proclaiming the glad tidings, Behold Your God! Our Lord Jesus is a Wonderful Shepherd…

Isaiah 40:9 declares the glad tidings when it says, Behold Your God! When God is here, when we see Him and we have Him, we have everything! Jehovah is here – Jesus is here – and He is our God!

When we have God, all our problems are solved, all our needs are met, all our lacks are suppled, and any other shortage is filled! All we need is just God – He is all we need! When we are filled with God, others will see Him being expressed in us and through us – we will become “Behold your God!” because Christ is expressed through us!

This is glad tidings – the Lord Jesus as Jehovah God is here, and He takes care of everything!

The revealing of Jehovah is the appearing of Jesus – when Jesus came, Jehovah came and He was revealed to man! We see this clearly from 1 Tim. 3:15-16, where Christ is God manifested in the flesh – all that God is was embodied and expressed in Christ.

Actually, the entire Triune God – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – was manifested in the flesh to be the Lord Jesus! The Lord Jesus was the embodiment of the entire Triune God. As the Word of God (John 1:1), the Lord Jesus is the definition, expression, and explanation of God in the flesh. If you want to see the entire Triune God, come to Christ!

If you want to obtain the Triune God, enjoy Christ and be infused with Christ! The more we are filled with Him, the more we spend time with the Lord to fellowship with Him, the more we also become “God manifested in the flesh”. As the church, as the Body of Christ, we become the exact copy and the reproduction of Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God!

Hallelujah, the church today is God manifested in the flesh!

I enjoyed one more aspect of Christ’s coming in the flesh – He is the One coming as a Ruler and as a Judge to rule and judge the nations. As the mighty One, the ruling and judging one, Christ comes to be a Shepherd (Isa. 40:11)! According to our natural mind we would think that Christ is judging us and condemning us… but when He comes to us as a Judge and a Ruler, He is a Shepherd!

His ruling and correcting is actually His shepherding! He within us speaks to us, anoints us, takes care of us, makes us happy, and feeds us! Little by little, we give in to Him and we allow Him to shepherd every part of our being – we are being regulated within by this wonderful Shepherd!

We may be wild persons or timid persons – but through His continual inward shepherding, we are being regulated to live a life in the flock – we’re adjusted, we’re brought on the right way, and we are learning to walk in the same step with the others in the flock!

Hallelujah, we see this clearly in the church life today – the Lord within is adjusting us, regulating us, in a loving way – for us not to walk too fast or too slow, not to go ahead of everyone else but to be part of His flock… He feeds us, He gathers the lambs in His arm, He carries us in His bosom, and He leads those who are nursing the young (Isa. 40:11) – what a Good Shepherd He is, taking care of us and bringing us on… He shepherds us until we become just like Him – until He is fully expressed through us!

[enjoyment from the life-study of Isaiah, message 21, as quoted in the Morning Revival on the Crystallization-Study of Isaiah(2)]

Thank You Lord for the glad tidings! Thank You for Your continual shepherding! Lord, we need Your shepherding today… Thank You for Your regulating and adjusting within. Lord, we love Your gentle ruling and reigning. We love Your gathering and Your comforting. O, Lord, take us all the way through, and bring us on together! Make us fully “God manifested in the flesh” by working Yourself into us more and more! Lord, we just want to cooperate with You daily by allowing You to shepherd us…

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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14 years ago

In John 10 we are told that Christ is the Good Shepherd. In 1Cor we are told that this last Adam, that is Christ in the flesh, this Good Shepherd became the Life-Giving Spirit. The Spirit today is the annointing in our spirit. In 1John we are told that this annointing teaches us, specifically it teaches us to abide in Him. Today, the light just shone. He teaches us, (corrects, regulates, judges) through the Spirit's annointing us. This is His wonderful all-inclusive shepherding of us.

Thank You, Lord. Continue to be such a wonderful One to us, until we are Your full duplication on this earth!