We are Saved, Enlivened, and have Access to God for the Building up of the Church

For through Him we both have access in one Spirit unto the Father. Eph. 2:18

Our being saved by grace, being raised up together with Christ and seated together with Him in the heavenlies and having access to the Father are for the building up of the church, His Body, through growing into a holy temple in the Lord. Amen!

This week we come to the third week in the crystallization study of 1 and 2 Kings on the matter of the temple and its building up; the title is, Growing into a Holy Temple in the Lord.

The temple that Solomon built was the temple of God, the enlarged testimony and dwelling place of God, the place where He chose to dwell.

In the wilderness and up to Solomon’s time God dwelt in a tabernacle, a tent, that was portable, and mobile, but hardly something substantial and solid.

When David was building a palace for himself, he thought it is not right for him to dwell in such a palace but God has no house, he dwelt in a palace but God dwelt in a tent.

So he wanted to build a house for God. David is a type of Christ, the incarnated and suffering Christ, a man of sorrows, who has a heart’s desire to build up the church as the temple of God.

God, however, told David not to build the temple, for his seed – Solomon, his son – will build it; Solomon is also a type of Christ, the One who really builds up the church as the temple of God.

The church is the dwelling place of God, a place for God to rest, the house of God, His residence and habitation.

Also, the church is the organic Body of Christ. As the house of God, the church is the temple of God.

When Christ came, He came to tabernacle among men, full of grace and reality (John 1:14).

But in John 2 He spoke of the temple which He will build in three days after His death; this refers not just to the temple of His body but to His mystical Body, the Body of Christ, the enlarged Christ, the corporate Christ.

In this enlarged Christ we see not only Christ as God but also Christ as man, for here divinity and humanity are mingled together.

The materials used for the building of the temple are a type of Christ as the unique material – He is the reality of the different kinds of wood, the stones, the gold, and everything that is in the temple.

We need to enjoy and experience the crucified and resurrected Christ, the Christ who is the Spirit, for us to become suitable materials in God’s building.

The Spirit of God is the transformed and transfigured Christ in resurrection; this One dwells in us, and we are His temple.

We cannot bring anything of the natural man into the church life, for here Christ is all and in all, and He is the unique material and the One who builds up the church.

If we bring anything of the natural man into the building of God, we mar it, damage it, defile it, blemish it, and corrupt it; this brings in God’s judgment.

We cannot bring into the church life anything of Judaism or human philosophies, and we should not bring in anything of the worldly ways or means – all these have no place in the church.

We’re Saved by Grace, Raised up with Christ, and Seated with Him in the Heavenlies for the Building up of the Church, His Body!

Even when we were dead in offenses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) and raised [us] up together with [Him] and seated [us] together with [Him] in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:5-6Ephesians 2 reveals a marvellous matter related to our experience and enjoyment of Christ for the building up of the church as the house of God, the holy temple of the Lord.

We were saved by grace, raised up together with Christ, and seated together with Him in the heavenlies for the building up of the church, His Body, through growing into a holy temple in the Lord.

God enlivened us together when He enlivened the crucified Jesus; therefore, He made us alive together with Christ (v. 5).

By grace we believers in Christ have been saved out of our wretched position of death into the marvellous realm of life.

Eph. 2 gives us a clear view of how the church as the Body of Christ comes into being and how it is built (in principle).

The church is the holy temple of the Lord and the dwelling place of God. We were sinners and enemies of God, and we were dead in sins and offenses.

As sinners, we need God’s forgiveness and justification (see Romans).

As dead persons, we need to be made alive; this is what God did in Christ’s resurrection – He made us alive together with Christ (Eph. 2:5).

We were forgiven and justified to be brought back to God’s presence to enjoy His grace and participate in His life.

Now, having been forgiven and justified, God made us alive with Christ and enabled us, as the living members of the Body of Christ, to express Him.

God doesn’t want to just justify us and redeem us, reconcile us to Himself and forgive our sins, and give us peace; He wants us to be enlivened with Christ, raised with Him, and seated with Him in the heavenlies for the building up of the church.

He saved us by grace not only so that we may be saved from eternal perdition but so that we may build up the church, His Body.

We were saved not to go to heaven but for God’s building. Going to heaven may satisfy our natural desire, but it doesn’t satisfy God.

God desires to gain an eternal building, a mutual abode of God and man in this universe.

He saved us by grace, He raised us up together with Christ, and seated us with Christ in the heavenlies for the building up of the church, His Body.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves; [it is] the gift of God. Eph. 2:6 For through Him we both have access in one Spirit unto the Father. Eph. 2:18 In whom all the building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in spirit. Eph. 2:21-22We were saved for God’s building. We were raised with Christ for God’s building.

The building of God is everything to God. When Christ was crucified, we were crucified with Him; when He was raised, we were raised up with Him.

He saved us by grace, freely dispensing Himself into us for our enjoyment, for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ.

There’s nothing else in God’s mind except the church, the building of God and man, and the habitation of God; it is for the building of God that He does all things.

We were enlivened not on the day we were physically born or on the day we received the Lord but when Christ was enlivened in His resurrection; we were made alive with Christ for the building up of the church.

We have been saved out of our wretched position of death into the marvellous realm of life for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ.

On the one hand, we were reconciled to God; this is positional. On the other hand, we were regenerated to be the sons of God; this is experiential.

We are Christians not merely by understanding the doctrine of salvation and agreeing with the teaching of Jesus; genuine Christians are those reborn with God’s life for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.

Thank You, dear Lord, for saving us out of our wretched position of death and bringing us into the marvellous realm of life. Hallelujah, though we were dead in sins and offenses, God made us alive together with Christ and saved us by grace for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ. We are children of God, sons of God, born of God with His life and nature, and we are members of the Body of Christ to be His enlargement and expression on earth. Thank You, Lord, for not only forgiving us of our sins and justifying us before God but also for dispensing Your life into us to make us members of the Body of Christ. We love You, Lord! We give ourselves to You to grow in life for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ!

Through the Son and in the Spirit we have access unto the Father to Enjoy the Triune God and be Built up in the Church

The Father came to us through the Son in the Spirit, and now the Spirit brings us back to the Father through the Son; through this wonderful two-way traffic, we enjoy the dispensing of the Triune God — 2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:16-17.

Eph. 2:18 is an amazing verse; it is a deep verse that applies to our Christian experience in a wonderful way.

Through Christ, we both have access in one Spirit unto the Father.

Through God the Son, who is the Accomplisher, the means, and in God the Spirit, who is the Executor, the application, we have access unto God the Father, who is the Originator, the unique source.

We have marvellous access to the Triune God today; as saved ones, we have access to God to enjoy Him for the building up of the church.

To be reconciled to God is to be saved; to have access unto the Father is to enjoy God.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Cor. 13:14 That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love. Eph. 3:16-17When we contact God, we come to Him through Christ in the Spirit unto the Father; this is the Triune God in our experience and for our enjoyment.

This marvellous Triune God is both our goal, our target, and our enjoyment; He is also our access to the Triune God, and our destination is God.

The Father came to us through the Son in the Spirit; now the Spirit brings us back to the Father through the Son.

There’s a wonderful two-way traffic from God to us and from us to God, and in this traffic, we enjoy the dispensing of the Triune God (2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 3:16-17).

One day the Father came to us in and through the Son, His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

This One passed through several processes to die on the cross and was resurrected to become the life-giving Spirit.

This Spirit was breathed into us on the night of His resurrection; this is how the Triune God came to us as the Father in the Son through the Spirit. This is one way.

Then there’s another way. Now, this indwelling Spirit brings us back to the Father through the Son.

By this two-way traffic – the coming of God and the outgoing of God – we enjoy the dispensing of the Triune God.

When we spend time with the Lord in prayer, even five or ten minutes, we enjoy this traffic going on, for there’s an unseen two-way traffic going on from God to man and the whole Triune God is infusing Himself into us.

The Triune God is engaged and involved with us, coming to us, and we are going to Him; in this way, God is dispensing Himself into us and we enjoy Him.

Through the Son is through the Triune God; in the Spirit is in the Triune God; unto the Father is unto the Triune God.

This is how we experience the Triune God and this is how we can be built up (Eph. 2:18, 21-22).

The more we spend our time in this two-way traffic, in the fellowship of God and man, in the flow between God and man in spirit, the more we are building up the church as the Body of Christ.

We should not be happy with only knowing the fact that we are in the Body; we need to advance and live in the Spirit, for the reality of the Body is in Spirit.

To be in the Body is a fact, but to be in the spirit is an experience; though we may be in the Body, we may not be in the Spirit but rather, in our wandering thoughts.

Ephesians 2 reveals God as the Father and Christ as the Son. After His death and resurrection Christ the Son came as the Spirit to announce the gospel. When the Spirit came, He came with the Father (John 15:26 and footnote, Recovery Version) in the Son’s name (14:26). This means that when the Spirit came, the Son came. Therefore, when the Son comes to announce the gospel to us, the Spirit also comes. When we receive the Son in His announcing, we receive the Spirit. The Spirit then brings us back to the Father through the Son. This is marvelous! The Father came to us through the Son in the Spirit, and now the Spirit brings us back to the Father through the Son. Through this wonderful two-way traffic we enjoy the threefold dispensing of life by the Triune God. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1983, vol. 2, “The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity,” p. 305The way for us to experience the two-way traffic between us and God, the Triune God flowing into us and flowing us into Himself, is by being in Spirit and living in Spirit.

We need to advance from merely knowing and appreciating the fact that we were justified by God, reconciled to God, and forgiven by Him for all our offenses; we need to experience the two-way traffic between God and man in spirit for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.

The more time we spend in fellowship with the Lord, the more the building work is going on.

The dispensing of God is actually His building Himself into us. And our traffic back to the Father through this triune access is our being built into Him.

This is why we need to spend time with the Lord in a personal way; this is the way to be built up into the church as the Body of Christ.

The Father came to us in the Son through the Spirit to bring His life into us and make us one with Him organically.

Now in Christ, we have access to the Father through the Spirit; through the exercise of our spirit, we have access to God the Father to enjoy Him and partake of Him.

May we be those who spend time with the Lord and live in spirit, exercising our spirit and living in Spirit to experience the Triune God and the two-way traffic between God and man for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming with the Father through the Spirit to reach us, save us, regenerate us, and make us sons of God. Thank You for bringing us into an organic union with God in spirit. Hallelujah, we now have access in Christ through the Spirit unto the Father! Praise the Lord for this two-way traffic between God and man where we have access to God to enjoy all the riches of the Triune God! Keep us under the dispensing of the Triune God in our mingled spirit. May we daily come to the Father in Christ the Son through the Spirit to enjoy the riches of the Triune God and be built up as the church, the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, we want to spend time with You and live in the spirit to enjoy the dispensing of the Triune God for the building up of the church!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Minoru Chen in the message, and portions from, Life-study of Ephesians, msgs. 3, 21, 27, 87-88, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings (2022 summer training), week 8, entitled, Growing into a Holy Temple in the Lord.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Buried with Christ, and raised with Him too; / What is there left for me to do? / Simply to cease from struggling and strife, / Simply to walk in newness of life. / Glory be to God! / Risen with Christ, my glorious Head, / Holiness now the pathway I tread, / Beautiful thought, while walking therein: / He that is dead is freed from sin. / Glory be to God! (Hymns #483, stanzas 1 and 2)
    – Growing up together in the Lord, / Saved by grace in life in one accord; / Growing up into a holy temple in the Lord, we gather, / Growing up together in the Lord. / Being raised together through His life, / Seated in the heavenlies with Jesus Christ; / Access to the Father God above, / Building up the church, His Body, / In His love. (Song on, Growing Up Together in the Lord, chorus and stanza 1)
    – What Thy heart desires and loves / Are not precious stones alone, / But together these to build / For Thy glory, for Thy home. / Thou, the all-inclusive Christ, / Dost a builded Church require, / That Thy glorious riches may / Radiate their light entire. (Hymns #839, stanza 3)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
2 years ago

After being reconciled to God, there was still the need for the Jews and the Gentiles to have access unto the Father for enjoyment… To be in the Body is a fact, but to be in the Spirit is an experience. Although we are in the Body, we may not be in the Spirit. Instead, we may be in our wandering thoughts. We may have God in fact by being in the Body, but if we would enjoy the Father in experience, we must be in the Spirit. Once we were far off from God, but we have been reconciled to Him positionally. Now there is no separation, no partition, between us and God. However, if we are not in the Spirit, we do not have the enjoyment of this fact. Hence, in order to enjoy experientially what we possess positionally, we need to be in the Spirit. Life-study of Ephesians, pp. 227-230, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
2 years ago

Everything that God does in us and for us is for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ!

We were justified, reconciled, forgiven, and enlivened for the church.

We were raised with Christ and seated with Him in the heavenlies for the church.

And we have access in the Son through the Spirit unto the Father to enjoy the dispensing of the Triune God and be built up into the church!

Hallelujah! Lord, we exercise our spirit to contact You, receive Your dispensing, and be built up as the church, Your Body!

Richard C.
Richard C.
2 years ago

By grace we have been saved, enlivened to together and seated together positionally with Christ in the heavenlies. Hallelujah!

We have have been reconciled positionally to God through the cross, but now we need to enjoy this fact experientially through access to the Father, which was made possible through God the Son – Christ – and in God the Spirit.

Christ came in the Spirit to announce the gospel to us, we received the Spirit and through Him we have access unto God the Father for our enjoyment!

Praise the Lord for the threefold dispensing of the Triune God so that we may enjoy experientally what we have positionally by being in spirit for God’s building!

K. P.
K. P.
2 years ago

Ameeeen! And this is our enjoyment! Hallelujah!

Enjoying this life flow in resurrection is our need to build up the Body of Christ!

Moh S.
Moh S.
2 years ago

Praise the Lord for the two way traffic of the threefold dispensing!

Hallelujah for the divine facts accomplished on the cross God freely saving us from our wretched position of death into the marvellous realm of life!

Hallelujah through being reconciled we have access unto the Father in one Spirit for out enjoyment!! Lord keep us enjoying the two way traffic of the threefold dispensing today!!

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 years ago

brother, we are in the Body — but we may not be in the Spirit. If we want to enjoy God, we must be in the Spirit.

Only the Spirit can bring us back to the Father through the Son in experience, not merely in fact.

It’s only by exercising our enlivened spirit to contact the Spirit that we can enjoy the dispensing of life by the Triune God.

It is this two-way traffic between us and the Spirit that enables us to grow to be the enlargement & expansion of Christ on earth.

M. M.
M. M.
2 years ago

Amen brother!

Jesus as a life giving Spirit brought the triune God to us and again this Spirit brought us to God. These are the two traffic ways for mutual dwellings.

Unfortunately, to be in the body doesn’t mean to be in the Spirit. In General, we were brought from death to life by Christ, resurrected from the grave by Him, ascended and seated in heaven by Christ. 

All these processes are to build the house of God, the church.

Praise the Lord!

Jon H.
Jon H.
2 years ago

Amen! Yes we have the Father reaching us in the son as the Spirit, and the Spirit brings us back to the Father and we can enjoy him as sons!

He places us in his body BUT the way to expirience this subjectively is in our spirit!!!!! Hallelujah the Spirit in our spirit!!!!

The more we do this more the temple is built up.

Lord keep us enjoying You!!

Claude Y.
Claude Y.
2 years ago

Amen Lord for the exercise of our spirit to be in the reality, the experience and enjoyment of the fact, the position we occupied with Christ!

I enjoyed that if we are not in the Spirit, we do not have the enjoyment of all the fact that Christ is to us. Hence, in order to enjoy experientially what we possess positionally, we need to be in Spirit.

God is Spirit (John 4:24). He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit (1 Cor 6:17).

Lord keep us join to You all day long!