Real Prayers are the Holy Spirit Within Man Expressing God’s Desire Through Man

Real Prayers are the Holy Spirit Within Man Expressing God's Desire Through Man [In the picture: We need to be one with the Lord to pray for the move of the great wheel of the divine economy. ]

We need to be one with the Lord to pray for the move of the great wheel of the divine economy.

Concerning the matter of prayer we all need to admit that we don’t really know how to pray and what to pray as is fitting – we don’t know how to pray in such a way that we touch God’s desire and move His hand.

This is our weakness (Rom. 8:26-27), and the Spirit with our spirit joins in to intercede for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

If we see that we don’t really know how to pray to touch God’s heart, we will open to Him and seek to abide in Him so that His words would abide in us (John 15:7). We abide in Him by turning to our spirit and abiding in our spirit (where Christ is), and His words will abide in us.

This is the way to have the words to pray – just like Elijah, who was a man of like feeling with us, but he prayed a prayer, he prayed the prayer given to him from within (lit. in James 5:17).

Forget about the generally accepted “common prayers of supplication” for our needs – simply abide in the Lord, seek to be one with Him, and pray yourself into oneness with the Triune God, and you will have the words to pray!

We need to see that real prayers are the Holy Spirit within man expressing God’s desire through man, so that God may fulfill His heart’s desire that was uttered by man cooperating with God in oneness with God.

Lord, we open to You. We just turn to our spirit right now. Lord, we want to be those abiding in You at all time, so that Your word may abide in us, and we may respond back to You in prayer with Your word. Lord Jesus, pray in us. Express Your heart’s desire through our prayer. Cause us to pray real prayers, the prayers that touch Your desire and move Your hand.

Praying Genuine Prayers to Cooperate with God

We pray not because that’s what Christians do or because we need to do it, but we pray because we see God’s move, and we pray ourselves into God to be in oneness with Him.

Don’t say, God knows what He wants to do, and He knows what will happen – why does He need me to pray for it anyways? Yes, God knows that He will bring in His kingdom, but He cannot do it without our prayer in oneness with Him to cooperate with Him!

We need to be one with the Lord so that we may pray for the move of the great wheel of the divine economy – pray that His will would be done, His kingdom come (Matt. 6:9-10)!

If we abide in the Lord, we can ask the Father anything in His name – in the oneness with Christ – and He will do it for us (John 14:12-13).

We will do even greater works than the Lord Jesus did (speaking in the most respectful and reverent way) because Christ now is no longer in the flesh but He is the life-giving Spirit joined to and mingled with our spirit, and we are one spirit with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17).

When we pray by exercising our spirit, in our spirit there’s the Holy Spirit praying. Our spirit is like the outer wheel, and the divine Spirit is the inner wheel – the wheel within the wheel in Ezek. 1.

Because we are joined to the Lord as one spirit, we can pray one with Him and He prays in our prayer!

Learning the Secret of Prayer

What is the secret of prayer? Outwardly, “prayer is prayer”, and “to pray is to pray”, but what is the real meaning and secret of prayer?

If we learn the secret of prayer we will cooperate with God, work together with God, and allow God to express Himself and His desire from within us and through us (which ultimately accomplishes God’s purpose).

We need to see that we don’t really know how to pray, what to pray for, and even the words we should use to pray in such a way that we may touch God’s heart, His desire, and thus move His hand.

How can we pray as is fitting? What is the prayer that God needs for Him to move and accomplish what He desires? Most of our prayers are not up to God's standard, and they are focused on us, our needs, and our situation. [In the picture: Pray to labor with the Lord; Till the wheel begins to move (hymns #786)]

Pray to labor with the Lord; Till the wheel begins to move (hymns )

How can we pray as is fitting? What is the prayer that God needs for Him to move and accomplish what He desires? Most of our prayers are not up to God’s standard, and they are focused on us, our needs, and our situation.

But praise the Lord the Spirit intercedes in us with groanings which cannot be uttered, and as we pray in oneness with the Lord we will pray Real Prayers. Real prayers are the Holy Spirit expressing God’s heart’s desire through us in prayer.

It is us who prays, but it is God who prays in us. In this mingling of God and man, in our abiding in the Lord, He prays in us and we pray His prayers in oneness with Him.

The Spirit with our spirit knows how to pray: we only need to touch our spirit, exercise our spirit, and abide in the Lord! The Spirit in our spirit will then pray, and His prayer in us will express God’s intention, becoming the prayer that God needs to move His hand and accomplish what He desires!

God Praying in Our Prayer

The prayer that God desires from His people is the prayer in the mingling of God and man.

For us to pray real prayers we need to have our whole being mingled with God. Real prayer is not just man praying or just the Spirit interceding, but it is God praying in us and we praying His prayer – He prays within us, and we utter His prayer outwardly fully one with Him.

This is the principle of incarnation – God in man, mingled with man, one with man, praying through man and in man as one entity.

We are now in this process of being mingled with God until we and God cannot be separated but are mingled as one, and we pray in this mingling for God’s move on earth, uttering the Spirit’s prayer through our prayer!

As we abide in the Lord, we have His word abiding in us; then, we utter His prayer and we expect an answer – He will do it for us!

Lord Jesus, save us from praying common prayers, prayers that don’t touch Your heart and don’t move Your hand. We want to pray to labor with the Lord by being one with Him in our spirit. Keep us turning to You all day long, so that we may be mingled with You more and more. Lord, make us those who pray in spirit, in the mingling of the two spirits. Pray in us, Lord, and we will utter Your prayers to God. Make us fully one with You!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired by brother James Lee’s sharing in this message, and portions in, The Tree of Life (ch. 12), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 5 (entitled, Being One with the Triune God in the Move of the Great Wheel of His Economy).
  • Further reading: Lessons on Prayer, chapter 2 (by Witness Lee).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Pray to labor with the Lord, / Pray to pave the way for Him. / Pray to move Him and be moved / From the center to the rim.
    # He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. / Our life is a life that’s in organic union.
    # Pray with one accord in spirit, / Not according to our thought, / But alone by the anointing, / As the Lord has ever sought.
  • Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

The Lord is the Spirit, and we have to contact Him by praying in our spirit. He is the life-giving Spirit indwelling our spirit, so we have to exercise our spirit to pray. In our spirit there is another Spirit praying. Our spirit is the outer wheel, and the divine Spirit in our spirit praying is the inner wheel. While we are praying by exercising our spirit, there is another One praying within our spirit, another Spirit. This Spirit is the life-giving Spirit, Christ Himself. The wheel within the wheel in Ezekiel 1 typifies the divine Spirit in our human spirit.

Chigozie Arukwe on F
12 years ago

The wheel within the wheel in Ezekiel 1 typifies the divine Spirit in our human spirit. Great revelation!

12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus, open to us the secret of prayer in order to fully cooperate with you Lord and to work together with You. Cause us to be one with You Lord, one in spirit, mind, will and emotions. Make our hearts a duplicate of Your heart, Your desires and Your prayer stratagems to turn the age. Lord make us those who are fully surrendered and submissive to You in all things and matters. Oh Lord Jesus, we desire only what You desire Lord and no longer look unto ourselves, we only look unto You Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus accomplish Your purpose on the earth today.

12 years ago

We do not know how to pray, but thank God that in this matter of our weakness He JOINS IN to help us and intercede for us! In light of this, John 15:7 has become my enjoyment and guide with regards to prayer. When His words abide in us, we can ask whatever we will and it shall be done for us. Why is this? Here we see the real prayer: the prayer involving two parties – the Holy Spirit and our spirit. In John 15:7, the Greek word for ‘words’ in John 15:7 and 6:63 is rhema, meaning the instant and present spoken word. It is the living Lord’s instant and present speaking within us, in our mingled spirit. In John 6:63 the words of the Lord are the embodiment of the Spirit of life. The Lord is now the Spirit, and we have to contact Him by exercising our spirit (John 4:24).

When we exercise our spirit to pray, we get the Spirit, His ‘words’. Then we experience the divine Spirit praying in our spirit, the inner wheel within the outer wheel. The Spirit is living and real, yet He is very mysterious, intangible, and difficult for people to apprehend; the words, however are substantial. We know that Christ is praying within us while we are praying because of a taste within. The more we pray with Christ’s prayer, the more we are refreshed, watered, anointed, and strengthened. The result is that we will certainly cooperate with God, work together with God, and allow God to express Himself and His desire from within us and through us, ultimately accomplishing God’s purpose.

12 years ago

Real prayers are the Holy Spirit within man expressing God's desire through man! The more we pray with Christ's prayer, the more we are refreshed, the more we are watered, the more we are annointed, and the more we are strengthened! If we are such praying ones, consequently, we will certainly cooperate with God, work together with God, and allow God to express Himself and His desire from within him and through him, ultimately accomplishing God's purpose.

Tara Wellesley
Tara Wellesley
12 years ago


James 5:17 Elijah was a man of like feeling with us, & he earnestly prayed that it would not rain; & it did not rain on the earth for 3 years & 6 months.

John 15:7 If you abide in Me & My words abide in you, ask whatever you will, & it shall be done for you.

‘The wheel within the wheel in Ezekiel 1 typifies the divine Spirit in our human spirit…the Spirit Himself joins in to help us & intercede for us with groanings which cannot be uttered…Rom 8:27 There is a clause which says, “The Spirit…intercedes…according to God”…This means the Holy Spirit prays in us according to God.’

Oh Lord, may we excel in our prayer life to reach the real prayer that is required in the Bible in order to accomplish Your purpose!


12 years ago

Real prayer will cause our being to be wholly mingled with God. Consequently, we not only coooperate with God but also work together with God that God Himself and His desire may may be expressed through us, thus ultimately accomplishing God's purpose.

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

We need to be one with the Lord to pray for the move of the great wheel of the divine economy. In GENUINE prayer, the praying one COOPERATE with God, WORKS together with God, and ALLOWS God to EXPRESS Himself and His DESIRE from with him and through him, ultimately ACCOMPLISHING God’s purpose.

Our God is the Lord, (our boss), and we are His co-laborer. We must not open our mouth hastily when we come before Him… This morning I was reminded that God came to Abraham because He needed an intercessor. The church today is His intercessor, praying proper prayers to move the great wheel of divine economy. The more we practice to pray properly in our personal prayer life, the stronger and effective the church prayer will be. In ourselves, we do not know how to pray, what to pray, but there is a praying One within us. He (the Spirit) will join in to help us in our weakness. He knows how to pray according to God. We simply obey/follow His leading and utter the Spirit’s praying to God. After this kind of prayer, we are refreshed, water, anointed, strengthened and mingled with God. Also, we must live a life that’s matching to our prayer life by abiding in Him and letting His words abiding in us and when we ask, and it shall be done for us (John 15:7).

Tom Smith
12 years ago

I like the point that says, " The Spirit with our spirit knows how to pray: we only need to touch our spirit, exercise our spirit, and abide in the Lord! The Spirit in our spirit will then pray, and His prayer in us will express God’s intention, becoming the prayer that God needs to move His hand and accomplish what He desires!"

May all us be helped to practically discern the Spirit with our spirit in our prayer such that we simply echo His prayer allowing Him to pray in us prayers that express God's intention.

12 years ago

oh LORD JESUS we really accept that we don't how to pray, but we thank You for having You in our spirit that we may able to pray.

Joel Cabajes on Face
12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus! Praise you Lord for showing us and causing us to pray genuine prayer that touches your heart's desire…As we become the same as Christ in life nature, expression and function we are qualified to work with Him for His Body….And our prayer is COME LORD JESUS!