Praying on Behalf of All Men to be Saved and Come to the Full Knowledge of the Truth

Praying on Behalf of All Men to be Saved and Come to the Full Knowledge of the Truth [in the picture: I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men (1 Tim. 2:1).]

I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men (1 Tim. 2:1).

The first thing we should do is not assess the situation or find out the best solution but pray. Even before reading the Bible, before taking a shower in the morning, and before we go to work / school / do the daily chores, we need to pray.

Don’t make any decisions without praying; rather, seek the Lord’s will in prayer and be one with Him to do things according to His leading within.

Prayer is more important than anything else, and prayer is more important than work. If we take the lead to transform all our talking into praying, the church life will be transformed, uplifted, and vitalized!

God wants us to pray on behalf of all men because He as the Savior God desires all men to be save and to come to the full knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4). For God’s desire to be accomplished, our prayer is required.

We need to offer God petitions (specific prayers), intercessions (approaching God in a personal manner to intervene in others’ life for their benefit), and thanksgivings (thanking God for all things).

As we pray, we will have the sense from the Lord to pray on behalf of particular people and situations, and the Lord will have a way to operate in them to cause them to grow in life and go on with Him.

Lord Jesus, may we be those who pray first! Remind us to pray. Save us from not praying first. Lord, show us Your desire to save all men and the importance of our prayer for Your desire to be accomplished. Lord, save all men! Lord, bring all men to the full knowledge of the truth!

Praying on Behalf of All Men

The first order of things in the church life is prayer. We need to pay as much attention to prayer as we pay attention to the Spirit and the Word. Prayer has priority over all, including the administration of the church, the shepherding of the saints, and the opening up of God’s economy (1 Tim. 1:4).

We need to turn all information, all gossip, all talk, all newspaper reading, and all things into prayer!

“Recently, my activity was limited for a time so that I could rest and care for my health. When I heard about certain needs, I prayed for them. Perhaps the Lord limited me that He might impress me with the fact that prayer is more important than work. May we all learn the lesson that the way to have a good church life is to pray. This is crucial. If our talking is turned into praying, the church in our locality will be transformed” (Life-study of 1 Timothy, p. 28).

“Recently, my activity was limited for a time so that I could rest and care for my health. When I heard about certain needs, I prayed for them. Perhaps the Lord limited me that He might impress me with the fact that prayer is more important than work. May we all learn the lesson that the way to have a good church life is to pray. This is crucial. If our talking is turned into praying, the church in our locality will be transformed” (Life-study of 1 Timothy, p. 28).

There is a difference between “praying for the president” and “praying on behalf of the president” (1 Tim. 2:1). Paul encourages us to pray on behalf of the people in power and for kings – this means that the president / the prime minister may pray, but he doesn’t pray enough, so we pray on his behalf.

We pray as the prime minister ought to pray. We don’t pray necessarily for his health, for him to be re-elected, etc, but we pray for what he ought to pray but he didn’t. When we pray those prayers, we act as a priest on his behalf. We pray, Lord, may Your kingdom come and Your will be done in this country!

We are the priest and he is the king – and we are one in prayer. If the church is not here praying on behalf of the king and those in authority, nobody will be praying for the situation!

Tertullian once said, While you are persecuting us, we are your priests praying for you, and if we don’t pray for you no one will! In a sense, we are higher than all human power because we are acting as the priests of God praying on behalf of the kings and all those who are in high position.

We don’t pray in a presumptuous way, but we pray one with the Lord on behalf of the president / prime-minister / governors / council men and all people in high positions, praying as they ought to pray!

Petitions, Prayers, Intercessions, and Thanksgivings

We need to pray all kinds of prayers: general prayers for worshiping God and fellowshipping with Him, special prayers for particular needs (petitions), prayers that intervene before God in others’ affairs for their benefit, prayers approaching God in a personal and confiding manner to interfere with others’ affairs and bring them back to God (intercessions), etc.

Also, we need to give thanks to the Lord for all things. Don’t praise men when something good happens – praise and thank God from whom all good things come. If some saints are doing really well, thank the Lord; if the church is going on strongly, thank the Lord!

Also, we need to pray for God’s will to be done and His kingdom to come in countries that are still open to the gospel. We need to pray to restrain the mystery of lawlessness in those countries that are closed and are opposing God’s will.

We need to pray for the overthrowing of the power of darkness domestically in our country and internationally all over the earth. We can clearly see that the world situation is becoming what the Bible describes it as it would be, and the only people that will intercede for the situation is the church!

The church has a unique ministry, the ministry of prayer, to pray on behalf of all men and for all things, that God’s desire would be accomplished on the earth!

Praying for God’s Desire to Save All Men

God’s desire is that none would perish but would be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth (John 3:14-16; 1 Tim. 2:4). For this, we need to pray on behalf of all men that they would be quiet and tranquil in their being and be saved.

There is no place in the Bible saying we should pray for the wars and social struggle to stop; rather, outwardly the things go as they go, but we pray for a situation that will allow us to be quiet and tranquil inwardly that we may be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth.

We should pray on behalf of all men because our Savior God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth; our prayer is required for the carrying out of God’s desire (1 Tim. 2:4).

We should pray on behalf of all men because our Savior God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth; our prayer is required for the carrying out of God’s desire (1 Tim. 2:4).

Pray for those in war, that they may be quiet and tranquil to know the Lord. The white horse of the gospel is running together with the red horse of war.

Pray for all men to “calm down inwardly”, be quiet before the Lord, and know Him personally. Freedom and peace outwardly may not be what will help people to calm down inwardly and be quiet and tranquil to know God.

When we know God inwardly and come to the full knowledge of the truth, we will have godliness toward God and honor and respect before men – a God-man living.

Why? Because God desires all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth! On the campus, at home, our neighbors, in the big mansions, in the council houses, in the countryside, in the cities, on the bus, on the tube, while driving on the motorway, at work, at school, on the street, etc all these people need to be prayed for to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth.

God needs us as the church to be the “echo chamber” to echo His will on earth. Our prayer is required for God’s desire to be carried out. And this is good and acceptable in the sight of the Lord, because Christ is our Mediator who even gave Himself as a ransom on behalf of all (1 Tim. 2:5).

Christ always lives to intercede on behalf of all men, and the Spirit prays in us on our behalf; we simply cooperate with Him and become His reproduction on earth to do the same on behalf of all men!

Lord Jesus, open our eyes to see All Men and pray on behalf of all men! We want Your desire to save all men to be fulfilled. Lord, teach us to pray on behalf of the people in high positions and in authority. May Your kingdom come in the UK, in Spain, in France, in Austria, in Germany, in Romania, in Italy, in Portugal, in Ireland, in Scotland, in Sweden, and in all European countries. Lord, Your kingdom come and Your will be done!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from brother Andrew Yu’s speaking in this message and portions in, Life-study of 1 Timothy (msg. 3), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 6 (entitled, A Praying Church in the Unique Stream of the Work of God).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Let us work together with the Lord through prayer, / Praying every time and everywhere. / He will not accomplish His will on His own; / Seek Him ‘till His purpose is made known.
    # Stir me, oh, stir me, Lord, I care not how, / But stir my heart in passion for the world, / Stir me to give, to go, but most to pray.
    # Rescue the perishing, / Care for the dying, / Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; / Weep o’er the erring one, / Lift up the fallen, / Tell them of Jesus the mighty to save.
  • Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

The first thing the elders should do in caring for the church is pray. Do not make decisions without praying….Before doing anything, we need to pray. Furthermore, our prayers should not be light or superficial; they must be thorough. Only after we have prayed for a matter thoroughly should we make a decision concerning it, not by ourselves independently, but in oneness with the Lord and according to His leading. If the elders practice in this way the church life in our locality will be uplifted and proper. (Life-study of 1 Timothy, p. 27)

12 years ago

May we all receive the burden and learn the lesson from our brother Paul in 1 Timothy 2:1, which is to first of all, pray. The way to have a good church life is to pray. Our prayer life can be carried out by means of all prayer, petition, intercession, and thanksgiving, praying at every time in spirit. We need to be impressed with the fact that prayer is more important than the work. In 1 Tim 2:4, Paul says that our Saviour God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth, which is essentially Christ and His Body, the church. For this we need to pray on behalf of all men. There is so much to pray for. May the Lord have mercy on us, and give us all a burden to pray. The more we pray, the more the church will be transformed, and the Lord will have a way to come back.

12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus cause us to pray on behalf of all men. Lord we pray the prayer that Paul prayed; "Lord we pray that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all godliness and gravity". 1 Tim 2:1-2. Lord You desire all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth. May Your burden become our burden Lord and may we be faithful in our prayer life.

Tara Wellesley
Tara Wellesley
12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus, may all be saved & come to the full knowledge of the truth that You are the embodiment of God & the church is Your Body, by being fully constituted in Your Word. May we always put prayer 1st so Your desire is carried out in the way You will.


1 Tim 2:1-4 I exhort therefore, 1st of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men; on behalf of kings & all who are in high position, that we may lead a quiet & tranquil life in all godliness & gravity. This is good & acceptable in the sight of our Saviour God, who desires all men to be saved & come to the full knowledge of the truth.

Prayer is general, with the essence of worship & fellowship. Petitions are special & are for particular needs, intercessions means approach to God in a personal & confiding manner,…intervening, interfering, before God in others affairs for the their benefit…we can have a proper church life only if we have a prayer life…If our talking is turned into praying, the church in our locality will be transformed…Prayer is required for the carrying out of God’s desire.



Yahosca Gabriela
Yahosca Gabriela
12 years ago

The first thing we should do is not assess the situation or find out the best solution but pray. Even before reading the Bible, before taking a shower in the morning, and before we go to work / school / do the daily chores, we need to pray…Prayer is more important than anything else… Lord, make me one who pray in every time and every moment on behalf of all men and Your purpose. Amen!

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

We need to pray all kinds of prayers: PRAY to contact God to cause our spirit to be exercised and strengthened (Acts 6:4 footnote). PRAY to make petitions for special needs of others. PRAY on behalf of kings and all who are in high position…that we may lead a peaceful life for us to have an enjoyable church life in expressing God. PRAY on behalf of all men because our God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth…

Since the news we read or heard matches the Bible, and the spiritual warfare has become reality to many, we sense these are the signs of the age coming to a close…Today God’s eyes have turned to the kingdom and He is earnestly trying to bring in the kingdom. Hence, there is the need of His believers to rise up to cooperate with God for the throwing down of Satan’s kingdom, and the ushering in of God’s kingdom…

“O Lord, make us those who use our energy and time to PRAY.” PRAY before making decisions, PRAY to enliven and empower the ministry of the word (Act 6:4 footnote). PRAY to uplift and transform the church in our locality. PRAY for the leading ones in the church. PRAY for the weak ones, the new ones…PRAY to oppress and the casting out of Satan. PRAY for the bride to be prepared for the Bridegroom….Come, Lord Jesus!

Joel Cabajes on Face
12 years ago

Amen the only way for us set our mind to the things above!

11 years ago

Prayers is important on what we tast on earth so those Men in higher position we must have a behalf prayers for them,they are also the leaders do anything good happens on earth and that is through of prayers….Amen