spending time with the Lord to have His desire and thoughts imprinted into us

A genuine man of prayer – a genuine Christian – is not only one who spends time with the Lord every day, but also one who allows the Lord to mingle His desire and His thought with his own.

We need to allow God to infuse us with Himself, to mingle Himself with us, in the time we spend with Him. It is OK to pray for our needs – and we should; but if this is all we pray for, though the Lord may grant us what we want sometimes, this does not satisfy us or Him.

This even shows how weak we are – especially since many times we pray out of “lust” for things! Also, these kind of prayers, for ourselves mainly, are of little worth…. But when our prayer originates from God’s need which is infused into us in our time with Him, then what we utter will be His desires and thoughts!

This is the prayer He desires to hear + answer, and this satisfies both us and God!

We don’t know what to pray for as it is fitting, but the Spirit joins in with us in our weakness…. the Spirit intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered (Rom. 8:26). In us, the Spirit in our spirit groans, prays continually, longing for us to know the mind of God so that we may pray what is on His heart….

In order for us to know God’s mind and His heart, we need to spend time in His presence, opening our being to Him, allowing Him to shine on us and infuse us with what He is…. even to be silent before Him and wait on Him!

As we sit at His feet and listen to Him, whether praying over the Word, consecrating ourselves to Him, or even being silent before Him, He gives us a feeling, His desire, infuses His thoughts into us! If we continue to spend time in this way with the Lord, we will be thoroughly mingled with God and to the extent that His thoughts are our thoughts and our desire are His desires.

When we are in such an organic union with Him, He has a free way to pray in us and accomplish His will on the earth. This is when we can exercise to bind and release on earth what has already been bound and released in the heavens!

Lord, imprint Your desire and Your thought into us! Grant us to be open to receive Your thought, Your heart’s desire…

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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15 years ago

Very Good about prayer! I am a fellow believer and would be honored [edited text] sincerely Rob

G. Halyna
G. Halyna
8 years ago

Amen! We need to allow God to infuse us with Himself, to mingle Himself with us, in the time we spend with Him.

T. Varada
T. Varada
8 years ago

Amen! Lord help us to pray as You desire and as Your thought to satisfy You and us!

L. Stevenson
L. Stevenson
8 years ago

Amen Lord Jesus we open ourselves to be infused with You