Praying in the Holy Spirit by Praying in the Mutual Fellowship of the Two Spirits

Praying in the Holy Spirit by Praying in the Mutual Fellowship of the Two Spirits [Picture: Jude 1:20, Praying in the Holy Spirit]

The real significance of prayer is to contact God in our spirit and to absorb and inhale God Himself. We need to have our mind renewed and any religious concepts removed so that we may see what prayer really is in God’s eyes.

In Jude 1:20 we see that we need to pray in the Holy Spirit – this means that we and the Holy Spirit pray together in the fellowship of the two spirits (the divine Spirit and the human spirit).

Prayer is not merely telling God what you need, or thanking Him for everything (when things go well), or asking for His help in the times of need.

Genuine prayer is prayer in the Holy Spirit, a prayer in the union and communion of the Spirit with our spirit (Jude 1:20; 2 Cor. 13:14; Phil. 2:1). When we pray, we need to enter into the fellowship with God and offer Him true prayers by being in union and communion with Him.

Most prayers today – though being offered out of sincere people to a God above – are not the real prayers that God wants. May we be those who pray in the Holy Spirit and utter prayers as the expression of the union and communion of God with us!

Lord, bring us further in our prayer life. Make us men who pray real prayers, solid prayers, genuine prayers. We want to enter and remain in the union and communion of God and man in our spirit. Oh, Lord, may our prayers be in the Holy Spirit! Keep us in our spirit all the time!

The Secret to the Christian Life

What is a real Christian? What is the secret to the Christian life?

A Christian is not merely one who believes in Jesus and does his best to obey the word of God until the Lord Jesus comes back. No, a Christian is a man mingled with God, a human being joined and mingled with God in spirit.

The secret to our Christian life is to be mingled with God, to be mingled with the Holy Spirit. If we are mingled with the Spirit, if we are in the mingled spirit, we have a spiritual life and therefore we are Christians. But when we don’t live in the mingled spirit, in the mingling of God with man, we don’t live as real Christians.

Many people today are Christians in name but not in reality because they don’t live in the mingling of God and man. They may do a lot of religious and good activities, but if they are not in the Holy Spirit, they don’t have a spiritual life and are not God’s expression on earth.

In our prayer we need to not pray religious prayers, prayers apart from the mingling of God with man. Rather, we need to pray prayers that are worthy before God, solid and genuine, prayers that reach God, touch God, and are in God by praying in the Holy Spirit.

Especially when we pray, we can exercise and apply the secret to the Christian life – being mingled with the Holy Spirit and being in God!

Praying in the Holy Spirit

What does it mean to pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 1:20)? Paul also says something similar when he says, Nobody can say, Jesus is Lord, except in the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:3). [in the picture: Jude 1:20-21]

What does it mean to pray in the Holy Spirit (Jude 1:20)? Paul also says something similar when he says, Nobody can say, Jesus is Lord, except in the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:3).

To pray in the Holy Spirit really means to pray in the mutual fellowship of God’s Spirit with our spirit – the two spirits mingled to be one spirit (1 Cor. 6:17).

When we pray we need to exercise our spirit to touch the Spirit, and the Spirit will touch our spirit. When we touch the Spirit with our spirit, when we enter into the mingling of the Spirit with our spirit, we are praying in our spirit and we are praying in the Holy Spirit.

This kind of prayer brings us into God’s presence and brings God’s presence into us. When we pray in the Holy Spirit, every sentence and every word of our prayer is solid, touches God, and utters what is on His heart back to Him.

The real prayer is the prayer in the Holy Spirit, and this prayer touches God’s presence and brings us fully into God to be mingled with God and to be one with God.

Elijah prayed the prayer – there was a prayer installed in him, and he prayed – yet it was God praying in him the prayer that He put in him (James 5:17). It is God praying in us, and we pray in God.

This is marvelous – the real prayer means that we pray in God and God prays in us, God prays in man in the principle of incarnation!

How Can We Pray Real Prayers, Solid Prayers?

When we read the above definition and description of the significance of prayer we need to admit that most of our prayers are not in this way. Many times we pray and we feel that the words are lost in the air, not hitting the mark – we feel as if our prayer doesn’t touch God.

This really exposes us, showing us that our prayer is not solid when we don’t pray in the Holy Spirit. When we pray apart from the Spirit, apart from touching God as the Spirit in our spirit, we feel as if our prayer goes only up to the heavens yet it doesn’t touch God.

We need to have a turn and a change in our way of prayer. It is not the multitude of words or the many times of prayer that counts, but it is the prayer in the Holy Spirit, in the mingled spirit.

When we pray in the Spirit, we feel that we touch God and God touches us, and whatever we say touches God and moves God.

When we turn to our spirit, apply the blood, and enter into the mingling of God and man in our spirit with the Spirit, we are filled with God, we touch God, we inhale God, and we absorb God.

The more we pray in this way, the more we have words to pray, and the more we are inwardly filled, enlightened, comforted, satisfied, and nourished.

This feeling within assures us that we have touched God in our prayer, we have received God, and we have breathed in God – and this is genuine prayer, which has spiritual value.

We need to learn to offer only this kind of prayers, so that God would be initiating it, motivating it, and gaining all the glory!

Lord, save us from praying in ourselves without touching You. Uplift and deepen our prayer life. Make us those who pray solid prayers, real prayers, prayers that touch You and move Your hand. Lord, we want to pray in the mingling of God with man. Keep us in the divine mingling in our spirit. We want to touch the Spirit when we pray, and we want to pray in the Holy Spirit! Lord, make this our reality!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from portions in, How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God (chs. 19, 21, 5), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 1 (entitled, The Significance of Prayer, the Principle of Prayer, and the Prayer Ministry of the Church).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Lord, teach us how to pray, / Not as the nations do in vain, / But turn us from our way, / And cause us, Lord, to call on You each day— / Lord Jesus, grow in us.
    # Pray to fellowship with Jesus, / Seeking Him in confidence; / Learn to touch Him as the Spirit, / Looking up in reverence.
    # Pray to touch the throne of God, / Deeply sense thy need of grace; / In the spirit stay with God, / Fellowshipping face to face.
  • Picture credit: Jude 1:20-21 and Jude 1:20 picture.
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

Jude 20…speaks about two things. First, it speaks of being built up in the most holy faith. This is related to reading the Word. Second, it speaks of praying in the Holy Spirit. This is related to prayer. No other verse in the Bible is as concise as this verse in the matter of prayer. Prayer should be in the Holy Spirit. We should pray in the Holy Spirit. Prayer, which is a matter of man cooperating with God, must possess two natures. Prayers that come only from man, which are not mingled with God, are merely religious prayers. They do not touch God, breathe in God, or reach God. This is the reason that Jude says we should pray in the Holy Spirit. The words in the Holy Spirit are very good. In Ephesians 6:18 the Chinese Union Version translates this portion as praying by the Spirit. The meaning of praying by the Spirit is unclear. Jude, however, is translated correctly; we should pray in the Holy Spirit. Praying in the Holy Spirit means that we and the Holy Spirit must pray together. (How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God, p. 211)

Sister Victoria
Sister Victoria
11 years ago

I enjoyed that it does not matter how many times we pray a day because I am attempting at praying 3 times a day like the people in the full time training in Anaheim and Daniel, but I do not always get to three. I pray a while when I really get into it.

11 years ago

When we pray we need to exercise our spirit to touch the spirit.This kind of prayer bring us God's presence.the real prayer is the prayer in the Holy Spirit.