Spending Time with the Lord in Prayer and Pray-reading the Word to Touch Him

Spending Time with the Lord in Prayer and Pray-reading the Word to Touch HimMost of the time I rise up at 6:30am in the morning. I spent the first thirty minutes the time in prayer. This prayer time is the time for me to have intimate and personal fellowship with Lord.

When I try to remember all my past experiences, all are about loving and kissing the Lord. They are so special and so sweet. Sometimes even I feel that I am hugging my Lord. O Lord Jesus I Love You!!!

I never had such an intimate and personal fellowship time with the Lord at other times of the day. I am filled with the Love for the Lord to the uttermost. Praise the Lord!

Sharing by bro. Zeleke T, Ethiopia – from his enjoyment of the Lord in his personal time with Him in the morning.

I try to have a consistant time with the Lord every morning. One of my struggles is that I don’t have enough time with the Lord.

Since I start work at 7am, I need a certain amount of sleep in order for me to function properly. When I am in the bathroom, I take a verse from my pocket Bible to chew on. I also spend at least 15 minutes every morning just touching the Lord before I leave the house.

Whether I am singing or pray reading a verse, it is important to turn my whole being to Him.

Every morning I apply Him as my sin and tresspass offering, and I ask Him to fill me and to grow in me for the sake of the Body.

We need to find ways to increase the time with the Lord and focus on touching the Lord while we are contacting Him. In addition, I use the commute to work to pray.

I hope this helps! I feel so short, but His mercies and lovingkindness do not fail and are new every morning!

Sharing by bro. Mike R., USA, from his practice of the morning revival time with the Lord. Share your experience as a comment below, or email it to enjoyingthelord@gmail.com.


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9 months ago

Bro. Zeleke’s morning devotion is so inspiring! Starting the day with such deep prayer sets a wonderful tone. The pocket verse idea is brilliant for those busy mornings – thanks for sharing!