Renewed in God’s Living Word for our Growth and Transformation in Life to be a New Man

All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Tim. 3:16

We need to be renewed in God’s living word for our growth in life and transformation in life to be a new man who enjoys and partakes of the good land, the all-inclusive Christ.

After the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, the second generation had a renewed training given by God through Moses before entering the good land; we need to grow in life unto maturity so that we may be transformed and become part of the new generation that takes possession of the good land.

A renewed training was given by God through Moses to the new generation of the children of Israel after their long wandering.

This was to prepare them to enter into the good land promised by God to inherit it as their possession.

After the first generation, with the exception of Caleb and Joshua, had died out, the second generation was ready to enter into the good land and possess it.

On the negative side, we saw the warning regarding idolatry, which is rebellion against God.

When the people of God fall into idolatry, God has to come in and discipline them, for this touches the matter of the worship of God.

When we speak of idolatry, we don’t mean only the icons, statues, and things that we see in the Roman Catholic Church, or the paintings of “Jesus” which we see hanging on the wall in the homes of so many Christians.

Indeed, these are idols, and behind them, the enemy hides and comes in to bring in destruction, but idolatry is much more than that.

Especially in these last days, at the end of this age, people worship what they enjoy, and they worship entertainment and amusement, just as the children of Israel worshipped the golden calf and had much amusement and entertainment related to it.

Even Christians today worship entertainment and amusement, and everyone in the world is seeking to be amused and entertained.

Many times Christians don’t go to a church because there is no attractive program of entertainment, and so many Christians bring their children to church because there is an interesting Sunday school with art projects and all kinds of interesting crafts going on.

This has become the center of the worship of the people of God in so many places.

And we say this not to condemn others but to realize that it is so easy to gather together around a certain routine, program, entertaining matter, or just to enjoy our time together.

We need to be purified in our heart and in our way of meeting so that we meet in the name of the Lord Jesus, around the person of Jesus Christ, and with Him in mind and heart only.

We don’t come together to do this or that; we come together to enjoy the wonderful person of the Lord Jesus, who is our center and reality.

We focus only on Him. He is our unique entertainment and amusement, and in Him, we are made happy.

Being Renewed for our Growth in Life and the Consuming of our Old Man so that we may be a New Man

Therefore keep the commandments of Jehovah your God, walking in His ways and fearing Him. For Jehovah your God is bringing you to a good land, a land of waterbrooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains. Deut. 8:6-7 Oh that my ways may be established / So as to keep Your statutes! Then I will not be put to shame, / When I regard all Your commandments. I will give thanks to You with uprightness of heart / When I learn Your righteous ordinances. Psa. 119:5-7In the history of the children of Israel, the generation that came out of Egypt was not the generation that entered the good land, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb.

The first generation, the old generation, died in the wilderness, and the second generation, the new generation, entered into the good land.

The first generation signifies our old man, and the second generation signifies our new man.

Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit, and they belonged to the new generation, not to the old generation; therefore, they had a double baptism – both in the Red Sea and in the Jordan River.

The first generation typifies our old man; the second generation typifies our new man (Deut. 2:14; 8:6-10; Exo. 3:8; Col. 1:12).

We need to be those who grow in life day by day into the full possession and enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ, God’s promised land.

As we grow in life by allowing the Lord to grow in us and consume our old man, our old man is dying out and the new man is growing; this is transformation.

We can say that, as the old generation was dying and the new generation was growing, the people of Israel were being transformed.

On one hand, the old generation was dying; this is the consuming of our old man through the breaking work of the cross (2 Cor. 4:16).

On the other hand, a new generation was growing; this is the growth in life of the new man for us to possess the land and be transformed into the image of Christ.

On one hand, we are being consumed in the outer man; on the other hand, we are being renewed in our inner man.

God’s economy is to have our old man (the outer man) consumed and our new man (the inner man) renewed day by day.

By the Lord’s mercy and grace, since we have come into the church life in the Lord’s recovery, we are being renewed for our growth in life and transformation in life to usher us into the enjoyment of Christ as the good land for God’s building and kingdom (2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2).

We are now enjoying the Lord both personally and with the saints, and we are being renewed day by day.

Sometimes we may fellowship with some older saints for many years without knowing their physical age, and when we find out how old they are, we are very surprised, for they are so young in their spirit.

But we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit. 2 Cor. 3:18 And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind... Rom. 12:2 Therefore we do not lose heart; but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner [man] is being renewed day by day. 2 Cor. 4:16The more we grow in life, the younger and newer we become in the new man.

On one hand, through the environmental dealings of the Holy Spirit, our outer man is being consumed.

On the other hand, through the renewing of our mind, our inner man is renewed and transformed.

The old generation is being eliminated and is dying, and the new generation is growing and being formed into God’s army to take the land. Hallelujah!

Transformation in life is a matter of eliminating the old generation, the old man, and putting on the new generation, the new man.

We need to realize that, in order for us to take possession of the all-inclusive Christ as the good land, we need to have our old man consumed and eliminated and our new man is renewed and conformed to the image of Christ.

We all can acknowledge that we have some enjoyment of Christ, but we did not yet possess Him as the all-inclusive land.

If we want to possess the all-inclusive Christ, our old man must die out, and our new man must come forth.

May we daily grow in life and allow the Lord to deal with and consume our outer man so that we may be fully able to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ and take possession of His riches.

Lord Jesus, we open to Your renewed training for us to be prepared to enter into the full enjoyment and possession of the all-inclusive Christ as the good land. Amen, Lord, we want to be those who grow in life into the full possession and enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ! Hallelujah, God’s promised land is ours, and we can grow in life and be transformed in order to enjoy and partake of the riches of the good land! Amen, Lord, we want to remain in the process of the dying out of the old man and the growing up of the new man. May our old man – our outer man – be consumed, and may our new man – our inner man – be renewed day by day! Keep us in the renewing process until we’re fully transformed into the image of Christ. Amen, Lord Jesus, we want to fully possess and enjoy the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land! For this, we give ourselves to You to grow in life unto maturity and be transformed!

Experience Transformation in Life by Enjoying the Lord in His Word and Maintaining our Freshness and Newness with Him

...Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God. Matt. 4:4

Deut. 8:3 says that man lives not by bread alone but by everything that proceeds out through the mouth of Jehovah.

The Lord Jesus quoted this verse in Matt. 4:4 where He replaced “everything” with “every word”.

What proceeds out through the mouth of God is His word; we live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God.

We are being transformed in life as we let the word of Christ dwell in us richly (Col. 3:16).

And receive the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which [Spirit] is the word of God, By means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints. Eph. 6:17-18The word of Christ is in the Bible, but we need to let it dwell in us richly.

We need to let the word of Christ, the living word of God, dwell in us, make its home in us, and richly abide in us. All the words in the Bible are breathed out through the mouth of God.

As part of the renewed training that we need before entering the good land is the word of God dwelling in us richly and breathing in the breathed-out word of God.

As we eat the Lord’s word, we experience transformation in life.

All the words in the Bible are God’s breathing, and all refer to Christ, who is the totality of God’s word (John 1:1; Rev. 19:13) to be life and life supply to us, the people of God.

How can we live the Christian life? How can we be transformed in life? It is by breathing in the breathed-out word of God.

We need to not only read the Bible but exercise our spirit to breathe in the word of God.

The word of God is the breath of God, the very breathing out of God (1 Tim. 3:16).

We live by every word that proceeds out through the mouth of God; this means that we live by Christ, the embodiment of the divine breath (John 6:57, 63; 20:22).

In the Old Testament we see how the loving seekers of God, especially the Psalmists, loved the word of God.

Psalm 119 is filled with verses that express how much the psalmist loved the word of God, and this word was a lamp to his feet and a light to his path.

He put the word of God, the precepts, commandments, laws, statutes, ordinances and judgments of God before his eyes all the time.

In the Old Testament, they only had the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible; however, those who loved God took these words and partook of them with gladness and much love and appreciation toward God.

Expressions such as law, commandments, statutes, ordinances, and judgments in the book of Deuteronomy are synonyms of Christ.

We need to take Christ, keep Christ, hold fast to Christ, and enjoy Christ as the word of God; this is for our transformation in life.

The Christ whom we should take, keep, hold fast, and enjoy is in the Bible, for He is the embodiment of the Word of God.

And this Christ today is the life-giving Spirit, even the breathed-out Spirit of God (John 20:22).

Because the Scriptures are the breathing out of God, the exhaling of God (2 Tim. 3:16), we should inhale the Scriptures by receiving the word of God by means of all prayer (Eph. 6:17-18).

We don’t just read the Bible; we inhale the Lord in His word, for He is breathing Himself out in His word and we breathe Him in by our prayerful musing and consideration.

May we remain in the enjoyment of the Lord in His word by inhaling Him in the word day by day.

In order for us to fully possess Christ as the good land, we need to maintain our freshness and newness with the Lord by receiving His new speaking to us day by day (Lam. 3:22-24; Deut. 34:7; Rom. 7:6; Jer. 15:16).

You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that testify concerning Me. John 5:39 As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me. John 6:57 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. John 6:63We need to have the Lord’s new speaking daily; each morning we need to come to Him in His word and ask Him to speak to us.

We cannot go on with the Lord unless we have Him fresh speaking. We need to maintain our freshness and newness with the Lord.

We must beware of languishing in the land (Deut. 4:25).

It is easy to lose our spiritual freshness, have our original impressions blunted, and just go on by force of custom or long residence in the same spot.

May the Lord save us from languishing in the good land, that is, losing our spiritual freshness and newness with the Lord.

Moses was one hundred twenty years old when he died (Deut. 33:4), but his eye was not dim and his freshness had not left him.

We need to ask the Lord to not allow our eyes to be dim nor our freshness to leave us, no matter how advanced in the Lord we are.

If we love the Lord, humble ourselves, and come to the Lord as the living word in His written word by pray-reading His Word, He becomes the applied word of the Spirit to us.

His instant words are spirit and life to us for our supply and nourishment, and we’re infused with God’s substance through His words (John 5:39-40; 6:57, 63; Eph. 5:26-27).

As we humble ourselves and open to the Lord in coming to His word, we become one with God in life and nature but not in the Godhead for His glory, His expression.

On one hand, we experience transformation in life; on the other, we are one with God for His expression.

Lord Jesus, we want to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly for our transformation in life. Amen, Lord, we want to eat You in Your word so that we may live because of You and be filled with You! We want to breathe in the breathed-out word of God to be infused with God. We want to inhale the breathing out of God, the living word of God, by receiving the word of God by means of all prayer and petition. Oh Lord, we want to maintain our freshness and newness with You by receiving Your new speaking to us day by day. Speak to us day by day. We do not want to languish in the land. We love You, Lord, and we humble ourselves before You. We come to You as the living word in Your written word by pray-reading Your word so that it may become the applied word of the Spirit to us. Amen, Lord, infuse us with Your substance through Your word and make us one with God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead for Your glory!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ed Marks in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of 1 Corinthians (msg. 48) by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good land for the Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to make Herself Ready for the Lord’s Coming (2023 Winter Training), week 2, entitled, Inheriting the All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land by Taking Heed to His Words of Advice and Warnings and by Receiving His Renewed Training to Have Our Inner Man Renewed Day by Day.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    The Bible is God’s breath, a portion from, On Knowing the Bible, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
    Flee and Pursue Podcast #96 – A Man of God with the Breath of God to Counter the Worsening of the Decline, via, AgeTurners.
    Touching the Divine Concept in the Bible by Exercising Our Spirit When Coming to the Bible, via, Living to Him.
    God breathing out and we breathing in, a portion from, Messages Given to the Working Saints, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee.
    Learning to Taste God in His Word, via, Bibles for America blog.
    Renewed by life, a portion from, The Fulfillment of God’s Purpose by the Growth of Christ in Us, Chapter 5, by Witness Lee.
    8 Reasons to Let the Word of God Dwell in You, via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    Psalms, James, and the Divine Inspiration of the Bible, via, Shepherding Words.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – I come to His presence afresh / Ere the night has passed into morning; / And His face I see as it shines on me— / The Lord within is dawning. / And He speaks to me and reveals to me / All His riches for me today; / And with sweet delight I partake of Him, / My hunger has passed away. (Hymns #554 stanza 1)
    – By the power of His Spirit / In His pattern He transforms; / From His glory to His glory / To His image He conforms. / He transforms, all sanctifying, / Till like Him we are matured; / He transforms, our soul possessing, / Till His stature is secured. (Hymns #750 stanzas 4-5)
    – Thou in the Word art the Spirit and life, / Thus by the Word I may feed upon Thee; / Thou dost as Spirit in my spirit live, / Thus I may drink in the spirit of Thee. / Now to enjoy Thee I come to Thy Word, / On Thee to feed till my hunger is o’er. / Now in my spirit I turn unto Thee, / Of Thee to drink till I’m thirsty no more. (Hymns #811 stanzas 5-6)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
11 months ago

The Christ whom we should take, keep, hold fast, and enjoy…is in the Bible, for He is God’s unique word. The law, the commandments, the statutes, the ordinances, the judgments—all these are God’s word. This is proved by Psalm 119, which clearly indicates that these expressions are different terms for God’s word. They have all been spoken by God and thus are things which have proceeded out of God’s mouth (Deut. 8:3). Now we need to see that the words which proceed out of the mouth of God are Christ. Christ is the totality, the aggregate, of God’s word. This is the reason that He is even called the Word (John 1:1, 14). In the beginning was the Word, the Word was God, the Word was incarnated, and this incarnated Word is Jesus Christ.

Life-study of Deuteronomy, pp. 42-43, by Witness Lee 

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
11 months ago

Just as the old generation of Israel died in the wilderness, so our old man is being consumed and is dying.

And just as the new generation entered the good land, so our new man is being renewed and transformed so that we can enjoy Christ as the good land.

Lord Jesus, renew us more today. We want to breathe in the word of God to be renewed for our transformation in life.

Bring us into the full enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ!

Jon H.
Jon H.
11 months ago

Amen Lord more renewing tonight! ✨

Moh S.
Moh S.
11 months ago

Wow, our old man is being consumed to be eliminated, our new man is being renewed for transformation to be the new generation!

This change transpiring within us is the dying out of the old man and the growing up of the new man!


S. A.
S. A.
11 months ago

Amen yes Lord, bring us into the full enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ.

Our old man must be eliminated for us to be transformed.

Thank God for the new man growing in us.

Lord Jesus renews us more every day

Pak L.
Pak L.
11 months ago

Amen! Thank You Lord, we are part of the new man.

Lord, remove all the oldness in us. We need to be transformed!

Our old man needs to die and the new man must come forth!

Thank You for Your word. We want to live by Your life.

Dispense more of Yourself in us today as we come to the word!

D. S.
D. S.
11 months ago

Amen! Oh Father! Bring us into the full enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ.

Richard C.
Richard C.
11 months ago

While there were two generations with the children of Israel – the first generation who crossed the Red Sea, the second who crossed the Jordan, as did Joshua and Caleb – we too are of two generations.

First, we were saved but now we must enter the good land, to enjoy Christ and grow in life to be transformed persons.

To be such persons is through the dying out of the old man and the renewing of the new man.

O Lord Jesus may we experience a renewed training to be those who grow in life for the building up of the church and the bringing in of Your Kingdom! Amen! Lord transform us through our inhaing of Your word so we may enjoy You as the All-Inclusive One!

K. P.
K. P.
11 months ago

Rom. 12:2 …Do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind…

2 Tim. 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed…

Praise the Lord! 🙌😃🙋🏽

O Lord Jesus! Thank You! Transform us by the renewing of our mind today. Turn us away from the old man and transform us into the new man. O Lord Jesus, praise You and thank You that we can breathe You in and breathe You out all day long.

Your word is Your breath, Lord. We want to breathe You in today and breathe You out. Praise the Lord for the renewing – transforming. May we walk in newness of life, not in the oldness of the old man.

May we learn to pick up the cross and deny our old man, the natural man. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

Richard S.
Richard S.
11 months ago

Thanks to Christ in us for He is the Law and Pentateuch as the living word from God! Thank You, Lord!

Christian A.
Christian A.
11 months ago

We have two generations: The first is our old man, and the second is our new man.

Our old man was baptised in the Red Sea.

Now, our new man needs to cross the Jordan. We need to eliminate the old man and be transformed in our mind, emotion & will.

If we take Christ, keep Him and hold fast to Him, we will grow in life for the dying of the old man and the emergence of the new man.

The Christ that we need is in the Bible. Jesus is the word that proceeds out of God’s mouth. When we inhale the word, this inhaled word becomes the Spirit.

The new man will exhale what he has inhaled by speaking the Bible to others. Hallelujah!

To live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God is to live by Jesus Christ.

agodman audio
agodman audio
11 months ago
Alan T.
Alan T.
11 months ago

4/5/24 Inheriting the All-inclusive Christ as the Good Land by Taking Heed to His Words… and by Receiving His Renewed Training… (Week 2, Day 5)

   “After the First Generation, with the Exceprion of Caleb and Joshua, Has Died Out, the Second Generation was Ready to Enter into the Good Land and Possess It” 

   Because of their evil hearts of unbelief, the first generation, except Caleb and Joshua, died out in the wilderness. It was only the second generation of the children of Israel who were able to enter into the good land. The two generations of the children of Israel typify our two stages of salvation. And the crossing of the two bodies of water by these two generations has a great significance to us:

  a.) The first generation crossing the Red Sea during Moses’ time (Exo 14:21-30) typifies our separation from the world (Egypt) and the satanic power of darkness (tyranny of Pharaoh); this typifies the first stage of our salvation ~ the regeneration of our spirit. 

  b.) The second generation crossing the Jordan River during Joshua’s time (Josh 3:11-17) typifies the termination of our old man in the old creation, and raising up from the dead of the new man in the new creation. In this stage, there is the need for us to subjectively experience the putting of the old man unto death and the putting on of the new man through the continual renewing of the mind by the washing of the water in the Word (Eph 5:26). This requires us to undergo into the metabolic process of transformation in our soul. 

   Both, the crossing of the Red Sea and of the Jordan River also signifies our baptism into Christ’s death and our being raised up from the dead (Rom 6:3-4; Col 2:12). To be baptized into Christ is for us to be identified with Christ in His death, that is, to be one with Him in the experience of His death. The crossing of the Jordan River signifies our being one with Christ in the experience of putting to death and bury our old man, our self, and our flesh, including our history. The history of Christ has become our history.

   Our transformation in life takes place as we let the word of Christ dwell in us richly (Col 3:16).Deuteronomy 8:3b and Matthew 4:4 say, “… man lives not by bread alone, but that man lives by everything that proceeds out from the mouth of Jehovah.” The 2 Timothy 3:16 says, ” “All Scripture is God-breathed…” In these verses, everything that proceeds out from the mouth of Jehovah and all Scripture being breathed out by God refer to Christ Himself (John 1:1, 14).

   As God breathes out His Word, we need to breathe in the Word that He breathed out. When we pray-read the Word, God exhales Himself, as the Word, into us. We need to inhale Him as the Word by praying the Word back to Him. In this way, there will be the flowing of the divine life, the fellowship of life, into us, which will cause the washing off, the putting off, of our old natural man, and the renewing, the putting on, of our new resurrected man. This continual process of washing and renewing is called the process of transformation (Tom 12:2).

   As we continually inhale God’s Word into us, there will be an overflow of life from within us. With such overflow, the saturation, of the divine life, we would spontaneously exhale the Word of life into the people around us. This is how we can preach the gospel to others. We first need to inhale the Word of life exhaled by God, then, we can exhale them to others in order for them also inhale the Word of life. In this way, God’s economy will be fulfilled in us and through us.

“How marvelous it is, Lord Jesus, that through Your resurrection, You have become the Life-giving Spirit, the Pneumatic Christ, Who is breathable to all those who believed into Your name, and now can dwell in the spirits of all Your believers. And for us to enjoy Your rich supply, all we need to do is just to continually breathe of You, as the Breath of life, into our innermost being through Your Word, which spontaneously cleanses us and sanctifies us in order for us to be transformed in our soul. Amen.”