The Spirit is the Realization of the All-inclusive Christ, the Promised Blessing

In order that the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Gal. 3:14

We as believers in Christ can today enjoy the Spirit as the realization of the all-inclusive Christ, the promised blessing of Abraham. Hallelujah!

The Spirit as the realization of Christ in our experience is the good land for us to enjoy and partake of, and we can daily partake of the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ to live the Christian life for God’s purpose. Amen!

This week we come to a new topic in our morning revival, still on the 2023 winter training, and the title is, The All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land—a Land of Waterbrooks, of Springs and of Fountains, Flowing Forth in Valleys and in Mountains.

Thank the Lord for bringing us in His wisdom and sovereignly to this wonderful, rich, profound, and sweet subject of the all-inclusive Christ.

This subject is in the Bible, but it is hidden in there. It is only in the Lord’s recovery that we speak of such a Christ.

There are many riches in the Bible, and there are unsearchable riches that God wants us to enjoy; all these riches are in Christ, the all-inclusive Christ who is the good land.

We want to dive in a deeper way into the matter of enjoying and experiencing the all-inclusive Christ as the good land so that we may not only know such a Christ but also enter into the experience of such a rich Christ for us to be the church, the Body of Christ, His fullness.

We are focusing not only on some of the aspects of the riches of Christ; we want to see the land, the all-inclusive land, a land of wheat and barley, a land full of waters and riches and plants and minerals.

We want to see and enjoy the totality of this land, not just the riches of the land.

God wants to bring us into the possession and experience of the good land so that we may live in this land, labor on this land, and possess this land for us to be the people of God built up as the house of God and the kingdom of God.

We don’t just want to enjoy a little of the riches of the land here, a little there, but the all-inclusive Christ as the good land.

God’s intention is to make the all-inclusive Christ not only some rich items to us for us to enjoy here and there and to have this or that need to be met but that we would enjoy the all-inclusive Christ in all that HE is for Him to be everything to us.

The all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land must be our all in all. He must be everything to us.

Whether we go to the office or stay home to take care of the children, whether we go to school or do nothing, our portion is the all-inclusive Christ.

Brother Watchman Nee said one time that, when the day comes that the believers are brought to know and experience Christ as their everything, then God’s eternal purpose will be fulfilled.

We want to get to this point to enjoy and experience the all-inclusive Christ as our everything.

See and Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ as the reality of the Good Land Today

Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the allotted portion of the saints in the light. Col. 1:12God promised Abraham two things: a seed who will inherit the land, and the good land which the seed will inherit.

The seed of Abraham, physically speaking, was his son Isaach; spiritually speaking, the seed of Abraham is Christ.

Christ is the seed of Abraham, the descendant of Abraham, and in Him all the nations of the earth are blessed.

It is not in Isaac that all the nations are blessed; rather, it is in Christ, the real Seed of Abraham, that all nations – whether Jews or Gentiles – receive the blessing of God.

Today we as Gentiles can inherit and enjoy God’s blessing and we can be God’s children because Christ as the seed of Abraham came, and He is our blessing and He brings us into God’s blessing.

God also promised Abraham the land; the physical aspect of the land promised to Abraham was the good land of Canaan, where the children of Israel had to live and be built as God’s people (Gen. 12:7; 13:15; 17:8; 26:3-4).

Throughout the Old Testament, we see that there was a battle for the good land.

The enemy tried to usurp the land, destroy the land, and remove the people of God from the land, so there was battle again and again for God’s people to enter into the enjoyment and possession of the good land.

Spiritually speaking, the reality of the good land promised to Abraham is the all-inclusive Christ.

As seen in Col. 1:12, the all-inclusive Christ is the reality of the good land, and He has been allotted to each and every believer in Christ for their enjoyment.

When we believe into the Lord Jesus by hearing the gospel, we receive not only the blessing of forgiveness, washing of our sins, and cleansing of the past; even more, we receive the greatest blessing – God Himself in Christ as the Spirit to be our portion.

Through Christ’s redemption and our faith in it, we are forgiven and cleansed of our sins so that we may partake of the unsearchable riches of Christ as the reality of the good land.

Hallelujah, as believers in Christ, we have received the greatest blessing – the Triune God as the processed, all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit dwelling in us in a most subjective way for our enjoyment.

For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:19Today we can enjoy the all-inclusive Christ in our spirit as our daily portion! What a blessing!

As seen in Gal. 3:14, the blessing of Abraham came to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

On one hand, the all-inclusive Christ is the reality of the good land, and on the other hand, this Christ went through a process to be the life-giving Spirit with our spirit for our enjoyment and participation in the riches of Christ as the good land.

Actually, the focus of the gospel of God is this all-inclusive Christ as the Spirit, the reality of the good land.

The good land is a type of the all-inclusive Christ to be our everything for our enjoyment and experience today.

Christ today can be enjoyed and experienced by us because He is the Spirit – He went through a process and was consummated as the all-inclusive, compound Spirit.

Now this Spirit is the realisation of Christ in our experience to be the good land as the source of God’s bountiful supply for us to enjoy in our Christian life (Phil. 1:19).

May we see the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land and may we enter into the enjoyment and experience of this Christ with all His unsearchable riches in our daily living!

Thank You, Lord, for regenerating us with the divine life to make us children of God and partakers of the all-inclusive Christ as the good land. Hallelujah, through the gospel we have received not only justification, forgiveness, and cleansing but even more, an allotted portion of the all-inclusive Christ! Praise You, Lord, for qualifying us for an allotted portion of the all-inclusive Christ as the good land. Amen, Lord, today we come to enjoy You in our spirit. You are the all-inclusive Christ who became the life-giving Spirit with our spirit. We exercise our spirit to contact You and enjoy You. Grant us the experiences we need today for us to enjoy and partake of the unsearchable riches of Christ as the good land in our daily living. Amen, Lord, we want to enjoy the blessing of the promised Spirit, the all-inclusive, life-giving, compound Spirit with our spirit! Hallelujah for such a bountiful supply for us to enjoy today!

The Spirit is the Realization of the All-inclusive Christ, the Promised Blessing

...the last Adam [became] a life-giving Spirit. 1 Cor. 15:45 And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor. 3:17God promised Abraham that he and his descendants would inherit the land; this land is a type of the all-inclusive Christ.

Since Christ is eventually realized as the all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit, the blessing of the promised Spirit corresponds with the blessing of the land promised to Abraham.

When we say that the good land is a type of the all-inclusive Christ, we are not wrong, for this is true; however, we need to realize that the Spirit as the realization of the all-inclusive Christ in our experience is the good land for our enjoyment.

It is not just the all-inclusive Christ objectively and apart from us that is the reality of the good land.

Rather, the all-inclusive Christ is today the life-giving Spirit with our spirit for us to partake of the riches of Christ in spirit and therefore enjoy the good land.

The very good land which typifies the all-inclusive Christ is a land of the Spirit. It is a land full of riches, including water, minerals and grains.

When we see this land, we will be filled with joy and excitement, for the all-inclusive Christ is now realized by us as the Spirit to be the reality of the good land for our enjoyment.

Gal. 3:14 speaks of the promise of the Spirit as the blessing promised to Abraham.

Actually, the Spirit as the realization of the all-inclusive Christ in our experience is the good land as the source of God’s bountiful supply for us to enjoy.

We can enjoy the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ as the supply of the Body of Christ in our experience simply by exercising our spirit.

The good land today in our experience is the Spirit. And this Spirit is bountiful, rich, all-inclusive, compounded, and consummated, and He is with our spirit.

Gal. 3:14 does not say that, in receiving the blessing of Abraham, we receive Christ; instead, this verse tells us that we receive the Spirit.

This indicates that the Spirit is the blessing of Abraham.

What Spirit is this? What kind of Spirit could be the blessing that God promised to Abraham?

This Spirit is “the Spirit” which was not yet in John 7:39 and which Spirit Christ became in resurrection.

1 Cor. 15:45 says that Christ as the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit.

When He resurrected, Christ was pneumatized – He became the Spirit, and this Spirit is all-inclusive, bountiful, and compounded with all that Christ is.

Everything Christ has, is, has accomplished, and has attained, is all included in this Spirit, which is the bountiful supply for us to enjoy (Phil. 1:19).

No matter what our situation is, no matter what the environment is, we can partake of the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ as the reality of the good land in our spirit, and we enjoy the unsearchable riches of Christ in our experience. Hallelujah!

This verse indicates that the Spirit is the blessing that God promised to Abraham for all the nations and that has been received by the believers through faith in Christ. The Spirit is the compound Spirit…and actually is God Himself processed in His Trinity through incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and descension that we may receive Him as our life and our everything. This is the focus of the gospel of God. The physical aspect of the blessing that God promised to Abraham was the good land (Gen. 12:7; 13:15; 17:8; 26:3-4), which was a type of the all-inclusive Christ (see Col. 1:12 and footnote 2). Since Christ is eventually realized as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45; 2 Cor. 3:17), the blessing of the promised Spirit corresponds with the blessing of the land promised to Abraham. Actually, the Spirit as the realization of Christ in our experience is the good land as the source of God’s bountiful supply for us to enjoy. Gal. 3:14, footnote 3, Recovery Version Bible2 Cor. 3:17 says that the Lord is now the Spirit. Yes, the Spirit of God was, is, and forever will be as part of the Divine Trinity, but “the Spirit” as the consummation of the processed Triune God is the realization of Christ to be the reality of the good land to us, the believers in Christ.

What a wise God we have. He wanted to give all that He is and has to us, and for this, He became a man.

When Christ was incarnated, the Holy Spirit put on the element of humanity, and then He was compounded with the human living, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ to become the Spirit.

This Spirit as the consummation of the processed Triune God is compounded with Christ’s incarnation, human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, and He is the realization of the all-inclusive Christ to be our portion for our enjoyment today.

All that God has purposed and planned, all that God has accomplished and attained through CHrist’s incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection are included in the Spirit.

This Spirit is an all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the blessing of God to Abraham, and we can enjoy such a Spirit today by exercising our spirit.

When we realize that the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land has come into us as the life-giving Spirit to be the bountiful supply for us to enjoy and partake of, we will exercise our spirit to contact the Lord and live in spirit for us to live in the land, walk in the land, labor on the land, and fulfil God’s purpose in the land.

What a bountiful supply we have today for us to enjoy and partake of!

Lord Jesus, we want to enjoy and partake of the unsearchable riches of Christ in the Spirit with our spirit today. Hallelujah, the Spirit as the realization of the all-inclusive Christ in our experience is the good land for us to enjoy! Praise the Lord, the all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit with our spirit is the source of God’s bountiful supply for us to enjoy in our daily life! Amen, Lord, we exercise our spirit to contact You, partake of Your riches, and live in the mingled spirit today. Thank You for going through a process, dear Lord, for You to be consummated and come to us as the bountiful Spirit, the reality of the promised land. Bring us into the enjoyment and experience of the riches of the good land. Amen, Lord, we want to live in this good land, walk in this good land, enjoy the riches of the good land, and fulfil God’s purpose in this land. May we be saved from merely having a doctrinal understanding of the good land and may we be brought into the enjoyment and experience of the riches of Christ in the bountiful supply of the Spirit as the reality of the good land in our spirit!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother James Lee in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Galatians, msg. 15 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good land for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to make Herself Ready for the Lord’s Coming (2023 Winter Training), week 4, entitled, The All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land—a Land of Waterbrooks, of Springs and of Fountains, Flowing Forth in Valleys and in Mountains.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    The Spirit as the blessing of the gospel promised to Abraham, article by David Yoon in, Affirmation and Critique.
    What Does It Mean to Be Blessed by God? Read more via, Bibles for Europe blog.
    The all-inclusive Spirit being the aggregate of the all-embracing blessing of the full gospel of God in Christ, for the divine dispensing according to the divine economy, a portion from, The Central Line of the Divine Revelation, Chapter 11, by Witness Lee.
    The all-inclusive Christ in the New Testament, article via, Conversant Faith.
    What is the All-inclusive Spirit of Jesus Christ? Read more via, Hearing of Faith.
    Our need to labor on the all-inclusive Christ, a video message by RK.
    English – Prophesying Outline DST23 Week 04, via, Church in Chennai.
    The all-inclusive Christ in 1 Corinthians, article by Ed Marks in, Affirmation and Critique.
    It is by the all-inclusive compound life-giving Spirit (see note 4 in Phil. 1:19) that we are born of God, a portion from, Crystallization-Study of the Complete Salvation of God in Romans, Chapter 3, by Witness Lee.
    Living with the Divine Trinity (2) – God Operating in Us, a portion via, Church in San Jose.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Now the Triune God has come to dwell within / As the wonderful Spirit in us. / We are mingled with the Lord, we’re one with Him / As the life-giving Spirit in us. / Oh, He’s the wonderful Spirit in us, / He’s the wonderful Spirit in us! / God is in the Son, the Son’s the Spirit now— / He’s the wonderful Spirit in us! (Hymns #1113 stanza 1 and chorus)
    – Lord, Thou art the Land of Canaan— / Elevated, rich and good, / Flowing with both milk and honey / In a glorious plenitude. / By Thy surplus God we worship, / In Thy fellowship we move; / Thus in love we’re joined together / And God’s building we will prove. (Hymns #196 stanza 5)
    – Lord, how we bless Thee for this land, / The all-inclusive Christ! / We’ve eaten Him, we’re filled with Him, / O how He has sufficed! / Teach us to labor constantly / Upon this vast reality; / This is our joy, this our employ— / Christ our land! (Hymns #1164 stanza 6)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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RcV Bible
RcV Bible
11 months ago

This verse indicates that the Spirit is the blessing that God promised to Abraham for all the nations and that has been received by the believers through faith in Christ.

The Spirit is the compound Spirit…and actually is God Himself processed in His Trinity through incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and descension that we may receive Him as our life and our everything. This is the focus of the gospel of God.

The physical aspect of the blessing that God promised to Abraham was the good land (Gen. 12:7; 13:15; 17:8; 26:3-4), which was a type of the all-inclusive Christ (see Col. 1:12 and footnote 2). Since Christ is eventually realized as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45; 2 Cor. 3:17), the blessing of the promised Spirit corresponds with the blessing of the land promised to Abraham.

Actually, the Spirit as the realization of Christ in our experience is the good land as the source of God’s bountiful supply for us to enjoy.

Gal. 3:14, footnote 3, Recovery Version Bible

brother L.
brother L.
11 months ago

What kind of Spirit could be the blessing that God promised to Abraham? What Spirit would be the all-inclusive blessing, which is Christ as the seed and as the land? It must be the Spirit, the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit.

First Corinthians 15:45 says that the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit, and 2 Corinthians 3:17 declares that now the Lord is the Spirit. In 2 Corinthians 3:17 the King James Version says “that Spirit.” This rendering is not accurate, for the Greek word uses the definite article. Hence, the proper rendering is the Spirit, referring to the Spirit who was “not yet” until Christ had been glorified.

At the time of the Lord’s incarnation, the Holy Spirit began to have the element of humanity as well as divinity. From that time the Holy Spirit was compounded with the Lord’s human living, crucifixion, and resurrection and became the Spirit, the all-inclusive Spirit compounded with divinity, humanity, and the Lord’s human living, death, and resurrection.

All that God has purposed and planned and all that He has accomplished through incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection are included in the Spirit. Hence, the Spirit is all-inclusive, the Triune God processed to be everything to us. This Spirit is the blessing of the gospel.

Life-study of Galatians, second edition, pp. 126-127, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
11 months ago

The Triune God went through a process to become the all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit as the realisation of Christ to be the reality of the good land for us in our spirit.

Through believing into Christ we received the blessing of the Spirit, and this Spirit with His bountiful supply is in our spirit for our enjoyment!

Lord keep us in our spirit today. Bring us into the full enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ as the life-giving Spirit in our spirit, the reality of the good land!

Phil H
Phil H
11 months ago

Amen, thank you, Lord, for mingle spirit. Keep us exercising our spirit to contact you and bring us into the full enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ as the life-giving Spirit in our spirit, the reality of the good land.

M. M.
M. M.
11 months ago

Abraham’s promise was the physical land of the seed (Jesus) that could happen in the future, but today the reality of the promise is not with us, but in us as the all-inclusive compound life-giving Spirit. 

Praise the Lord for this wonderful Triune God expressed in us so that outsiders can see & join His kingdom.

D. S.
D. S.
11 months ago

Amen! What a reality!

Oh Lord Jesus!

Keep us in our spirit today!

Bring us into the full enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ as the life-giving Spirit in our spirit.

K. P.
K. P.
11 months ago

The All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land – a Land of Waterbrooks, of Springs and of Fountains, Flowing Forth in Valleys and in Mountains

Gal. 3:14 …That the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Phil. 1:19 For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

Praise the Lord! 🙋🏽🙌😃

Richard C.
Richard C.
11 months ago

The blessing of Abraham in Genesis was the good land of Canaan.

The blessing of Abraham in Galatians 3 and in the New Testament is Christ, realised as the All-Inclusive, Life-giving Spirit who dwells in us for our enjoyment.

In Christ, the Triune God was processed to become such a compound Spirit to become our bountiful supply.

This is the focus of our gospel.

agodman audio
agodman audio
11 months ago
Pak L.
Pak L.
11 months ago

Amen. Thank the Lord, we have the all-inclusive Spirit in us.

He went through the process of human living. crucifixion and resurrection so that he can become the Spirit for us to enjoy Him as everything to us. 

Moh S.
Moh S.
11 months ago

Amen! The reality of the good land is in the all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit for our enjoyment! 

Alan T.
Alan T.
11 months ago

4/15/24 The All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land – a Land of Waterbrooks, of Springs, and of Fountains, Flowing Forth in Valleys and Mountains (Week 4, Day 1)

“Galatians 3:14 says, In Order that the Blessing of Abraham Might Come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that We Might Receive the Promise of the Spirit through Faith”

The Seed of Abraham

In Galatians 3:1-22 Christ is unveiled as the seed of Abraham. According to Genesis 22:17-18a the Lord promised Abraham, “I will surely bless you and will greatly multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens and like the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. And in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.” In this prophecy we have the promise that Abraham’s seed would be a great blessing to all mankind, for all nations would be blessed through his seed.

This prophecy was repeated to Isaac in Genesis 26:4 and again to Jacob in Genesis 28:14. These three verses are not three prophecies but one prophecy of Christ as the seed of Abraham. The fulfillment of this prophetic word is not only in Matthew 1:1, which says that Christ is the son of Abraham, but also in Galatians 3:16, which says, “To Abraham were the promises spoken and to his seed. He does not say, And to the seeds, as concerning many, but as concerning one: ‘And to your seed,’ who is Christ.” Christ was born as a descendant of Abraham, born of the chosen race. Therefore, He was the seed of Abraham.

As the seed of Abraham, Christ in His humanity blesses all the nations with the gospel of Christ (Gal 3:8-12, 16). He has brought God to us and us to God for our enjoyment of God’s blessing. He brings blessings to the nations. Whether Jews or Gentiles, all will be blessed in Him (Gen 22:18a).

Galatians 3:14 indicates that the blessing is the Spirit as the consummation of the Triune God. When we receive the Spirit, we receive the Triune God as eternal life to be our blessing. Through faith in Christ, we have received the Spirit.

The Spirit is also called the Spirit of grace (Heb 10:29). When the blessing that God gave to Abraham comes to us, it is grace; this grace is the seed of Abraham. Since Christ is now the Spirit (2 Cor 3:17), He is not only the seed who inherits the promises but also the blessing of the promises to be inherited by us.

According to Galatians 3:16, Christ is the seed of Abraham, the Heir who inherits the promises. Here Christ is the unique seed who inherits the promises. Hence, in order to inherit the promised blessing, we must be one with Christ. Outside of Him we cannot inherit the promises given by God to Abraham. In God’s eyes Abraham has only one seed, Christ. We must be in Him that we may participate in the promises given to Abraham.

According to Galatians 3:14, the promise given to Abraham was that God Himself would come to be the seed of Abraham, and this seed would be a blessing to all the nations by becoming the all-inclusive Spirit for mankind to receive (1 Cor 15:45b). God’s blessing of Abraham eventually issued in Christ as the unique seed in whom all the nations of the earth are blessed (Acts 3:25-26; Gal 3:16). All the believers in Christ, as members of the corporate Christ (1 Cor 12:12), are included in this seed as the heirs of God’s promised blessing (Gal 3:7, 29).

The all-inclusive good land, having so much unlimted riches, typifies the All-inclusive Christ, having such unsearchable riches in Himself because all that the Father is and has are embodied in Himself. Through the process of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, and resurrection, Christ became the Life-giving Spirit (1Cor 15:45; 2Cor 3:17).

As the Life-giving Spirit, He is now able to impart Himself into us, His believers, making ourselves become one with Him in our regenerated spirit (1Cor 6:17). By becoming one with Him, we can now have access to His unsearchable riches. Therefore, the promised blessing of God to Abraham is now realized in the All-inclusive, Life-giving, Compound Spirit of Jesus Christ (Gal 3:14).

“Thank You, Lord Jesus, for becoming the Life-giving Spirit in order to impart Yourself into us, Your believers. Today, we can now enjoy Your unsearchable riches, as the promised blessing to Abraham. Amen.”

M. J. B.
M. J. B.
11 months ago

The text for today talks about how the blessing of Abraham, which was promised by God to all nations, has been received by believers through faith in Christ. This blessing is not just forgiveness and cleansing but also the Triune God – Father, Son, and Spirit – who dwells in us as a life-giving Spirit that we can enjoy every day.

The verse from Galatians 3:14 tells us that this blessing is the promise of the Spirit that comes to Gentiles (non-Jewish people) through faith in Jesus Christ. The Philippians 1:19 passage talks about salvation coming through petition and the bountiful supply of the Spirit.

This all-inclusive One is actually God Himself processed in His Trinity through incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and descension so that we may receive Him as our life and everything. In other words, it means that when we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord; He gives us His Holy Spirit to live inside of us.

The physical aspect of this blessing for Abraham was good land which represented an all-inclusive Christ. Since Christ is eventually realized as an all-inclusive life-giving spirit- The realization of Christ in our experience is like enjoying good land with bountiful supplies for us to enjoy. 

So basically what it’s saying here is that receiving the Holy Spirit after believing in Jesus brings blessings into your life just like having good land would bring blessings into someone’s physical life back then!

(HWMRW4D1) Enjoyment 😊
