sharing from the winter school of truth – the Triune God and the Person and the Work of Christ

In the Winter School of Truth there are both young people and some “serving ones”, some saints that willingly give themselves to serve and help with the younger ones. In the messages and the group times, we all participate in the enjoyment of the rich messages / rich speaking, and so we all enjoy and are being touched by what the Lord is speaking. Below is the testimony of brother Reginald, a student brother who was a “serving one” in the recent winter school of truth.

I was serving with the younger group, and the title for the topic we went through was “The Triune God and the Person and the Work of Christ”. Even though the title sounds a little deep and intense, as with a lot of messages and in the times with the saints, what seemed at the outset to be quite big and daunting just turned into a gentle infusion of Christ, happening at the speed of life.

Of particular enjoyment and enlightening was the clearing up of the matter of THE TRIUNE GOD. The Triune God is the Father, the Son and the Spirit are eternal (Isaiah 9:6, Hebrews 1:12, Hebrews 9:14) and especially that they are COEXISITING (i.e. they exist at the same time – Matthew 3:16-17), as well as COINHERING (meaning that they exist and live within each other – John 14:10, 1 Corinthians 15:45b). I enjoyed also that “In His essence God is one; … eternally one; these Three always coexist… and the They always coinhere in oneness…”

BASICALLY the Triune God is one and three. Three-One. You have the members of the Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Spirit – and then WITHIN each member, you have all the members of the Trinity. If you contact one, you contact all three. Praise the Lord!

On the matter of THE PERSON OF CHRIST I enjoyed that Christ was a REAL MAN (Acts 2:22, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 4:15), not a super-man, and not even a special stand-out human, but a normal man, a man MINGLED with God (John 1:14). The Lord Jesus as this mingled God-Man was also revealed as such in the meal offering(of flour, representing Christ’s humanity with just enough oil added, which represents Christ’s divinity) and the ark (made of acacia wood – Christ’s humanity  – overlaid with gold – Christ’s divinity). Hallelujah that God became mingled with man!

In THE WORK OF CHRIST particularly in His ascension, I really enjoyed learning about the Economical and Essential Aspects of the application of His Spirit (because I never quite understood when the other saints would use these words):

  • The Essential Aspect is to do with essence, INWARD content (1 Corinthians 15:45b). When we are regenerated, our spirit is BORN of the Lord’s Spirit – even the Lord’s Spirit is IN our spirit (2 Timothy 4:22);
  • The Economical Aspect is to do with OUTWARD covering (Luke 24:49). We can also have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit UPON us, as on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:8) giving us power and authority.

Amen for the Christ who fills completely inwardly and outwardly!

As well as these, I enjoyed being there with the younger ones, shepherding and being shepherded. It was truly a good and mutual time. Amen for the Body of Christ, and may the Lord continue to strengthen each of us.

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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