Saved from Religion and Contact Christ in our Spirit (2023 Fall Uni Conference)

Who gave Himself for our sins that He might rescue us out of the present evil age according to the will of our God and Father. Gal. 1:4

This conference showed me that all God desires is only CHRIST!

In Galatians 1:4, Paul showed us that the Lord gave His life for us to rescue us from the present evil age. But what is this present evil age? The present evil age refers to things that usurp, occupy, and distract us from the enjoyment of Christ. In the context of the book of Galatians, it is the matter of religion. The believers in Galatia received Christ yet they are turning back to living by the Judiasic law. But how much more are we the same?

We need to be saved from Satan’s blinding thoughts! It may be somewhat obvious to stay away from evil and sinful things, but what about things like religion? We may think that religion is good and pleases God but actually, this is wrong. The definition of religion is just worshipping God without the presence of Christ, void of the indwelling Christ, without the subjective God, and without the experience and the enjoyment of Christ.

We may also have this concept that being the Lord’s recovery, we may be saved from religion; however, wherever we are, whatever we are doing. Without Christ, we may be in religion.

In John 5:39-40 the Lord rebuked the religionists saying “You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that testify concerning Me. Yet you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life”. Even in our spiritual pursuit, we must not miss this living Person.

In the four gospels, one difference seen between the religionists and the Lord is that the religionists would often speak about the Lord as a historic figure or someone who is in the future but misses the present Christ who is among them.

Oftentimes in my living I am also like this. We may dwell on our past failures or experiences and have thoughts like “If only I did this yesterday…” or “What if it was like this…” and as a result we may try and strive to do better the next day. This is actually the flesh rising up to fulfil the works of the law. The more we do this, the more we will be oppressed and depressed.

God does not want us to dwell on the past or the future, but just to contact Christ in our spirit right that moment!

Galatians 2:20 “ I am crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me” No matter how good the old “I” is, it cannot please God but the new “I” can! Christ has freed us and He is now dwelling in our spirit today!

We can just claim this divine fact that Christ is in my spirit! We don’t have to pray for more love or patience. We have this living Person in us that IS all these things.

May we learn to contact Christ in every moment and every situation.

Sharing by Jason C. (London, UK) from his top enjoyment at the 2023 Autumn University Conference. If you were there and wish to share what touched you during this time, send us an email to

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