We’re Speaking the Same Thing from Different Angles for the Building up of the Body

Now I beseech you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing... 1 Cor. 1:10

Because the Body of Christ is one yet has many members, every member of the Body has his own ministry, and each personal ministry is for the building up of the Body; we all are speaking the same thing from different angles, depending on our enjoyment and experience of Christ. Amen!

If we read the New Testament we do not see any two disciples having the same exact ministry; each one has their own ministry, but their individual or personal ministry is for the building up of the church, for God to have a corporate expression.

For example, the Lord Jesus had His ministry, and none of us had the same ministry as He did.

However, we all participate in the ministry, for we are members of the Body of Christ.

In our human body, each member has their own function, and even though some members look very much like other members, each has their own particular function.

When we speak something, our mouth is exercised to utter words, but at the same time the heart is functioning, the blood circulates, we are breathing, our hands are moving, our feet are supporting us, and many other members function.

It is not just that the mouth is moving and the rest are standing still; every member functions in their measure, under the coordination of the head, and there’s an expression of oneness, for we are a human being, a person, who expresses something that he desires and feels and wants.

Similarly in the Body of Christ, each member has a particular function; when we exercise our spirit and function in our measure, we accomplish our own ministry.

However, just as in the human body the mouth doesn’t just take the lead in everything and does everything, neglecting the other members and becoming its own thing, so in the Body of Christ no member should do everything, carry out his own ministry, and do his own thing apart from the Body.

The Body of Christ needs to be properly built up by the functioning of all the members of the Body. Every member functions.

Every member has a ministry. Every member has a measure of his ministry.

When every member functions in his measure, there’s a beautiful oneness and coordination.

Because we all have the same life – Christ is our life – and the same person – Christ is our person, we all speak the same thing, but we speak it from different angles.

Whatever the Head decides, thinks, wants, desires, and intends, we as the Body are attuned to Him and speak it – each from our own angle, through the prism of our experience and enjoyment.

What a sight this is, to see all the members of the Body of Christ functioning in their measure, each according to its own portion and in its measure, for the building up of the church as the organic Body of Christ!

May the Lord recover this among us today in the church life!

Every Member has his own Ministry part of the Ministry of the Body for the Building of the Body

And He Himself gave some as apostles and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as shepherds and teachers, For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ. Eph. 4:11-12We can never stress this enough, for today the situation in Christianity is in decline to such an extent that most Christians are church-goers while some are “gifted” and over-function while others listen.

Even worse, as Paul has warned us in 1 and 2 Timothy, people today “choose their own church” and listen to the ministry of their own choice. Oh, Lord!

May we return to and remain in the healthy teaching of God’s New Testament economy.

May we see that the New Testament ministry is the service of the Body of Christ.

Because the Body of Christ has many members, every member has his own ministry (Eph. 4:11-12).

It’s not just the gifted ones that have their own ministry but every member, as they grow in life and are being perfected, function in their measure to carry out their own ministry for the building up of the church.

In our physical body, our eyes have their function, our ears have a different function, and every member of the body has their own function, their own ministry.

According to the members, there are many ministries, for each member has their own ministry; however, according to the Bible as a whole, there is just one ministry (1 Tim. 1:12).

Yes, there are many ministries, if we speak from the side of the members of the Body.

But at the same time all these ministries are part of and for the unique ministry of the New Testament for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Our personal ministry, however, is not just for ourselves to build up something for our benefit or following; it is for the Body of Christ.

We cannot have a ministry independent from the Body.

The Lord may allow a particular ministry to flourish and bear fruit, and many may join this particular person or ministry; however, as long as they are not in the Body and for the Body, this is not what God desires.

What God desires in this age is to build up the church as the Body of Christ.

Our personal ministry – the member ministry – is part of the ministry of the Body for the building up of the Body.

The Body has a corporate ministry, and all the members of the Body have their individual ministries; these ministries, however, are for the Body and in the Body.

I give thanks to Him who empowers me, Christ Jesus our Lord, that He has counted me faithful, appointing [me] to the ministry. 1 Tim. 1:12 Therefore having this ministry as we have been shown mercy, we do not lose heart. 2 Cor. 4:1May the Lord save us from separating our personal ministry from the ministry of the Body.

May we never think that our problems are just our own, and that we need to sort them out ourselves, nor should we think that our ministry should be accomplished by ourselves and for ourselves.

We are members of the Body; the Lord has saved us not just for us to be Christians but to be members of His organic Body.

He has placed us together with some saints, and He wants to build us up as the local church, and He needs to have a way to flow among us and knit us together.

We all need to let the Lord perfect us so that we may carry out our own ministry for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.

As each member functions in his measure, the whole Body is built up and knit together in love.

Every member is needed. The function of every member is necessary.

We all are members, we all have a function, and we all need to accomplish our ministry in and for the Body.

The New Testament ministry is the service of the Body of Christ, not just the service of some gifted members.

Lord Jesus, thank You for putting us in the Body as members of one another. Thank you for appointing us to the ministry. Thank You for giving us our personal ministry which we need to fully accomplish. Thank You for placing us together with some saints where we can grow together, be built up together, and be knit together in love for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, we want to keep growing in You day by day. We want to enjoy and experience You in all things, and we want to fully accomplish our ministry. We pray for ourselves and for all the saints, Lord, that all the members of the Body will carry out their ministry for the building up of the church. May we all accomplish our ministry for the ministry of the Body. Praise the Lord, all the ministries of the members of the Body added together to equal the corporate ministry, the ministry of the Body, for the building up of the Body! Amen, Lord, may we all function in our measure in the Body and for the Body!

Speaking the Same Thing from Different Angles for the Building up of the Body

Now I beseech you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing and [that] there be no divisions among you, but [that] you be attuned in the same mind and in the same opinion. 1 Cor. 1:10

1 Cor. 1:10 is a wonderful yet mysterious verse, for here Paul beseeches us to speak the same thing, that we are attuned in the same mind, and we would have no divisions among us.

How can we all speak the same thing? Are we supposed to speak the same words, use the same language, and be all the same?

Each one of us is different; we each have our own ministry, and we have our own experience and enjoyment of Christ.

To speak the same thing is to speak the healthy teaching of God’s eternal economy from different angles.

For example, the first four books of the New Testament are four biographies of the same one person, Jesus Christ, but from different angles.

Now the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind toward one another according to Christ Jesus, that with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. 15:5-6Each of the Gospels speaks of the same person but from different angles.

Matthew wrote the Lord’s biography from the angle of kingship, emphasizing the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the heavens, and in his gospel, Christ is the King-Savior.

Mark wrote his gospel from the angle of service, stressing the Lord as the Slave-Savior coming to serve us and serve God.

Luke wrote the Lord’s biography from the angle of redemption through the proper humanity, emphasizing the Lord’s human virtues and divine attributes, and he presents Christ as the Man-Savior.

Finally, John wrote his gospel from the angle of Christ’s deity, stressing that Christ is the God-Savior, being one with God, being God Himself, and being everything to us as God incarnated to be a man.

The four Gospels speak of the same one person, the wonderful person of Jesus Christ, but they all speak from different angles.

Similarly, after the Lord’s death and resurrection, Peter, John, and Paul each spoke of the same one thing, but each had his own angle, emphasizing particular matters related to the same one thing – God’s New Testament economy.

Some of the disciples were clear concerning God’s economy, while others – like James – we not so clear; however, each one had their own ministry, speaking the same thing from different angles.

All the ministries of the apostles and disciples were for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Today the Lord needs many such ministers who are perfected to speak the same thing – the ministry of Christ as life into man for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ – from many different angles.

Each one of us has our own ministry, our set of circumstances and environments, our disposition, our temper, and our course before the Lord.

Each one of us enjoys and experiences Christ as life, and we pray that the Father would strengthen us into our inner man so that Christ would make His home in our heart (Eph. 3:17).

We have our failures and our successes, and we have our own mentality which is slowly being saturated with the word of God as we spend time with the Lord in His word.

Our mind is renewed; our way of thinking is being changed and transformed, and our inner being is slowly being reconstituted with God, so that we may have the mind of Christ.

Our daily enjoyment and experience of Christ together with our prayerful study of God’s word and being in the ministry, under the hearing of the faith, produces a ministry in us.

Each one of us has a ministry.

The Lord will raise up and has to raise up many more to carry out the unique ministry, where we all are speaking the same thing from different angles (2 Cor. 4:1).

We all are speaking not just the low Gospel of how God loves us and wants to save us from eternal perdition but how God in Christ as the Spirit comes to us as life and as everything to us for our enjoyment so that He may gain the church as the Body of Christ.

We all have a part in this ministry, which is the one ministry with different functions, different angles, and different aspects (Rom. 15:6; Rom. 15:5; Phil. 2:2; 4:2).

Make my joy full, that you think the same thing, having the same love, joined in soul, thinking the one thing. Phil. 2:2 I exhort Euodias, and I exhort Syntyche, to think the same thing in the Lord. Phil. 4:2As we carry out our ministry, we are not following a man or imitating anyone; however, we are ministering the same thing.

We don’t follow a man; we follow the vision of God’s eternal economy.

We don’t imitate a man nor do we use the words of a man; we remain in the healthy teaching of God’s eternal economy, allow the healthy words to dwell in us and constitute us, and something comes out of us as a ministry for the building up of the Body of Christ.

As we carry out our ministry, we are speaking the same thing – God’s New Testament economy – for the church to be produced and built up.

It is so good to see so many saints who share various aspects or angles concerning Christ as life for the building up of the church in His riches!

We are learning from one another and we all are ministering Christ as life and as everything for the building up of the local churches.

This is what the Lord is recovering today, and this is our commission, our burden, and our ministry.

How blessed we are to have a part in this ministry!

How blessed we are to be speaking the same thing from different angles so that we may accomplish our ministry for the building up of the Body of Christ!

Lord Jesus, thank You for constituting something of Christ in our being for the building up of the church. We open to You, Lord. We give You our day today. Work Yourself into us. Give us the portion of grace we need today. Constitute us with Yourself. We want to enjoy and experience You in the details of our daily living. Amen, Lord, may we all enjoy and experience Christ for the building up of the church! May we all speak the same thing from different angles, emphasizing the enjoyment and experience of Christ for the church! May all believers in Christ speak the same thing for the building up of the church! Amen, Lord, may we see that we all have a part in this ministry, which is one ministry with different functions, different angles, and different aspects! May we fully accomplish our ministry by speaking the same thing – God’s New Testament economy – for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ! Oh, what a blessing it is for us to have a part in this ministry!

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References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by the brothers in the message for this week, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1978, vol. 3, “Truth Messages,” pp. 321-323, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Being a Vessel unto Honor, a Fully Equipped Man of God, by being Empowered in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus to Fully Accomplish our Ministry in the Unique Ministry of God’s Economy (2024 April ITERO), week 8, “Fully Accomplish Your Ministry”.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    We Are Members of the Body of Christ, article via, New Jerusalem blog.
    The pneumatic Christ in the Gospel of John, article by Ron Kangas in, Affirmation and Critique.
    Author Spotlight: Who Is Watchman Nee? Article at, Bibles for America blog.
    With one heart and one mouth speaking the same thing, a portion from, One Body, One Spirit, and One New Man, Chapter 7, by Witness Lee.
    The indwelling, pneumatic Christ as revealed in the Epistles of Paul, article by Ed Marks in, Affirmation and Critique.
    Witness Lee and Watchman Nee, Two Ministers with One Ministry, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    The building up of the Body, a portion from, New Believers Series: Body of Christ, The , Chapter 1, by Watchman Nee.
    Why do some leading ones advise the saints not to read writings that attack the local churches and the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee? More via, Living to Him.
    The Building Up of the Body of Christ, Message 4: The Body of Christ Building Itself Up in Love, video message via, LSM Youtube channel.
    Can You Be in the Local Church But Not in the Body? Read more via, A Faithful Word.
    The One Unique New Testament Ministry, via, Shepherding Words.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – As members of the Body / Christ we would manifest, / Each learning how to function / His fulness to express; / We would not be spectators / But each as members move, / None bringing death or damage / But each our profit prove. (Hymns #867 stanza 1)
    – By Thy life and by its flowing / I can grow and be transformed, / With the saints coordinated, / Builded up, to Thee conformed; / Keep the order in the Body, / There to function in Thy will, / Ever serving, helping others, / All Thy purpose to fulfill. / In my knowledge and experience / I would not exalted be, / But submitting and accepting / Let the Body balance me; / Holding fast the Head, and growing / With His increase, in His way, / By the joints and bands supplying, / Knit together day by day. (Hymns #849 stanzas 2-3)
    – All the saints of Christ are / Members every one; / All coordinating / Into oneness come. / Though the gifts are many, / Yet the Spirit one; / Many too the functions, / But one Lord, the Son. (Hymns #854 stanzas 1-2)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
6 months ago

When I say that we all should minister the same thing, I mean that we should speak the same thing according to the way of the New Testament. The four Gospels speak the same thing, but they speak the same thing from different angles…

Matthew wrote from the angle of the kingship; Mark, from the angle of service; Luke, from the angle of redemption through the proper humanity; and John, from the angle of Christ’s deity. In the Gospels we have four biographies of one person; one person is viewed from different angles.

I hope that many will be raised up to speak the same thing from different angles. This one thing is the recovery of Christ as life and everything to us for the building up of the local churches. I hope that in the coming years many of the young people will speak of Christ for the building up of the Body.

I have no intention of being the only one to minister. On the contrary, I expect the Lord to raise up many more to carry on the unique ministry. We all have a part in this ministry, which is one ministry with different functions, different angles, and different aspects.

You have your part, and I have mine. When we have all the functions and aspects, we have the ministry of the Body.

Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1978, vol. 3, “Truth Messages,” pp. 321-323

brother N.
brother N.
6 months ago

Ephesians 4:11-13 says, “He Himself gave some as apostles and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as shepherds and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

The kinds of people spoken of here are slightly different from those spoken of in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12. The people here are all ministers of the word. God’s intention in giving the church these ministers of the word is for the building up of the Body of Christ. The ministers of the word have a special place in the building up of the Body of Christ. For the building up of the Body of Christ, we should ask God for more ministers of the word.

At the same time, the church should provide ample opportunities for new believers to manifest themselves, to see whether they are ministers of the word. We should not hinder the gifts that God has given them. We should not take away their opportunity to manifest themselves as ministers of the word. For the Body of Christ to be built up, the church must ask God for more ministers of the word. It must also provide ample opportunities for each one to manifest himself as a minister of the word.

New Believers Series: Body of Christ, The #24, Chapter 1, by Watchman Nee


Stefan M.
Stefan M.
6 months ago

Because the Body of Christ has many members, every member has his own ministry; however, our personal ministry is for the corporate ministry of the Body.

We all speak the same thing – the recovery of Christ as life and everything for us for the building up of the church – but from different angles.

May we all learn to function in our measure by speaking for the building up of the Body.

Lord Jesus, we want to minister Christ as life and as everything for the building up of the local churches! May we all speak the same thing, fully accomplishing our ministry, for the building up of the Body!

Christian A.
Christian A.
6 months ago

I had the opportunity to minister Christ and the church according to my function & portion in the one New Testament ministry.

How blessed we are that in all situations & environments, we have the same goal: the recovery of Christ as life & everything for the building up of the church life.

Each of us can present Christ and the church from different angles & aspects.

How wonderful it is that on the Earth today there is a growing army of God’s people who each have their own ministry as part of the one ministry.

M. D.
M. D.
6 months ago

We all minister the same thing but from different angles. By doing this the riches are manifest, yet in a glorious oneness.

Moh S.
Moh S.
6 months ago


Wow, brother, the New Testament ministry is the service of the Body of Christ! Ministry is service and service is ministry.

Each member has his own ministry, however, according to the Body as a whole, there is just one ministry.

O Lord Jesus may we fully accomplish our personal ministry for the corporate ministry of the Body!!

Kennedy Nkongi
Kennedy Nkongi
6 months ago

Thank You, dear Lord, for revealing to us the beauty of the Body of Christ, where every member has a unique ministry, yet we all speak the same thing from different angles. Your desire is for the building up of the church as the organic Body of Christ, and we are blessed to have a part in this ministry. Help us to remain in the healthy teaching of Your eternal economy, to enjoy and experience You in all things, and to fully accomplish our ministry for the building up of the Body. May we be attuned to the Head, Christ, and speak the same thing from our own angle, depending on our enjoyment and experience of You. May our ministries be like the four Gospels, speaking of the same wonderful person, Jesus Christ, but from different angles. Lord, we pray for the recovery of this truth in the church life today, that every member would function in their measure, and we would see the beautiful oneness and coordination of the Body of Christ. Amen!

Phil H.
Phil H.
6 months ago

Amen, brother, yes, Lord. May we all speak the same thing for the building up of the body of Christ.

K. P.
K. P.
6 months ago

1 Cor. 1:10 Now I beseech you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be at- tuned in the same mind and in the same opinion.

Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ.

Praise the Lord! 🙌😃🙋🏼

Amen brother our speaking is to build up the body!🙌

Seni A.
Seni A.
6 months ago

Amen, we are blessed to have a part in this ministry.

All the ministries of the members added together equal the corporate ministry and we all have a part in this one ministry from different angles and aspects.

Lord Jesus, lead us to do what we should be doing to fulfill our part in the ministry for the building up of the Body. Lead us to stand today Lord

Richard C.
Richard C.
6 months ago

The perfecting of the saints is for the work of the one, unique ministry which is to build up the Body of Christ.

All the members of the Body have each, their personal ministry.

When these are added together they constitute the one ministry.

For this we need to speak the same thing, which also requires we have the same mind and the same opinion.

Lord, do perfect us through the gifted ones that we would function according to our personal ministry as part of this corporate ministry to build up the church as Your Body.Yes Lord. May our speaking be for the building up of the Body of Christ!

Mario V.
Mario V.
6 months ago


Yes Lord. We give You the way. And we desire to be one with You, speak the same thing, be attuned in one mind and in one opinion. Just do what You want to do.

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
6 months ago

In this Epistle the apostle dealt with eleven problems among the believers in Corinth. The first was the matter of division. Division is nearly always the leading problem, bringing in all other problems among believers. It may be considered the root of the problems among believers. Hence, in dealing with all the problems in the church at Corinth, the apostle’s axe first touched the root, that is, the divisions among the believers there. The first virtue of the believers’ walk that is worthy of God’s calling is the keeping of the oneness of the Spirit in the Body of Christ (Eph. 4:1-6). 1 Cor. 1:10, footnote 3 on “divisions,” RcV Bible

The same word in Greek that is translated mending in Matt. 4:21. It means to repair, to restore, to adjust, to mend, making a broken thing thoroughly complete, joined perfectly together. The Corinthian believers as a whole were divided, broken. They needed to be mended in order to be joined perfectly together that they might be in harmony, having the same mind and the same opinion to speak the same thing, that is, Christ and His cross (vv. 17-18, 22-24; 2:2). 1 Cor. 1:10, footnote 4 on “attuned,” RcV Bible