The Result of our Justification is the Full Enjoyment of God in Christ as Life

Rom. 5:10 For if we, being enemies, were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more we will be saved in His life, having been reconciled.

As believers in Christ we need to have a definite understanding of the structure of the gospel of God so that we would have a firm grasp of what the gospel is and we would be filled with boldness to come forward to enjoy God’s salvation and speak to others concerning this wonderful gospel.

The righteous shall have life and live by faith (Rom. 1:17) – this is the structure of the gospel. First of all, the gospel is the power of God because the righteousness of God is revealed in it. The gospel doesn’t merely say that God loves you and wants to save you and give you life and peace; the gospel is based on God’s righteousness.

God can’t just forgive sinners without meeting the demands of His righteousness; in His eyes and according to His righteousness, the soul who sins shall die (Ezek. 18:4), and the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23).

How can sinners be saved, and how can we as sinful people enjoy God’s salvation? God has provided a way: Jesus Christ, God incarnated, came to die for us; He as the righteous One died on behalf of the unrighteous so that whoever repents and believes into Him would not perish but would be justified and qualified to receive God’s life.

On the cross Jesus, the most righteous One, was made sin for us, the sinners; He condemned sin in the flesh, and by dying on our behalf He fulfilled all of God’s righteousness – now for the sake of His righteousness, God MUST forgive us whenever we repent, confess our sins, and apply the Lord’s blood!

Because God is bound by His righteousness to forgive us, righteousness is the power of God’s salvation and righteousness is the unshakable foundation of our salvation!

Today our Christian experience is based on the righteousness of God: we can come forward to God to enjoy Him, partake of Him, and experience Him based on the blood of Christ which satisfies all the requirements of God’s righteousness.

Whenever we claim the blood of Jesus and appeal to God’s righteousness, God has no choice but to forgive us, and no matter what the accuser says, we believe the word of God and stand on God’s promise (see 1 John 1:9).

The Result of our Justification is the Full Enjoyment of God in Christ as Life

Rom. 5:18 So then as it was through one offense unto condemnation to all men, so also it was through one righteous act unto justification of life to all men.

The righteousness of God is the procedure of God’s salvation judicially, but the life of Christ is the purpose of God’s salvation organically (see Rom. 1:16-17; 5:10, 18). The goal of God’s salvation is His life; God justifies us so that we may be qualified and brought up to the standard of God’s righteousness and correspond with it, so that He can impart His life into us (Rom. 5:18).

God’s righteousness is the procedure – but it is not the goal; through the procedure of His righteousness, God can dispense His life into us. God’s righteousness is the channel through which His grace and life can flow as a current; if we don’t have the proper channel, God’s life cannot flow into us.

God justifies us according to the standard of His righteousness so that we may receive the divine life into us; to receive the divine life into our spirit is the ultimate goal of God’s salvation.

Before we can receive God’s life in His salvation, we need to have the right standing, the right position; justification changes our outward position, while the divine life changes our inward constitution and disposition.

It is very important for us as believers to be clear concerning the procedure and basis of God’s salvation – His righteousness, not our merit or good deeds, but the blood of Christ; based on the righteousness of God, we are justified by God to enjoy His organic salvation.

The result of our justification is the full enjoyment of God in Christ as our life; in God’s organic salvation we have love, grace, peace, hope, life, glory, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and God as our enjoyment (Rom. 5:1-11). Witness LeeThe result of our justification is the full enjoyment of God in Christ as life! In God’s organic salvation we have love, grace, peace, hope, life, glory, the Holy Spirit, Christ, and God as our enjoyment (see Rom. 5:1-11).

In Romans 5:1-11 Paul mentions six outstanding words: love, grace, peace, hope, life, and glory. The love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit (v. 5). We have access into this grace in which we stand (v. 2). Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace toward God (v. 1). Following this, we boast, exult, and glory in hope (v. 2). Verse 10 tells us that we will be saved in His life. Finally, we expect to share the glory of God (v. 2). These six items are part of the result of God’s justification. Do you want God’s love and grace? Do you desire peace and hope? Do you want to share the divine, eternal life of God and be in His glory? For all of these matters you need justification. All of them are our portion as the issue of God’s justification. (Witness Lee, Life-Study of Romans)

Based on God’s justification we can enjoy the love of God (the source of our salvation) – the Holy Spirit pours out the love of God into our heart. Through His love, we enjoy God’s grace, and as we enjoy God as love, that love becomes our grace.

Today we stand in grace – we don’t stand on our mood, emotion, or the environment; we daily stand in the grace of God, and this gives us peace, which brings in hope – a living hope, the hope of life, which brings us into glory – God Himself expressed.

Hallelujah, through the procedure of His righteousness – by justifying us before God – we now can enjoy the Triune God as our life and everything!

Thank You Lord for justifying us so that we may enter into the full enjoyment of God in Christ as our life. We now stand on Your righteousness being satisfied through the blood of Christ, and we come forward to enjoy God’s organic salvation in our daily living. Thank You God for establishing the procedure through which we can be qualified and brought up to the standard of Your righteousness so that You can impart Your life into us! Amen, Lord, impart more of Your divine life into all the parts of our being today!

How the Saving Life of Christ is Accomplishing the Organic Goal of God’s Dynamic Salvation

Rom. 8:11 And if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you.In the New Testament we see how God established the procedure of His salvation – His righteousness being satisfied by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, and God justifying us through faith – so that we, the believers in Christ, may enjoy the saving life of Christ organically day by day.

After repenting and believing into the Lord, a process of God’s organic salvation began in us, and the saving life of Christ is accomplishing the organic goal of God’s dynamic salvation in many ways.

The life of God which came into us through our regeneration (based on our justification by God according to His righteousness) is not static – it is living, moving, and operating in our being to accomplish the goal of God’s organic salvation.

First, we have been justified by God in Christ as the righteousness from God so that we may live in this life before God – we are the righteous who have life and live by faith (Rom. 1:17).

Because Christ fulfilled all the requirements of God’s righteousness by becoming a substitute for us on the cross, we were released from our sins, justified by God, made alive from sin, and now we can live before God by faith.

Hallelujah, no longer are we dead in our sins and offenses: now through God’s justification we are righteous and can live by faith in the divine life before God! This life makes us the many sons of God and the many brothers of Christ (see Rom. 8:14; Heb. 2:10; Rom. 8:29).

Through regeneration by the Spirit of life with God’s producing and multiplying life, we are now the God-justified believers to be the many sons of God, the children of God, and the many brothers of Christ to constitute the Body of Christ.

We are not only sinners saved by grace but children of God and brothers of Christ! We are not merely “Christians” (as those who follow Christ) but sons of God having God’s life in us. This life is imparted into us so that we may grow in Christ out of death and unto maturity (Rom. 8:11).

After we were regenerated, the divine life operates in us continually to cause us to grow unto maturity. As we open to Him, fellowship with Him, say Amen to His word, and are open to hear His speaking throughout the day, the divine life of God grows in us to bring us out of death and unto maturity and cause us to be mature sons of God to express Him.

Hallelujah, the life of Christ is constantly being dispensed into our being so that our spirit, soul, and body would be filled with life!

Thank You God for justifying us in Christ as the righteousness from God to us so that we may live in the divine life before God! Hallelujah, we are now justified before God, we have the divine life, and we can live by faith. Thank You for making us the many sons of God and the many brothers of Christ through regeneration by the Spirit of life. Lord, may Your divine life be infused, imparted, and dispensed into our being more and more until every part of our tripartite being is filled with the divine life and we are brought unto maturity!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, brother James Lee’s sharing in the message for this week, and Life-study of Romans, msg. 9 (by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, The Gospel (2016 International Chinese-speaking Conference), week 3 / msg. 3, The Structure of the Gospel of God—the Righteousness of God, the Life of Christ, and the Faith of the Believers.
  • All Bible verses are taken from, Holy Bible Recovery Version.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Propitiation made by the blood, / Jesus’ redemption bought us for God! / No condemnation, justification! / We have peace toward God! / Now we’re rejoicing, standing in grace, / Oh hallelujah! Sin is erased! / God, in us flowing, in our hearts growing, / We are saved in His life! (Hymns #1131)
    # Therefore being justified by faith / We have peace with God / Through our Lord Jesus Christ / Because the love of God is shed abroad / In our hearts, by the Holy Spirit / Which is given, which is given / Unto us, to us, to us. (Scripture song)
    # The divine Trinity spreads through our soul, / To saturate our whole being, life’s goal; / We become members, the Body of Christ, / Built up together by Christ’s saving life. (Song on God’s organic salvation)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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G. S.
G. S.
8 years ago

Romans 5 unveils six wonderful things and three wonderful persons. We HAVE love, grace, peace,hope,life and glory! As a result of God’s justification, we HAVE the Holy Spirit, Christ and God as our enjoyment!

Brother L.
Brother L.
8 years ago

Life is the goal of God’s salvation; thus, justification is “of life.” Justification is not an end in itself; it is for life. Through justification we have come up to the standard of God’s righteousness and correspond with it, so that now He can impart His life to us. Justification changes our outward position; life changes our inward disposition. Justification unto life indicates that life is the focus of Romans 5 and that the organic union of life is an issue of justification. (Rom. 5:18, footnote 2, Recovery Version Bible)

L. T.
L. T.
8 years ago

Lord work out the “MUCH MORE” in us day by day and moment by moment. Save us MUCH MORE in Your Life!

Daniel G.
Daniel G.
7 years ago

Amen Lord! Impart more of Your divine life into all the parts of our being today so that we can be qualified and brought up to the standard of Your righteousness, that You can impart Your life into us…