Praying One with Christ at the Incense Altar for God’s Administration to be Executed

Praying One with Christ at the Incense Altar for God's Administration to be Executed [In the picture: As members of Christ and as parts of the Body-Christ, we cooperate with Christ in His ministry of intercession, carrying out His intercession in our prayers of intercession. ]

Have you ever wondered, How comes I am a Christian and So-and-So is not? He may be a better person than me, but for some reason I believe in God while he doesn’t yet or even refuses to.

It is not our seeking for God and our hunger for reality that primarily brought us to know God or to come into the church life, but it is the interceding of Christ that has caused all this to happen.

In the heavens right now Christ is interceding for us, praying for us according to God, since He knows what we need; He now lives to always intercede (Heb. 7:25; Rom. 8:34).

Christ intercedes not only for our needs, but He intercedes for God’s need, and He wants us to enter into His interceding life and participate with Him in His intercession. Christ today is at the incense altar in the center of the tabernacle, the center of the universe, interceding for God’s need.

The center of God’s operation in the universe is the incense altar, where Christ is interceding in His prayer life to execute God’s government on the earth.

As we enjoy Christ as the laver, the showbread table, the lampstand, and the ark, we are qualified to pray with Him and intercede with Him at the incense altar in our experience.

The prayers offered at the incense altar govern the universe and moves God’s hand to execute His judgments and accomplish His economy.

Lord, cause us to see You in Your interceding life, and make us those who join in to pray one with You! Lord, we want to advance in our experience of You until we participate in Your interceding life to pray for God’s interests on the earth!

Participating in Christ’s Interceding Life

The Christ we enjoy daily and the Christ we experience in our day-to-day life is the interceding Christ. He intercedes for us non-stop – Christ as the Intercessor prays for us to maintain the relationship with God. He wants us to participate in His interceding life.

First of all, we need to pray, petition, and intercede (see 1 Tim. 2:1), even pray at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints (Eph. 6:18-19). We need to pray for the saints and pray for the ones speaking the gospel and establishing churches (1 Thes. 5:25; Col. 4:3; Heb. 13:18).

Without Christ’s intercession for us our relationship with God cannot exist. It is because Christ prayed for us (and some also cooperated with Him on earth to pray for us) that we received the Lord as our Savior and were born again.

It is because Christ fervently intercedes for us (and probably some saints are also praying one with Christ) that today we are still in the church life in the Lord’s recovery, under the ministry of the age.

Christ prays for us, and He wants us to enter in and participate with Him in His interceding life today.

The Incense Altar is the Center of God’s Operation in the Universe

In the Old Testament we see the tabernacle, where God met and dwelt with man.

In the tabernacle as a type of Christ, the enterable and enjoyable God, we can experience Christ as the altar for burnt offering (by confessing our sins and trespasses , the laver (washing us with water in the Word), the show bread table (Christ as the bread of life, in the Holy Place), the lampstand (Christ is the light of life), and the ark of the covenant (deeper experiences of Christ as the resurrection life, the inner law of life, the hidden manna, and the place where we meet with God face to face).

All these experiences qualify us and bring us further to experience Christ as the incense altar, which is the center of God’s operation in the universe. God today operates in the heavens, but His center of operation is the incense altar where man offers prayers to God and is one with God for Him to operate on the earth.

Christ's prayer life is the center of God's execution of His government on the earth. Here at the incense altar we are in our "heavenly White House" (USA reference), or the "heavenly No. 10 Downing Street" (UK reference) - the intercession of Christ is God's White House, God's No. 10 Downing Street, where God has His center of operation in the universe. [In the picture: If we have a clear view of the incense altar, we will pray for God's move, for the executing of God's purpose, for the Lord's recovery, for the carrying out of the divine administration and for the divine dispensing; this kind of prayer fulfills God's purpose and delights His heart. ]

Christ’s prayer life is the center of God’s execution of His government on the earth. Here at the incense altar we are in our “heavenly White House” (USA reference), or the “heavenly No. 10 Downing Street” (UK reference) – the intercession of Christ is God’s White House, God’s No. 10 Downing Street, where God has His center of operation in the universe.

What a privilege to be here one with God, offering the prayers that He needs for Him to accomplish His purpose on earth!

The Prayer Offered at the Incense Altar Governs the Universe

This is a very bold statement, but it is nonetheless true. In Rev. 8 we see that Christ as Another Angel offers the prayers of the saints to God at the incense altar before God’s throne, adding Himself as the incense, and when God smells this, He executes the judgement on the earth and accomplishes His purpose.

Yes, God is on the throne, but when it comes to His operation and execution of His government, it is when the prayers of the saints mixed with Christ ascend from the golden altar that trigger God to do something.

God wants to judge, save, release, bind, and move, but He needs man to enter into Christ’s interceding life and be one with Christ, offering the prayers that God needs, so that God would do what He wants to do!

The incense altar is the place where all this happens – it is before God’s throne, and the saints’ prayers with Christ’s incense ascend to God, causing Him and motivating Him to move and execute His administration!

If we see this vision, we will realize how important it is for us to enter into Christ’s interceding life and pray one with Him. The prayers that we offer God at the incense altar govern the universe and move God’s hand to execute His judgments in His administration!

We need to grow in life, experience Christ in all the aspects as typified by the tabernacle, and pray together with Christ – even “pray Christ” – to God so that God would be motivated to execute His administration on earth!

The motor is the prayer life, and Christ as the real incense altar is the motivator and the motor for our prayer!

Lord, we come forward to God through You, since You live always to intercede. Mingle Yourself more with us, Lord. We want to experience You as all the offerings for our acceptance to God. Lord, You are our bread of life and our light of life. Lord, You are the hidden manna, the resurrection life, the law of life, and the place where we meet with God. Oh, Lord, how we desire to go further and experience Your praying life at the incense altar. Make us those who participate in Your intercession and motivate God to move and execute His administration through our prayer at the incense altar!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from brother Benson Phillips’ sharing in the message and portions in, The Conclusion of the New Testament (msg. 410), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 3 (entitled, Praying at the Incense Altar for the Formation of an Army to Fight for God’s Move on Earth).
  • Further Reading: Life-study of Revelation (msg. 23).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # “Keep the incense burning” / On the altar fire; / Feed the flame, Lord Jesus, / Till Thy whole desire / Shall in us, Thy children, / Find free course, and be / Breathed through lips anointed / For this ministry.
    # Teach us to pray that we may cause / The enemy to flee, / That we his evil pow’r may bind, / His prisoners to free.
    # Coming forward to the Holiest, / Through the incense altar’s prayer; / No more veil of separation, / We may boldly enter there.
  • Pictures credit: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (facebook page).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

In the book of Revelation the incense altar is directly in front of the throne of God’s authority. According to Revelation 8, Christ as another Angel comes and adds His incense to the prayers of the saints. This incense then ascends to God at the throne of administration, and God answers the saints’ prayers. As a result, fire comes down to earth to execute the divine judgments recorded in the remainder of the book of Revelation. This is a picture of the incense altar being the administrating throne of God for Him to execute His judgments in His administration. It is important for us to see that the execution of God’s administration is motivated by the prayers offered to Him from the incense altar. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 4275, 4271, 4272, 4288-4289, 4270)

12 years ago

I feel that the burden is for us to see. We need to see that the execution of God’s administration is motivated by the prayers offered to Him from the incense altar. Christ is administrating the whole universe through our prayers. As we pray, He administrates. As He administrates, we are praying. The incense altar may be regarded as the heavenly White House – everything is executed, motivated, and carried out from this divine centre. Christ’s interceding life, His prayer life, signified by the incense altar, is the center of God’s administration. In the matter of the execution that takes place at the incense altar, the saints truly are one with Christ. We need to participate in Christ’s interceding life. Our eyes must be opened to see God’s limitation and to see how we should cooperate with Him.

12 years ago

It is so important that we understand that the Lord needs us to pray. In His heavenly wisdom He has made us an essential part of the accomplishment of His economy. If we don't pray, He can't accomplish His will. But these aren't just any prayers. No. We must pray what is on His heart. Therefore, whether in our daily prayers or while interceding, we must always seek the Lord's Heart and pray back to Him what He prays to us.

12 years ago

It is important for us to see that the execution of God's administration is motivated by the prayers offered to Him from the incense alter. Open our eyes to see God's limitation and how we should cooperate with Him!

Annie Ting
Annie Ting
12 years ago

Our eyes have to be opened to see God's limitation and to see how we should cooperate with Him by our prayers. If we see this, we will pray to cooperate with Him so that He can carry out His divine administration.

Tara Wellesley
Tara Wellesley
12 years ago

Pour out Your answer to our prayers Lord!

Heb 7:25 Hence He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through Him, since He lives always to intercede for them.

Rom 8:34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ Jesus who died &, rather, was raised, who is also at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.

‘Our prayer is the response to His heavenly ministry. He offers these prayers to God, & then He pours out God’s answer… He needs our prayers… His prayer life, is the center of God’s administration.’

Lord, what is there in us that undermines Your Lordship? We want salvation to the uttermost!


12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus, give us a clear view of the incense altar so that we can pray for God's move and the executing of God's purpose for His recovery. Lord we pray for the divine administration and the divine dispensing. Lord we want to pray this kind of prayer to fulfill Your heart's desire.

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

Our God is not idle, He is a God of purpose. He has a purpose and He is moving, working, acting, dispensing, and administrating. Today the ascended Christ is at the right hand of God carrying out His universal administration through our prayers. He is praying, but we must join His praying. He is looking for members of His Body who will be fully responsive to Him, to what He is doing. 'O Lord, as we study the matter of the incense altar, enlighten us and show us this greatest matter in the universe. O Lord, You need overcomers who would fight to experience Christ in all the aspects of the items in the tabernacles: the laver, the show bread table, the lampstand and the even the deeper experiences of Christ signified by the ark of the covenant. You need us to come to the incense altar to pray with Christ, for the saints, for the sinners.’ As we pray with Him, Christ will offer the prayers to God, adding Himself as the incense and when God smells this, He executes the judgment on the earth and accomplish His purpose. God wants to judge, save, release, bind and move, but we need to pray with Him for Him to judge, save, release, bind and move.

tae wook Kye
tae wook Kye
12 years ago

The center of God’s operation in the universe is the incense altar, where Christ is interceding in His prayer life to execute God’s government on the earth. Thank you Lord for your interceding. Amen!

12 years ago

It is a big joy to pray and be face to face of the Lord and see how the Holy Spirit will be with us in many touch of glory and miracles vision by grace and
Be happy for that time!

12 years ago

Yes,God is on the throne,when it comes execution off all his government on earth.God want to judge to do something,He needs a man to enter Christ enterceding life and to be one with Christ,,Lord,You are the hidden manna,the ressurection life,the law of life..Amen