We are being produced as pearls and precious stones by the Triune God for God’s building, the New Jerusalem
The New Jerusalem is constituted and built up with gold (the base and the street), pearls (the gates) and all kinds of precious stones (the wall, the foundations, etc).
All throughout the Bible we see that the Triune God is likened to this three kinds of precious materials: the Father in His divine nature is signified by gold, the Son in His redemptive work is signified by silver or pearls, and the Spirit in His transforming work is signified by precious stones.
In the garden of Eden we have the river flowing and splitting into four branches, and in the flow of the river there is gold, bdellium (a pearl-like substance), and precious stones (see Gen. 2). In the making of the tabernacle and the temple we see gold, silver, and precious stones (the ark, the furnishings, the utensils, etc).
In 1 Cor. 3:12 Paul tells us to build up the church not with wood, grass, and stubble but with gold, silver, and precious stones. All throughout the Bible we see that God desires to produce something precious in humanity, and for this the Father dispenses His divine nature into us, the Son redeems us and produces silver / pearl, and the Spirit transforms us to become precious stones for God’s building.
The consummation of gold, silver / pearl, and precious stones is the New Jerusalem, the city built with gold, pearls, and precious stones. The Triune God is working Himself in His divine Trinity into humanity to produce a miraculous structure of treasure constituted with gold, pearls, and precious stones.
The Triune God is the triune constitution of the New Jerusalem: the Father is the golden nature, the Son is the pearl gates, and the Spirit is producing the precious stones.
Today we are under the constant constitution of the Triune God in His divine Trinity, being under the Father’s dispensing of His divine nature, the Son’s secreting His resurrection life to make us pearls, and under the transforming work of the Holy Spirit to produce us as precious stones.
The result is that God and man, man and God, become a corporate entity, a great structure of precious materials built together as the holy city, the New Jerusalem.
Wow! Human words cannot attempt to describe what God in His Divine Trinity is working on, and we cannot humanly grasp the magnitude of the amazingness of the masterpiece God is working on, the New Jerusalem!
Pearls – the Issue of Christ’s Secretion in His Death and Resurrection
The gates of the New Jerusalem are pearls – each gate is a pearl, and so the entrance into the city is through the twelve pearls as the twelve gates (Rev. 21:21). The spiritual significance of a pearl is something produced through Christ’s secretion in His resurrection life as we remain in His death.
Through regeneration we have entered into Christ, and now as we remain in His death, He secretes His resurrection life around us to produce us as pearls, gates into the New Jerusalem.
We all need to declare, I have been crucified with Christ! and we all need to live a life at home in Christ’s death, dwelling in His death by remaining in our mingled spirit. As we remain in Christ’s death, the resurrection life of Christ is secreted around us and in us to coat us and saturate us and make us pearls.
The divine nature within us was given to us by God, but the pearls are being produced. The more we stay in Christ’s death, the more we are being constituted with the element of Christ’s resurrection life to become a pearl.
The entrance into the holy city is Christ Himself as the pearl, and it is also the many believers who are enjoying the death-overcoming and life-secreting Christ in their daily life. May we be such ones so that, when others meet us, they would have an entrance into the holy city because we live a life one with the death-overcoming and life-secreting death of Christ.
We need to remain under the killing of the Lord’s death so that His resurrection life may be imparted through us into others (see Col. 1:24; 2 Cor. 4:10-12). Paul was such a one, rejoicing in his sufferings and filling up the lack in the Body of Christ for the sufferings and afflictions…
We can experience Christ’s death only by His resurrection, and His resurrection is real to us by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ who is in our spirit today. When we touch our spirit, when we turn to the Lord in our spirit, we touch the reality of resurrection in the life-giving Spirit, and we have the power to remain on the cross.
In order for us to become the pearl gates of the holy city we need to remain in the death of Christ by the power of His resurrection and live in our spirit touching the Lord as the life-giving Spirit all the time to enjoy Christ’s secretion in His death and resurrection.
Lord Jesus, we want to experience You as the death-overcoming and life-secreting Christ. Keep us in Your death by the power of Your resurrection to be produced as pearls, the gates into the New Jerusalem! May we stay, remain, and abide in Your death so that Your resurrection life may be secreted in us and around us to saturate us and make us attractive precious pearls. Lord, keep us in our spirit, touching the life-giving Spirit to enjoy the reality of resurrection and be constituted with Christ for the New Jerusalem!
Precious Stones – the Spirit’s Work to Transform us for God’s Building

Rom. 12:2 And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and well pleasing and perfect.
The precious stones as the constituents of the New Jerusalem can be seen in the foundations of the wall and the wall itself (Rev. 21:19-20); the entire city is like a precious stone. Precious stones signify the Holy Spirit’s work to transform the believers for God’s building so that they may express God corporately in His glory.
This matter of transformation is not something outward like an outward change in behavior or make-up but a spiritual metabolism, a metabolic function of the divine life in the believers.
We need to not be fashioned according to this age but be transformed by the renewing of the mind so that we may know, prove, and be the proof of what the will of God is, that which is good and well pleasing and perfect (Rom. 12:2).
For this, we need to turn our heart to the Lord every day and keep our heart turned to Him (2 Cor. 3:16), and behold Him with unveiled face so that we may be transformed into the same image even as from the Lord Spirit (2 Cor. 3:18).
For the church life we need to be transformed in our human virtues, having the divine attribute fill, strengthen, and enrich the human virtues (see Rom. 12:2-3; Eph. 4:1-3). If we live according to the Spirit with our spirit, we will experience a metabolic change where our virtues are filled with the divine attributes, and we will have genuine lowliness, meekness, long-suffering, bearing one another in love, and keeping the oneness of the Spirit.
As we are being transformed by the Spirit, we also need to learn to cooperate with God by ministering the Triune God to others for their transformation by perfecting them with the attributes of the Triune God (see 1 Cor. 3:10, 12).
In Song of Songs 1:10-11 we see that the cheeks of the seeker are lovely with plaits of ornaments, the neck with strings of jewels, and there are plaits of gold with studs of silver.
The strings of jewels are a sign of the transforming Spirit. Thus, the seeker is perfected with the Triune God. Gold signifies God the Father in His golden nature; silver signifies Christ the Son in His all-inclusive redemption; and strings of jewels signify God the Spirit in His transformation. The perfected ones help the seeker to know God in His nature and to experience Christ in His death, resurrection, and ascension. This is to beautify the seeker in her submission to God through the transformation of the Spirit with the divine nature of God (plaits of gold) as ornaments in her expression (cheeks). The perfected ones also coordinate with the Spirit to beautify the seeker through the dispensing of the transforming Spirit with the divine life expressed as jewels in strings. Transformation is the working of the Triune God’s attributes into the seeking believers to become their virtues. (Crystallization-study of Song of Songs, pp. 35-36)
We need to be those who pursue the Lord, seek after Him, and allow Him to transform us by working Himself into us in His Divine Trinity to replace us with Himself, and then we will be ones who know how to perfect others also.
We will not condemn others for their mistakes, neither will we blame them for their lack of Christ. Rather, we will see that the saints are short of the experience of Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension, and we will cooperate with the Lord to minister the life-supply to them for their transformation.
Such a transformation can take place only in the proper church life, where we pay attention much more to the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity than to anything else.
In the proper church life we focus on enjoying, partaking of, and living according to the divine nature of the Father; we experience remaining in Christ’s death by the power of His resurrection to be produced as pearls; and we emphasize the transforming work of the Holy Spirit by turning our heart to the Lord, loving Him, and allowing Him to work Himself into us so that we may have a metabolic change to become precious stones.
By experiencing and enjoying the Triune God in this way we are being constituted with the Triune God for the New Jerusalem.
Lord, transform us in Your image in our mind, emotion, and will. Saturate us with Your Spirit and fill all our being with Your element. May there be a spiritual metabolic process going on in us every day to replace our old element with Yourself. Lord, work Yourself into us and transform our human virtues by enriching them and filling them with Your divine attributes. Keep us in the proper church life in the process of transformation and perfecting to become precious stones built up with the saints into Your dwelling place. Lord, gain Your precious New Jerusalem by constituting all Your believers with the rich and precious elements of Your Divine Trinity!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration: the Word of God, my Christian experience, bro. Dick Taylor’s sharing in the message for this week, and portions from, Crystallization-study of Song of Songs (msgs. 3-4), as quoted in, the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Aspects of the Christian Life and Church Life Seen in the New Jerusalem, week 7 / msg 7, The Triune God as our Constitution, Existence, Enjoyment, Living, and Expression.
- Hymns on this topic:
# Twelve city gates are each one pearl; / Thus man is through redemption shown / Reborn and as a pearl transformed, / Entering to a realm God’s own. (Hymns #979)
# When flows Thy life thru all our souls, / Filling, renewing every part, / We will be pearls and precious stones, / Changed to Thine image, as Thou art. (Hymns #837)
# God’s intention is to have us / All conformed to His dear Son; / Thus a work of transformation / By the Spirit must be done. / Lord, transform us to Thine image / In emotion, mind, and will; / Saturate us with Thy Spirit, / All our being wholly fill. (Hymns #750)