – from the ministry of Witness Lee. Paid subscription for getting high quality spiritual nourishment, with archives available to search and download. Solid spiritual food.
  • Bibles for America – excellent website with great spiritual resources, distributing Free Bibles all across USA. Check out their “Share the Gospel” section – Give the gift of good news to your friends and family. Gospel tracts, videos, pamflets, and materials to be downloaded free!
  • Free Christian Literature – Order online Free Christian Literature – in different languages like English, Spanish, Romanian, Hungarian, Czeck, Polish, French, Hebrew, Greek, German, Russian, Arabic, etc. Spirit-and-Word filled Christian books for free – sent in the mail, like: The Glorious Church, The All-inclusive Christ, the Knowledge of Life, the Economy of God, etc.
  • Living To Him – The purpose of this website is to supply a forum for dialogue, study and prayerful exploration with the goal of helping young adults practically enter into a vital living(morning revival, a scheduled living, get into the truth, prayer with prayer partner, preaching the gospel, going to all the church meetings, sanctified in managing your finances. Listen to messages, read, and get into a companion group.
  • Age Turners – website for all the age turners which the Lord is calling, training, preparing, and perfecting; it has a large collection of podcasts, messages, excerpts, video presentations, updates from conferences and trainings, focused mainly on the young people.
  • Church News – a rich resource for news and reports concerning the Lord’s move and the church life all around the world; bilingual website (Chinese and English) for the encouragement and reporting of up-to-date events in the church life.

Hymns and Spiritual Songs

  • – Listen to songs online, search through the large database of hymns, new songs, new tunes, etc. You can also post comments or enjoy what others have shared on this website about their experience of the Lord related to the particular hymns there.
  • Songbase Life – a song base filled with hymns, songs, spiritual songs, new hymns, young people songs, and many such songs; it also has an app which can be installed on your smartphone.
  • Hymns Radio – Listen to hymns online, non-stop; be infused with the word of God being sang and dispensed through the words of the wonderful hymns and songs. All for free, all online, all around the clock!

Quotes by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee

  • Witness Lee – a bondslave of Jesus Christ, website introducing the life and service of brother Lee. Witness Lee’s ministry emphasizes the experience of Christ as life and the practical oneness of the believers as the Body of Christ. Stressing the importance of attending to both these matters, he led the churches under his care to grow in Christian life and function. He was unbending in his conviction that God’s goal is not narrow sectarianism but the Body of Christ. In time, believers began to meet simply as the church in their localities in response to this conviction. These local churches were soon established throughout all the Western hemisphere. In recent years a number of new churches have been raised up in Russia and in many eastern European countries.
  • Watchman Nee – a seer of the divine revelation. A website introducing the life and service of brother Nee. Watchman Nee became a Christian in mainland China in 1920 at the age of seventeen and began writing in the same year. Throughout the nearly thirty years of his ministry, Watchman Nee was clearly manifested as a unique gift from the Lord to His Body for His move in this age. In 1952 he was imprisoned for his faith; he remained in prison until his death in 1972. His words remain an abundant source of spiritual revelation and supply to Christians throughout the world.
  • Watchman Nee facebook page by some saints who love the Lord and enjoy the ministry and writings of Watchman Nee; excerpts for spiritual edification posted weekly there.
  • Witness Lee facebook page by some saints who have been helped by the ministry of Witness Lee; there are periodical excerpts posted, helpful for our growth in the divine life.

Defense and Confirmation of the Truth

  • Contending for the Faith – Beloved, while using all diligence to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you and exhort you to earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints. -Jude 3 Website with ePublications, Dialogues with fellow believers, Responses to criticism, Defense against libel, and who we are. Very informative.
  • Shepherding Words from the co-workers in the Lord’s recovery in North America. This site contains short articles that present principles that should govern our attitudes in and practice of the church life and that give factual accounts that address various rumors that have arisen over the years regarding the local churches and the ministry of God’s word through Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee.
  • A faithful word – Titus 1:9 – Holding to the faithful word, which is according to the teaching of the apostles, that he may be able both to exhort by the healthy teaching and to convict those who oppose. In 1986 Brother Lee issued a clear call for all of the serving ones participating in the ministry and leadership among the churches in the Lord’s recovery to be restricted in one publication. At the same time, he made it clear that we should not receive or reject any individual saint or local church based on whether or not they accept this practice. Visit this website to find out more about quarantine, articles, statements, reports, and correspondence.
  • consists of two kinds of material. First, there are documents that have issued from dialogues that representatives of the local churches and Living Stream Ministry have had with leading theologians and apologetics ministries. Second, there are responses to public statements that have misrepresented our beliefs and practices. The topics that follow present the major arenas of dialogue that we have had and are having with other Christian entities. For each topic there is a link that leads to details of the dialogue, including our response and testimony to issues raised. As the Lord leads, we will provide additional topics, responses, and testimonies, which we hope will help clarify our standing on matters related to Christian truth, experience, and practice. We invite all our visitors to bookmark this site and visit it regularly.
  • An Open Letter from the local churches and Living Stream Ministry concerning the teachings of Witness Lee – Over the past nine decades the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee has edified believers in Christ and produced local churches on all six inhabited continents. The ministry of these two servants of God, which is published by Living Stream Ministry (LSM), stands upon the shoulders of the many great Christian teachers of the past to present both the broad span and the spiritual depths of the New Testament truths, particularly from the perspective of the believers knowing and experiencing Christ as their life for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. The resilience of the churches produced through their ministry is exemplified by the believers in China, who have proven steadfast and have flourished in the face of decades of extreme persecution, as well as by hundreds of local churches in North America that have faithfully persevered and spread despite nearly forty years of intense opposition.
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14 years ago

I would also like to add this website especially made for high school and college age young people. The podcasts and conference messages are helpful.

Roger D. Gentry
Roger D. Gentry
13 years ago

love these pages, keep up the Good work

11 years ago

God bless all. Enjoy reading the pages

jin gone gou
jin gone gou
11 years ago

O Lord! I just love you. What a great website!

10 years ago

Please add for more Hymns and Spiritual Songs

collins santoz
collins santoz
1 year ago

Oh Lord! Amen! Halleluyah