The Sacrificing Christ Lives in us to Energize us to Sacrifice Ourselves for Others

A land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive trees with oil and of honey. Deut. 8:8

The vine is a type of the sacrificing Christ, the Christ who sacrificed everything of Himself, and out of this sacrifice He produced new wine to cheer God and man; such a One lives in us to energize us to live a sacrificing life to cheer God and man. Hallelujah!

This week in our morning revival we come to a simple yet very profound topic, A Land of Vines.

The good land is a land of vines. God has given us the good land, and this land is a land of wheat and barley, a land of vines.

When we see what it means that the good land is a land of vines, when we enter into the practical experience of this matter, we will love the Lord much more, we will be so happy, and we will love the house of God, for we are cheered by the new wine produced by Christ as the vine. Amen!

In order for us to be prepared for the Lord’s coming, for us to make ourselves ready for His return, we need to enter into the enjoyment and experience of the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land.

For us to be ready for the Lord’s return, we need to be the crazy lovers of Jesus.

We need to love Him to the uttermost. However, our loving the Lord is not a matter of outward behaviour or performance; it is based on a revelation of who Christ is.

When we see who the Lord is, how sweet and wonderful He is, we will just love Him.

When we see the Lord’s preciousness when we realize how all-inclusive and lovable He is, we will give ourselves to love Him, and we will be crazy lovers of Jesus.

May we see more of Jesus today and even through reading this article, may we love Him more. May we learn to drop everything else, everything, every distraction, and every kind of anxiety, to just turn our hearts to the Lord and behold Him.

When we behold the Lord, when we behold His face, we will be attracted by the most wonderful person in the whole universe.

The more we see Him, the more we enjoy Him.

And the more we see the Lord and enjoy Him, we will be a little bit crazy; this is not the craziness in the outward performance but being a crazy lover of the Lord.

We are crazy by not caring so much for what the world does or say, but we care for the Lord.

We love the Lord, and we don’t care what others think; no matter what our friends may say to us or do, we are the Oh Lord Jesus I love You people!

And we are full of happiness and rejoicing, with a lot of joy, because the bride and the groom are coming together, and everyone shares in this kind of happiness.

The Lord has called us to this, to enjoy Him until we enter into the wedding feast, and He is the new wine for us to be cheered up. Praise the Lord!

The Sacrificing Christ is the Reality of the Vine: He Sacrifices Himself to Produce New Wine to Cheer God and Man

He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, / And herbage for man's use, / That he may bring forth food from the earth: Even wine that cheers man's heart, / Oil that makes [his] face shine, / And bread that sustains man's heart. Psa. 104:14-15What does it mean for us to enjoy and experience the all-inclusive Christ as a land of vines?

What is the reality or application of the vine in the good land, and how can we experience this in our daily life?

In John 15 we clearly see that Christ is the vine. No doubt, Christ is the vine, the reality of the vine.

In particular, the vine typifies the sacrificing Christ, the Christ who sacrificed everything of Himself, and out of this sacrifice He produced new wine to cheer God and man (see Deut. 8:8; Judg. 9:13; Psa. 104:15).

Christ came to be the vine, and one of the outstanding characteristics or features of the vine is that it sacrifices itself to produce grapes which are turned into wine to cheer man.

The vine is a type of Christ, in particular, a type of the sacrificing Christ.

When Christ came to the earth, He did not come as a King to be served by man nor did He come as the Fullness of God to be worshipped by man; He came as a sacrificing Christ, the reality of the vine.

If we consider the Lord’s life we will see that He lived a life of sacrifice. He sacrificed in every possible way.

He did this because He loves us, and He did this because His life is a sacrificing life.

When He was with His disciples, He sacrificed Himself; when He met the Pharisees and the Sadducees, He sacrificed Himself.

He sacrificed His sleep, His comfort, His rest, and everything about Himself so that others may eat, be satisfied, be healed, and be nourished both with physical food and spiritual food.

He was pressed from every side, and He sacrificed Himself. On one hand, a vine spreads and grows, and the church as the organism of the Triune God is His increase, His spread, and His growth, spreading all over the earth.

On the other hand, the vine is a type of the sacrificing Christ. he lived through many pressing circumstances, and He produced new wine. He even said that new wine cannot be put in old wineskins, otherwise, the wineskins will burst (Mark 2:22).

Because He was pressed, constrained, limited, and constricted, new wine came out of Him to satisfy and cheer God and man.

God was happy with Christ, calling Him His beloved (Matt. 3:17), and man was cheered by the Lord’s presence, being drawn to Him and running after Him.

There was something attractive, aromatic, and cheerful about the Lord.

Though His appearance was not pleasant to sight, there was the new wine with Him, for He was the sacrificing Christ, and many were drawn to Him.

The vine typifies the sacrificing Christ.

...I have come that they may have life and may have [it] abundantly. I am the good Shepherd; the good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep...Even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. John 10:10-11, 15He sacrificed Himself willingly, being willing to lay down His life for His sheep; He came that we may have life and may have it abundantly, and for this, He sacrificed Himself (John 10).

The Lord emptied Himself, not maintaining His status as God or His stature as part of the Godhead; He put aside the outward form of His divinity and lowered Himself, humbled Himself, and sacrificed Himself (Phil. 2).

Eph. 5:25-26 also tells us that He gave Himself up for the church to sanctify her and make her His beautiful bride.

He did not hold anything for Himself; He laid down His life for His sheep.

In Mark 14:33 we see that, in the garden of Gethsemane, prior to His crucifixion, He prayed, began to be awestruck and deeply distressed, being in the grip of a shuddering horror in the face of the dreadful prospect before Him.

Though He knew He would commit the ultimate sacrifice, laying down His human life for His people, He took the cup from the Father by accepting His will.

What a sacrificing Christ we have!

When we see His self-sacrificing life, we are drawn to Him.

We are just attracted to this One, and we love Him, we appreciate Him, and we are thankful for His sacrifice for us.

We simply thank Him and praise Him, and we appreciate Him.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being the sacrificing Christ who gave Himself up for us so that God and man may be cheered and satisfied. Thank You for coming that we may have life and may have it abundantly, and for this You laid down Your own life. How we appreciate You as the One who laid down His life for the sheep. You came for us to be brought back to God, and You paid the ultimate price, sacrificing even Your own human life for us to be redeemed. Oh Lord, we love You and we appreciate You as the sacrificing Christ. We enjoy You and we are cheered by the new wine produced by Your sacrificing life. You cheer us, Lord, and You make us happy. You make God happy and You also make us happy. Thank You for producing the new wine out of Your sacrificing life to cheer God and man. We just love You. We appreciate You. We open to You. We want to experience and enjoy You as the sacrificing Christ today!

Christ as the Sacrificing Lamb Lives in us to Energize us to Sacrifice ourselves for Others to bring them Cheer

The trees once went forth to anoint a king over themselves. And they said to the olive tree, Reign over us...Then the trees said to the vine, You come and reign over us. But the vine said to them, Shall I leave my new wine, which cheers God and men, and go to wave over the trees? Judg. 9:8, 12-13On one hand, we appreciate and love the sacrificing Christ as the reality of the vines; on the other hand, we enjoy Him and experience Him as the sacrificing Christ.

We all can testify that, to a certain extent, we had a certain amount of experience of Christ as the vine, but we may have not realized it nor did we pay much attention to it.

Sometimes under the Lord’s sovereignty, we are put into a certain situation where we need to sacrifice ourselves to make others happy and also to make the Lord happy.

When in this kind of situation we contact the Lord, we experience Him as the wine-producing vine.

In ourselves, we don’t really want to sacrifice ourselves, for we love ourselves and it’s so comfortable and nice to just remain in ourselves.

But when we contact the sacrificing Christ, we are energized by His life to sacrifice ourselves for others and bring them cheer.

Out of this experience, we become the vine; we become the producer of something that cheers both God and man.

If we think about our experience, we realize that this has been our experience sometimes.

How wonderful it is that we can experience Christ in all situations, and He is all-inclusive!

On one hand, Christ is limited and willing to be limited so that He can impart His life into many others; this is to experience Christ as the grain of wheat.

On the other hand, Christ is the resurrected One, full of life and power, and nothing can hold Him down, and we experience Him as such a One in our limiting and constraining situations.

This is the experience of Christ as the barley.

Still more, we can experience Christ as the sacrificing One, the One who sacrifices Himself for the sake of others to make them happy, to give them to drink the new wine.

In Judges 9:12-13 we are told, in a parable, that the vine does not desire to wave over the trees but rather provide the sweet wine to God and man to cheer them up.

A sacrificing person is one who does not desire to rule over others or to lord it over them; he is satisfied with sacrificing himself so that new wine may be produced to satisfy God and man.

Sometimes in the church life we realize that the saints are happy with a particular person because he is always providing new wine, sacrificing himself for others to be happy. We need to be such ones.

We want to experience Christ in the aspect of living a sacrificing life in Christ and with Christ, being one with Christ as a wine producer.

We need to realize that Christ as the sacrificing Lamb lives in us, and He energizes us to sacrifice ourselves for others to bring them cheer.

What a Christ we have!

Sometimes, however, we have to admit that, when we don’t enjoy Christ as the vine, nothing pleases us.

...experience of Christ as the wine producer, sacrificing Himself to produce wine for others and for God. If you experience Christ in this aspect, you yourself will have much wine to drink, and you will be drunk. Then you will be crazy with Christ. You should be a person who is drunk and crazy with Christ. You should be able to say, “I am so happy, Lord, I am so happy. I don’t know what selfishness means; that is a foreign language to me. Day by day I am drinking the wine of Christ.” Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” pp. 239-240The sun may be shining, but we are not happy with how bright it is.

The food on the table may be delicious, but we may not be content because it is too hot or too cold.

The bed may be too hard and cold, the people around us may be too harsh to us, and the weather is just too cold or too hot. Oh, Lord.

When we don’t enjoy Christ as the sacrificing One, nothing pleases us, and in turn, we are not happy with the Lord or with others.

But if we experience and enjoy Christ as the wine producer, the One who sacrifices Himself to produce wine for others and for God, we will be happy in the Lord and we will even be drunk with the new wine.

We will enjoy the sacrificing Christ and we will be filled with the new wine, being crazy with Christ.

We will be a person who is drunk and crazy with Christ!

We will be so happy, for the Lord in us energizes us to live a sacrificing life, and we will spontaneously make others happy.

May we be those who drink Christ as the new wine day by day.

May we come to Him and enjoy Him, even asking Him to be our life and everything as we live our daily life so that we may bring cheer to God and man by living a sacrificing life one with the Lord.

May we be those who experience Christ as the sacrificing Lamb living in us and energizing us to sacrifice ourselves for others to bring them cheer.

Lord Jesus, we want to experience You as the One who sacrifices Himself to bring others cheer. Thank You for coming into us as the sacrificing Lamb to energize us to sacrifice ourselves for others to bring them cheer. Amen, Lord, we come to You to drink You as the new wine. We love You, Lord, and we are so happy! We are happy to drink You as the new wine! We don’t know what selfishness means: this is a foreign language to us. We love to drink You as the new wine day by day until we are filled with You as the new wine! Amen, Lord, live in us today a sacrificing life. Give us the experiences we need for us to live one with You as the sacrificing Christ, the Christ who sacrifices Himself for God and man to be cheered. We admit, Lord, that in ourselves we don’t want to do this and we can’t do it, so we turn to You and take You as our life and as our everything! Hallelujah, the sacrificing Lamb lives in us to energize us to sacrifice ourselves for others to bring them cheer!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ray Mulligan in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” ch. 5, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good land for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to make Herself Ready for the Lord’s Coming (2023 Winter Training), week 5, entitled, A Land of Vines.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    The Power that Enables Us to Choose the Will of God, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    The Ministry Bearing the Mark of Death and Resurrection (2), via, Shepherding Words.
    – Recommending the LSM Radio Broadcast on Philippians here.
    The all-inclusive Christ in the New Testament, via, Conversant Faith.
    A Land of Vines – English – Prophesying Outline DST23 Week 05 via, Church in Chennai.
    The True Nature of Our Relationship with the Lord Jesus, via Bibles for America blog.
    Migration and Our Standard of Living, via, Living to Him.
    Ministry Portion on the Vines, via Christian Students.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – “Consider Him,” and thus thy life shall be / Filled with self-sacrifice and purity; / God will work out in thee the pattern true, / And Christ’s example ever keep in view. (Hymns #656 stanza 4)
    – Every day the Lord Himself is near me, / With a special mercy for each hour; / All my cares He fain would bear and cheer me, / He whose name is Counsellor and Pow’r. / The protection of His child and treasure / Is a charge that on Himself He laid; / “As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,” / This the pledge to me He made. (Hymns #713 stanza 2)
    – Jesus is now the land of wheat— / Incarnate, crucified. / But resurrection life is He / By barley signified. / He is a land of figs and vines— / Blood of the grape, the cheering wine. / With such supplies He satisfies— / Christ our land! (Hymns #1164 stanza 2)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
10 months ago

Several years ago when I was in Taipei, Taiwan, a good number of brothers and sisters came and stayed with us to receive some spiritual help. One sister among them was always murmuring, always complaining. When she took a bath, the water was not hot enough; when she ate a meal, the food was too cold. All day long it was, “Why this?” and “Why that?”…No one was happy with her because she simply had not learned to sacrifice herself. She had never learned how to apply the sacrificing Christ to her situation. She herself was not a happy person, and she did not make anyone else happy. She was short of wine. She had no experience of Christ as the wine producer, sacrificing Himself to produce wine for others and for God.

If you experience Christ in this aspect, you yourself will have much wine to drink, and you will be drunk. Then you will be crazy with Christ. You should be a person who is drunk and crazy with Christ. You should be able to say, “I am so happy, Lord, I am so happy. I don’t know what selfishness means; that is a foreign language to me. Day by day I am drinking the wine of Christ.”

Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The All-inclusive Christ,” pp. 239-240

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
10 months ago

Our Christ is the vine, the wine producer, the One who sacrifices Himself to cheer others and to cheer God.

When we enjoy Him as such a One, wow, Christ as the sacrificing One will live in us, energizing us to sacrifice ourselves for others to bring them cheer.

Lord, in ourselves we can’t do it but we come to You. We take You and we enjoy You as the vine. Live in us and energize us to be those who sacrifice ourselves for God and others to be cheered and happy!

Moh S.
Moh S.
10 months ago

Aaaaameeen! Lord Jesus live in us today!

We like to enjoy You as the vine, energize us to sacrifice ourselves to cheer God and to cheer man! Lord Jesus, we love You!

D. S.
D. S.
10 months ago

Amen! May this be our reality

Pak L.
Pak L.
10 months ago

Amen. Thank the Lord for this land of vines.

We can enjoy the Lord as the sacrificing Christ.

Lord teach us how to apply this sacrificing Christ to our situations. We want to be those producing new wine to cheer God and man.

Lord You are the true vine. We open ourselves to You today. Gain every moment Lord. Remind us to turn to You!

S. A.
S. A.
10 months ago

Yes, amen.

Lord live in us and energise us to be the ones to sacrifice ourselves for others to bring them cheer.

Let us enjoy you as the vine today Lord

Christian A.
Christian A.
10 months ago


We need to learn to apply the sacrificing Christ to our situation, experiencing Him as the One who sacrifices Himself to produce wine to cheer others and God.

O Lord Jesus! Make us those who are drunk & crazy with You by drinking You as our wine each day.

K. P.
K. P.
10 months ago

Deut. 8:8 A land of wheat and barley and vines…; a land of olive trees with oil and of honey.

Judg. 9:13 But the vine said to them, Shall I leave my new wine, which cheers God and men…? 

Psa. 104:14-15 He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbage for man’s use, that he may bring forth food from the earth: even wine that cheers man’s heart, oil that makes his face shine…

Praise the Lord!😃🙌🙋🏽

Richard C.
Richard C.
10 months ago

If we drink Christ as the true vine, we will be happy Christians who make God happy and the brothers and sisters happy.

Instead of complaining or murmuring, we should be those who enjoy the wine-producing Christ, who sacrificed Himself to cheer God and man.

O Lord Jesus we want to abide in You as the vine today, to experience You as the land of vines in whatever situation You arrange for us to cheer God and man!

Nick H.
Nick H.
10 months ago

Praise the Lord, dear brother.

Christ the Son as the true vine with the believers as its branches is the organism of the Triune God in God’s economy, the divine dispensing, to grow with His riches and express the divine life. Hallelujah

Claude Y.
Claude Y.
10 months ago

Amen Lord!

May we be those enjoying You as the sacrificed Christ to produce wine to cheer God and others!

agodman audio
agodman audio
10 months ago
Alan T.
Alan T.
10 months ago

04/22/24 A Land of Vines (Week 5, Day 1)

“The Vine Typifies the Sacrificing Christ, the Christ Who Sacrificed Everything of Himself, and Out of His Sacrifice He Produces New Wine to Cheer God and Man”

Deuteronomy 8:8 says, 

“A land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive trees with oil and of honey;” This verse is rich in spiritual significance:

a.) The land, referring to the good land of Canaan, being abundantly rich in its produce, typifies the All-inclusive Christ, with His unsearchable riches;

b.) Wheat typifies the incarnated, crucified, and buried Christ;

c.) Barley typifies the resurrected Christ;

d.) Vine tree and olive tree typify the cherishing (cheering) Christ and the sacrificing Christ.

e.) Oil typifies Christ, as the Life-giving Spirit, or the Spirit Who gives life.

Christ sacrificed Himself by dying on the cross on our behalf in order to become the Life-giving Spirit (1Cor 15:45). This is typified by the olives from the olive tree being pressed to produce oil, and the grapes from the vine that passed through the winepress in order to produce new wine. New wine is to cheer God and man, and oil is for life-giving or fruit-bearing.

Christ is the Rock that was smitten by Moses, to release water that gives life to the children of Israel in the wilderness(Exo 17:6; 1Cor 10:4). By sacrificing all of Himself on the cross, Christ, on the one hand, produced something to cheer God and man, and on the other hand, something to enliven man. Christ is such a wine-producing Vine Tree and oil-producing Olive Tree. When we enjoy Christ, we shall experience Him as the wine-producing Vine Tree to cheer us up and the oil-producing Olive Tree to enliven us. 

Deuteronomy 6:11 speaks of “hewn cisterns that you did not hew.” Christ is the fountain of living water (John 4:14; 7:38), and in the church, there is the fountain of living water to be our life supply. The verse further says, “Vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant, and you have eaten and are satisfied.” Vineyards are for producing wine, and olive groves are for producing oil. Wine signifies the life that can cheer man, and oil signifies the Spirit who consoles and comforts man (Judg 9:13, 9).

Through Christ’s death, the shell of His humanity was broken in order to release His divine life that embodies all the riches of God. By His resurrection, Christ became the Life-giving Spirit in order to make Himself available to those who believe into Him and for them to receive all the riches of God.

The Life-giving Spirit enters and indwells our spirit the moment we believe and receive the Lord as our Savior. On the one hand, the Life-giving Spirit is the cheering Wine to make us happy. On the other hand, the Life-giving Spirit is the generating Oil within us to enliven us, dispensing life into tripartite being. 

“We thank You, Lord Jesus, for sacrificing Yourself on the cross in order for You to produce wine to cheer us up and oil to enliven us. Amen.”

M. J. B.
M. J. B.
10 months ago

In this text, there are references to different types of crops and trees such as wheat, barley, vines, olive trees with oil, and honey. 

The Psalm also mentions grass for cattle and herbage for man’s use that can bring forth food from the earth including wine that cheers man’s heart and oil that makes his face shine.

The text goes on to discuss the significance of the vine tree which represents Christ who sacrificed Himself on the cross to produce new wine that would cheer both God and man. This sacrifice is compared to grapes being pressed to make new wine in Matthew 9:17.

Overall, this passage uses agricultural imagery to convey spiritual truths about Christ’s sacrifice and how it brings joy and nourishment to believers.

(HWMRW5D1) Enjoyment 😊

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
10 months ago

The vine signifies Christ as the One who sacrificed Himself by being “pressed” on the cross to produce new wine to cheer God and man (Matt. 9:17).

Deut. 9:12, footnote 1 on, “vine”, Recovery Version Bible

M. M
M. M
10 months ago

Christ is not only the grain of wheat and the loaf of barley, but He is also the vine to produce wine for us to drink and we will be drunk with the life giving Spirit, The Triune God!

Mario V.
Mario V.
10 months ago

The main point about the significance of the vine is the it produces wine that cheers both God and man. This wine not only energises us to live a life of sacrifice to bring cheer to others but causes us to be drunk and be crazy with Christ.

Oh Lord may we pay attention to our drinking of this wine.

Energise us to live You. Make us Your crazy lovers. 🙏🙏🙏

C. J. Y.
C. J. Y.
10 months ago

Wine is an end product of a pressed vine. Christ is our wine-producer. Christ and the Church are typified by the vine and the organism. The divine dispensing is the element of the church. The true vine which is Christ with the organism which is the church produces the wine which is the end product. This is corporate and universal. 😊♥️☕

Keep loving and enjoying our Christ. He is in and within us…. 😊♥️☕
