We’re Regenerated with a Divine and Royal Life to Reign in Life as the Lord’s Overcomers

And He said, So is the kingdom of God: as if a man cast seed on the earth. Mark 4:26

In order for us as believers in Christ to reign in life to be the Lord’s overcomers, we need to see that we have been regenerated with God’s life, which is a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life; the kingdom seed was sown into us to grow and develop until it reaches the New Jerusalem. Hallelujah!

What the Lord is after today is His overcomers, those who overcome anything that replaces Christ and usurps us to have the first place in us.

As believers in Christ, we are kings with Christ, priests to God, and prophets to speak the word of God.

We are born to be co-kings with Christ; we have a heavenly and royal life within us, the divine life, and this life grows in us and causes us to reign in life.

The more we spend time with the Lord, contact Him, and enjoy Him in His word, the more His life reigns within us and we reign in life.

The more we received the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, the more grace reigns within us, and we reign in life.

As we enjoy and experience Christ in this way, we learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus.

We learn Christ in a subjective way, in our experience, and we have something of Christ constituted into our being.

As we daily learn CHrist, even through our failures and mistakes, we have the element of God wrought into our being and something of Christ is deposited into us.

Though we may fail again and again, though we may make mistakes, we can come to the Lord to be comforted and forgiven, and we can go on with Him to enjoy Him.

Then, we can comfort others with the comfort that He has comforted us with.

It is so good to contact the Lord again and again, no matter how much we fail and make mistakes, for He infuses Himself into us for our encouragement and comfort!

God is never discouraged; we may be discouraged because of our failures and mistakes, but God is never discouraged.

When we enjoy God, we are encouraged, and when we enjoy Him, all our problems are solved. Being in the Lord’s presence encourages us and solves all our problems.

There may be times that we are discouraged, for we have certain expectations of ourselves and of others, and we fail again and again.

But we need to remember, through these failures and then contact the Lord, He is working Himself a little more into us, and He comforts us and encourages us.

The result is that we love the Lord a little more, we rely on Him a little more, and we take Him as our absoluteness.

And when we meet with the saints, there’s something of the comforting of God that is in us and will be dispensed into others for their comfort.

Seeing that we have been Regenerated with a Divine, Spiritual, Heavenly, Kingly, and Royal Life to Reign in Life

Everyone who has been begotten of God does not practice sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been begotten of God. 1 John 3:9 You are of God, little children; and you have overcome them because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4The book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, does not focus on the church – it focuses on the overcomers, those who afford Christ a way to return to the earth, defeat Antichrist and his armies, and bring in the kingdom of God.

Today the Lord is calling the overcomers, and His calling is sevenfold; no matter what situation we are in, no matter what is the condition of our local church, and no matter how bad the decline of the church is, the Lord is calling His overcomers.

As those who have been shown mercy by the Lord to be in the church life in the Lord’s recovery today, we need to simply say Amen to the Lord’s call.

However, it is not by our zeal and desire that we are made overcomers; it is nothing of ourselves or in ourselves that we can do to be produced as the Lord’s overcomers.

The secret is the divine life in us. It is this life that can make us more than overcomers.

In order for us to reign in life to be the Lord’s overcomers, we need to see that we have been regenerated with a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life to reign in life!

The satanic chaos is all around us, and the world situation is going worse and worse.

Furthermore, the decline of the church is intensified to the extent that there’s not much of Christ in the church, and there is not much of the word of God in the meetings of the so-called “churches” today.

Even in the church life today, it is so easy to just be in the realm of the church life, to “skate on the surface” of the church life and still not be an overcomer.

May the Lord have mercy on us and show us that His life in us, the divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life with which we have been regenerated, this life can make us more than overcomers.

We have been regenerated with God’s life; this life is divine, uncreated, eternal, and always overcoming.

For everything that has been begotten of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory which has overcome the world - our faith. And who is he who overcomes the world except him who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:4-5The life we have been reborn with is kingly and royal; it enthrones Christ as the King in us and makes us co-kings with Christ, those who reign in life.

If we simply live by this life, contact the Lord, and allow this life to grow and advance in our being, we will be brought to the stage where we reign in life by having Christ ruling and reigning in us.

1 John 3:9 says that everyone who has been begotten of God does not practice sin, because His seed abides in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been begotten of God.

We are children of God, not children of the devil; we are those who have God’s life and nature in us, and this life grows in us and makes us kings to reign in life.

We are of God, and we have overcome the one who rules in this world because greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

How can we overcome? Everything that has been begotten of God overcomes the world (1 John 5:4); the victory that overcomes the world is our faith, our organic union with the Lord.

By believing into the Lord Jesus as the Son of God, we receive His divine life (John 1:12-13), and we overcome the evil one (1 John 5:5). Hallelujah!

May we realize that, in order for us to reign in life to be the Lord’s overcomers, we have been regenerated with a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life and this life makes us kings!

Thank You, dear Lord, for regenerating us with a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life to reign in life! Hallelujah, we have been regenerated with the life of God so that we may reign in life to be the Lord’s overcomers today! Keep growing in us, Lord, and keep spreading in our inner being until we reign in life as kings with Christ! May Your kingdom expand, enlarge, and increase in us. Rule and reign in us. Keep us living by the divine life in our spirit so that we may overcome the world and the one who rules in the world. Hallelujah, greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world! Praise the Lord, what has been begotten in us of God overcomes the world, and our faith is our victory that has overcome the world! Lord, amen, we believe into You as the Son of God, and You are making us Your overcomers!

Christ Sowed Himself as the Seed of the Kingdom into us to Grow and Develop as the Kingdom of God into the New Jerusalem!

I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth...For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's cultivated land, God's building. 1 Cor. 3:6, 9b

The Lord Jesus said in Mark 4:26, So is the kingdom of God: as if a man cast seed on the earth. This seed is the seed of the divine life (1 Pet. 1:23) sown into us, the believers in Christ.

The kingdom of God – which is the issue and goal of the Lord’s gospel – and the church in this age (Rom. 14:17) are a matter of life, the life of God, which sprouts, grows, bears fruit, matures, and produces a harvest (1 Cor. 3:6-9, Rev. 14:4, 15-16).

The kingdom of God is not a matter of teaching, activity, organization, or merely outward rule; the kingdom of God is the Triune God Himself in His incarnation (the Lord Jesus Christ) sown into His chosen people to grow and develop in them into a kingdom.

The kingdom of God is Christ sowing Himself as the seed into many human beings to grow and develop into the kingdom of God consummating in the New Jerusalem.

And He said, So is the kingdom of God: as if a man cast seed on the earth. And sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and lengthens - how, he does not know. The earth bears fruit by itself: first a blade, then an ear, then full grain in the ear. But when the fruit is ripe, immediately he sends forth the sickle, because the harvest has come. Mark 4:26-29When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He told the Pharisees that He is the kingdom of God, which was among them. He Himself is the kingdom.

And He came to sow Himself as the seed of the kingdom, even the gene of the kingdom of God, into those who are open to Him and receive Him.

He sows Himself as the seed of the kingdom so that He may grow in them, live in them, and be expressed from within them to develop into God’s ruling realm.

A gene is a hereditary unit that occupies a specific location on a chromosome and determines a particular characteristic in an organism.

As believers in Christ, we have the gene of the processed and consummated Triune God in our spirit.

When we tell the Lord, Lord Jesus, grow in me, He grows in us all the characteristics in that gene so that these characteristics become ours.

The intrinsic element of the entire teaching of the New Testament is that the Triune God has been incarnated in order to be sown into His chosen people and develop within them into a kingdom, the kingdom of God.

The goal of God is the full development of the kingdom of God. The sower went out to sow (Mark 3:14); Christ came as the Sower to sow Himself as the seed of the kingdom of God into our hearts through His word.

Daily, as we have a personal time with the Lord, the seed of the kingdom grows in us and develops into a realm, God’s ruling realm, for Him to rule and reign within us.

As He shines on us, He exposes the rocks and boulders in the soil of our hearts for us to deal with, and He spreads, grows, increases, and enlarges Himself with His kingdom in us.

Sometimes the soil of our heart is hard and it has rocks in it; as the Lord shines on us, He kills all the hard things, the thorns, and the hardness, and makes our heart become the good earth, the good soil, for Him to grow and develop in us.

In the Gospels we have the sowing of the seed of the kingdom of God (Mark 4:3, 14; Matt. 9:35).

Seeing that His divine power has granted to us all things which relate to life and godliness, through the full knowledge of Him who has called us by His own glory and virtue...For in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly [and] bountifully supplied to you. 2 Pet. 1:3, 11 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matt. 24:14In Acts we have the propagation and spreading of this sowing by thousands of sowers who had received the seed, the gene, of the kingdom of God (Acts 6:17; 12:27; 19:20).

In the Epistles we see the growth of the seed of the kingdom (1 Cor. 3:6, 9; 2 Pet. 1:3, 11).

The harvest of this seed is found in the book of Revelation with the reaping of the firstfruits and the harvest (Rev. 14:4, 15-16; Mark 4:29; Matt. 13:39).

The millennial kingdom will be the uttermost development of the seed of the kingdom, the gene of the kingdom of God, with the Son of God as the King and all the overcomers as His co-kings, the “kingdom-gene people” (see Rev. 20:6). Hallelujah!

The New Jerusalem, God’s eternal kingdom, is the fullest development of the kingdom seed, the gene, sown by Jesus the Nazarene in the four Gospels (Rev. 21:2; 22:1, 3, 5; 5:10; 3:12; 11:15; 19:6; 20:6; Psa. 146:10).

Hallelujah, we have been regenerated with the gene of the kingdom of God, and the kingdom is now growing in us and developing until it reaches and becomes the New Jerusalem for eternity!

May we be those who are one with the Lord to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the whole inhabited earth for the propagation and development of the seed, the gene, of the kingdom to consummate this age (Matt. 24:14).

We should never forget that have the gene of the kingdom of God in us – the Triune God incarnated in humanity is now the all-inclusive, life-giving, sevenfold intensified Spirit to be dispensed into our spirit, to grow within us, to be expressed through us, and to be announced through us so that the gene of the kingdom of God can be dispensed into them!

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for coming as the life-giving, all-inclusive, sevenfold intensified Spirit to dispense Yourself into our spirit as the gene of the kingdom of God! Hallelujah, we have been regenerated with God’s life to receive and be part of the kingdom of God. Grow in us, Lord, and spread in our inner being as the kingdom of God. May the kingdom seed grow in us and develop within us until it reaches maturity and becomes the New Jerusalem! Amen, Lord, we allow You to rule and reign in us as You grow in us and develop in us. We are one with You to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the whole inhabited earth for the propagation and development of the seed of the kingdom of God to consummate this age! Amen, Lord, make us Your overcomers in this age!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Sources of inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ed Marks in the message, and portions from, Life-study of Mark, msgs. 14-16, by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings (2022 summer training), week 12, entitled, Living an Overcoming Life by Reigning in Life to Become the New Jerusalem as the City of Life.
  • Further reading on this topic:
    – The ministry of Christ in the stage of intensification, article by Ed Marks, via Affirmation and Critique.
    – What is regeneration? Excerpt from What is Regeneration? Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
    – What Does It Mean to Be Born Again? – read an article via, Bibles for Europe.
    – Touchstones of God’s economy – Revelation, article in, Affirmation and Critique.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Jesus the kingdom has come into us, / Reigning and shining He’s all glorious, / Christ as the seed is the King who has come, / Into our spirit His kingdom He’s sown. / O let Him grow, O let Him grow; / His kingdom life be all we know. / Jesus, the kingdom is sown into us; / Jesus, the kingdom, O how glorious! (Hymns #1301 stanza 1 and chorus)
    – Lord, You’re the seed of life; / You’ve sown Yourself into our heart, / And now You have a start; / So day by day more life to us impart— / Lord Jesus, grow in us. / Lord Jesus, soften us; / You know the source from which we came. / By calling on Your name, / Lord, let no earth unturned nor rocks remain— / Lord Jesus, grow in us. (Hymns #1132 stanzas 2-3)
    – Time is short, oh, brothers, hear it, / Christ is longing for His Bride. / We can hasten His returning / Simply by the growth in life. / No more struggling, no more striving, / Simply turn to Christ within. / See the seed begin to blossom. / Growing fully into Him. / Jesus Christ will get His kingdom / Just by growth—the normal way. / Not an instant transformation; / Growth goes on from day to day. / This life-seed is all-inclusive— / Everything we’ll ever need; / Yes, our God’s eternal purpose / Is within this precious seed. (Hymns #1299 stanzas 4-5)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
2 years ago

Those who are the firstfruits spoken of in Revelation 14 will be among those who will be co-kings with Christ in the millennium. The millennium, the thousand years, will be the full development of the gene of the kingdom. During the millennium many of those who have received the kingdom gene will be co-kings with Christ and the new earth God will have an eternal kingdom with the New Jerusalem as the capital. The New Jerusalem will be a composition of kings, and these kings will rule over the fully restored nations. Then God will have an eternal kingdom as the full development of the gene known in the Gospels by Jesus the Nazarene, who was the Triune God in humanity. How wonderful is the kingdom gene that was sown in the Gospels! Eventually this gene will develop into the millennial kingdom spoken of in Revelation 20 and into God’s eternal kingdom in Revelation 21 and 22. Praise the Lord for this picture of the kingdom gene and its development! Life-study of Mark, pp. 134-137, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
2 years ago

The Lord Jesus sowed Himself as the seed of the kingdom in us, and He is growing and developing in us until He produces us as the firstfruits, the overcomers, and makes us the New Jerusalem as the eternal kingdom of God! Hallelujah!

For us to reign in life to be the Lord’s overcomers, we need to see that we have been regenerated with a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life!

Lord, spread in us today! May the kingdom seed grow and develop in us a little more today to make us Your overcomers!

Richard C.
Richard C.
2 years ago

Dear brother, what a revelation and a blessing to see that the Kingdom of God is nothing less than the Triune God incarnated to be a seed sown into His chosen and regenerated people as a seed to grow in them for the full development of this Kingdom in the New Jerusalem!

This seed was sown by Christ in the gospels as the gospel of the Kingdom for the propagation and spread of the Kingdom, that, as seen in the epistles, this seed would grow and be harvested at the end of the age for its full development as shown in Revelation, with the millenial Kingdom – the New Jerusalem.

Hallelujah for this Kingdom which is God Himself sow into us His chosen ones to be His Kingdom people and co-kings!

Victor S.
Victor S.
2 years ago

Praise the Lord for the Kingdon seed that has been sown into us. This seed needs to sprout, grow, bear fruit, mature and produce a harvest in us and others.

In this matter I have fallen short may the Lord forgive me and cause me to become a planter, a waterer of the seed of the kingdom Not only in myself but into others, to become a propagator of the Gospel as seen in the book of the Acts for the growth and development of this seed which consumates first in the millennium kingdom and eventually the New Jerusalem where we will reign as co Kings with Christ over the Nations for eternity.

Oh Lord remind me the reason why I live and breathe is for the Kingdom seed sown into me to grow and develop into me as a kingdom. Spontaneously we will be planters and Waterers of the seed and God will cause the growth Amen.

Christian A.
Christian A.
2 years ago

Hallelujah, the very Triune God has been sown into us to grow & develop into a kingdom.

How wonderful is the kingdom gene that has been sown into us.

Nothing can prevent this seed from growing into the kingdom that will rule the nations in the kingdom age and beyond.

However, we can be the first fruits of the harvest of God’s seed or we can be the later harvest.

May we choose to be overcomers who can bring the Lord back.

If we live now a life in the mingled spirit, there is a crown of life that awaits us when Jesus returns.

If not, we will have to buy more oil when the bridegroom comes.

K. P.
K. P.
2 years ago

Amen brother!

Mark 4:26-29 And He said, So is the kingdom of God: as if a man cast seed on the earth, and sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and lengthens—how, he does not know. The earth bears fruit by itself: first a blade, then an ear, then full grain in the ear. But when the fruit is ripe, immediately he sends forth the sickle, because the harvest has come.

How wonderful is the kingdom gene that was sown in the Gospels! Eventually this gene will develop into the millennial kingdom spoken of in Revelation 20 and into God’s eternal kingdom in Revelation 21 and 22. 

Praise the Lord for this picture of the kingdom gene and its development! Hallelujah!

Daniel A.
Daniel A.
2 years ago

Brother this kingdom seed has been sown in us and it is growing and spread we need to allow this seed to grow in us reign in us until the kingdom will. be fully manifested on earth

Phil H.
Phil H.
2 years ago

Amen brother.

Thank you Lord for sowing yourself into us as the seed of the divine life, the kingdom of God sown into His chosen people, may you grow in us live in us and be expressed within and develop into God’s ruling realm, God’s eternal kingdom.

V. O.
V. O.
2 years ago

1 Cor. 3:6-7 I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused the growth. So then neither is he who plants anything nor he who waters, but God who causes the growth.

Rev. 14:4b-5 These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He may go. These were purchased from among men as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth no lie was found; they are without blemish.


“The kingdom of God is actually God Himself sown into human beings and developing in them into a kingdom.

“We need to be impressed with the fact that the kingdom of God is not a matter of teaching, activity, or organization. On the contrary, the kingdom of God is the Triune God in His incarnation sown into His chosen people to grow and develop in them into a kingdom. (Life-study of Mark, pp. 133-134)”.

“The intrinsic element of the entire teaching of the New Testament…[is] that the Triune God has been incarnated in order to be sown into His chosen people and then develop within them into a kingdom”.

Oh Lord Jesus! As your land where You sow the seed of the Triune God incarnated, we need to follow Your Word to the ultimate goal of Your economy: 
His eternal kingdom “as the full development of the gene sown in the Gospels by Jesus the Nazarene, who was the Triune God in humanity”.

However, the goal won’t be reached if we insist in to live in our own self, keeping the seed inside us, without letting it to spread (Acts), and grow (Epistles), to finally be in the time that is ripe for His return.

We are called to be His overcomers, are we His firsfruit? Only the Lord knows who He gave that gift to. First, we need to work on our self so we die and take our cross like “Peter had to deny himself, i.e., not save his soul-life but lose it. Losing the soul-life is the reality of denying the self. This is to take up the cross”.

Matt. 10:38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.

We are saved, no doubt about it, BUT, are we willing to take that cross? I DO!! Even sometimes, I get distracted, Oh Lord! Oh Lord make me a strong overcomer! Amen!

Frank Escobedo
2 years ago

This post refreshed me so much. Praise the Lord! We have the divine gene growing and maturing in us. Lord cause the divine seed to grow and expand in us so that we can be the overcomers, your first fruits. Hallelujah, glory be to God!