some enjoyment from “The Humanity of Jesus(2)” podcast on

Did you listen to this past podcast, no (it’s not the last one, but a previous one) about “The Humanity of Jesus (2)” – When people contact us, they should touch a “blue cord” sewn into the fringe of our “garment”; that is, they should touch a living that is under the heavenly rule.

For us to have such a living, we need the humanity of Jesus. In this podcast, Brother Tom Goetz gives us five keys to enjoying the humanity of Jesus from 2 Timothy. Read below something that sister Grace enjoyed from this podcast(which you can download as mp3 here).

In this podcast, we are given five key ways to enjoy the humanity of Jesus and to be a strong testimony against the current of this age. In Matthew 9, a woman was healed by touching the fringe of the Lord’s garment. The garment in the Bible always signifies our living or our conduct.

In the Old Testament, in Numbers 5, the children of Israel were commanded to sew a chord of blue into the fringe of their garments. The wearing of this blue chord indicated that our living needs to be under the heavenly rule. We must not live by the culture, the fad, or the current fashion of this age. The Lord has to gain a group of overcomers who live under the heavenly rule, those who are already living in the reality of the Kingdom of God and in the reality of the Kingdom of the Heavens. We must not follow the current of the age, but look to the Lord, and are in the mingled spirit. Such a testimony is what this age needs. We must be those who live a life under the heavenly ruling. What a strong testimony this would be.

The Lord needs a group of God-men, young people, teenagers who live like the Lord Jesus did when He was on the earth.

In order to live under the heavenly rule, we have to eat and enjoy the humanity of Jesus. This is not accomplished by resolutions or by human effort. The young people of this age have been thoroughly ruined. There is no longer any fear of God in this age. One day, the Lord will come and He will carry out His judgement. Satan has ruined and damaged the humanity of many young people on the earth by fornication, adultery, immorality and the internet. When a person’s humanity is damaged, they become useless to the Lord for the fulfilment His purpose.

The Lord is calling a generation of young people, those who keep their bodies and preserve their vessels so that they can be useful vessels to the Lord. We must be those who enjoy the Lord in His fine and balanced humanity. Then we will be the Lord’s testimony just like Daniel, who stood for the Lord.

The Lord is calling the young people to take a stand, not to follow the current of the age, not to be the same as the other young people of the world. We must eat and express His humanity, so that anyone who “comes into contact with the fringe of this garment” will be healed, just like the woman was in the Bible. Young people everywhere will be healed by coming into contact with us as those young people who are enjoying the humanity of Jesus.

There are 5 simple ways to enjoy the humanity of Jesus:

  1. We need to call on the name of the Lord. 2 Timothy 2:22 says:
    “But flee youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”
    Every time we call on the name of the Lord, we are eating the uplifted humanity of the man Jesus Christ. We have to call on this precious name; we have to breathe Him in.
  2. We have to take in the Word of the Scripture. 2 Tim 3:16 says:
    “All scripture is God-breathed and profitable…”
    We have to learn to pray the word of God, and inhale Him through the Word. The real desire for us is to be the testimony of the Lord in this dark age, and one way to do this is by breathing in the word of God. God exhaled the word, and we inhale every word that proceeds out of His mouth by praying over the Bible.
  3. We have to live the Body life. The way to flee and pursue is to get some companions.
    “With those.”
    ‘Those’ means the ones who you can call on the Lord with and pray with. We must pray for companions that we can pursue with. This is the corporate life.
  4. We have a spirit. 2 Tim 1:7 says:
    “We have to fan into flame the gift of God which is in us. For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but a spirit of power and of love and of sober mindedness.”
    We have a spirit where we can contact Him, a spirit of power, which is invading our soul.
  5. The Lord is with our spirit! 2 Tim 4:22 says:
    “The Lord be with your spirit, grace be with you.”
    We have a wonderful person in our spirit.

[These last three ways will be developed more in other sharings] We have to pray for the entire situation of the Lord’s recovery, and at the same time, we must enjoy the humanity of Jesus. We must be like the acacia boards standing against this age, not like a dead leaf, but a strong testimony of the Lord. We must bring the Lord’s Recovery to every city on this earth. [guest post]

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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