We need to pray for Christ to be everything to us and apply Christ in our daily life so that we may live Christ and express Him for the genuine church life.
As believers in Christ who love the Lord and want to pursue Him to gain Him, we need to see a heavenly vision of God’s intention to make Christ everything to us, and we need to learn to apply Christ in all the things in our daily living.
The goal of our Christian pursuit is not so that we would have more prosperity, peace, joy, or patience; it is for us to gain more of Christ.
So God arranges all things in our environment for the purpose of us gaining more Christ, and we need to seek to enjoy Christ, experience Christ, and express Christ.
Our Christian life started with a vision of the preciousness of Christ; when we saw the Lord Jesus and what He did for us, we simply opened to Him and repented, called on His name, and believed into Him.
This is the beginning, and this should happen every day; every day we need to contact the Lord and be impressed with His preciousness.
We need to see the Lord’s supreme preciousness and have a clear vision of the all-inclusive Christ.
When we see Christ, we will simply drop all other things to run after Him and enjoy Him.
This is similar to us seeing a precious thing for the first time and realizing how important and precious that thing is.
Before seeing that thing, we never knew it existed, but after we find out and are impressed with its preciousness, we will be willing to pay the price to purchase it and we will treasure it.
When we see Christ, though we may not have heard about Him or seen Him before, we realize how precious He is, and we drop all other things.
This is what Paul did; he testified that all other things are as dung, refuse, something to be rejected, on account of Christ.
He not only counted all things as loss on account of Christ but even suffered the loss of all things so that he may gain Christ.
What a pattern he was!
In our Christian life today we need to see Christ, have a vision of the supreme preciousness of Christ, and we will simply run after Him and count all things loss on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
How precious and wonderful our dear Lord Jesus is! He is our life, our joy, our peace, our patience, and our supply.
He wants to live in us, make His home in us, and be formed in us, and He constantly supplies us with Himself so that we may express Him in a normal way.
Our aspiration is to know Christ, enjoy Christ, and experience Christ, and we desire to be found in Christ.
Oh, to be found in Christ when others meet us, talk to us, and interact with us!
Not to be found in ourselves, in our own righteousness, but in Christ, having the righteousness of God which is in Christ and which is Christ! Amen!
We need to see a Heavenly Vision of God’s Intention to make Christ Everything to us
What God desires is not that we do the right thing or that we would be good people; God’s intention is to make Christ everything to us.
We need to see a heavenly vision of God’s intention to make Christ everything to us.
Simply by reading this or hearing this, we don’t see it; we need to see a heavenly vision.
We can’t just read this or hear this and agree with it, and that’s it; we need the Lord to show us a vision in our spirit.
What is God’s intention? It is not a small thing to know what God’s intention is. As we converse with others, take care of our responsibilities, and live the Christian life, we need to know what is God’s intention.
God’s intention is simply that His Christ, the Christ who is the centrality and universality of God’s economy, the Christ in whom God delights, the Christ that God gives to us, this Christ needs to be everything to us (Matt. 17:4-5).
When we realize this, when we realize that God gives us only Christ and that He wants that His Christ be everything to us, we will pursue Him, seek Him, and enjoy Him.
When we see the supreme preciousness of Christ and realize God’s marvellous intention, we will count everything else as loss.
We will simply forget all the things which are behind and stretch forward to the things which are before, pursuing toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called us upward (Phil. 3:13-14).
May we pray for Christ to be everything to us in our daily life!
God has called us into the enjoyment, the fellowship, the joint participation of Christ (1 Cor. 1:9), and we need to simply enjoy the Lord, pay attention to Him, and pursue Him.
When we see His preciousness and appreciate His utmost worth, we will consider all other things as loss on account of gaining Christ.
We may have a good degree from a prestigious university, but on account of Christ, we will count it as a loss, as refuse.
We will simply cooperate with God’s intention and operation to make Christ everything to us.
As we contact the Lord in the morning, we will tell Him, Lord, thank You for a new day to pursue You and gain You.
When we go to bed at night, laying our head on the pillow, we will have the feeling that a little more of Christ has been added to us, for throughout the day we have contacted the Lord, we enjoyed Him, and we experienced something of Christ.
We want that every day would be a day of pursuing Christ and gaining Him for the Body.
On one hand, we want to enjoy and pursue Christ for us to grow in life and advance with the Lord, but on the other hand, our growth and experience are for the Body.
We do not want to be special or do great things for the Lord here on earth – we simply want to enjoy Christ and experience Christ for the building up of the Body.
Day by day we need the Lord’s new mercies and fresh compassions, and we need His fresh portion of grace for every day to live Christ and enjoy Him.
We will pray that He would supply us and give us the grace we need for that day, and we will come forward to the throne of mercy to receive mercy and find grace for timely help (Heb. 4:16).
If we receive new mercy and grace from the Lord, we will be able to drop all things that replace Christ and stretch forward to lay hold of Christ Himself (Phil. 3:7-8, 13).
If we see that God’s intention is to make Christ everything to us, we will be able to drop all the good things, even the best things, and simply stretch forward to gain Christ.
We will be desperate to gain more of Christ and we will not allow ourselves to be hindered or held back by our past experiences.
Rather, we will pray that Christ will be everything to us in our daily life (Col. 3:17).
We will see the urgency of taking Christ as everything to us, and we will pursue Him, stretching forward to Him, to gain Him and experience Him.
May we open to the Lord and receive fresh new mercies from Him every day so that we may take Christ as everything to us and pursue only Christ.
One of the main items that the Lord is recovering today is the genuine experience of Christ.
He doesn’t want us to merely know the doctrine and good teachings concerning Christ and His all-inclusiveness; He wants us to know Christ, experience Christ, and enjoy Christ day by day, thus making His Christ everything to us in our daily life.
Lord Jesus, open our eyes to see that we don’t need to be good Christians or do the right thing but to have Christ as our life and our everything. Grant us to see a heavenly vision of God’s intention to make Christ everything to us. Amen, Lord, may we daily pay attention to Christ and nothing else. We open to receive new mercy and grace from You so that we may drop all things that replace Christ and focus only on Christ. Amen, Lord, we forget the things which are behind us and stretch forward to the things which are before to pursue Christ! We pursue to gain You, know You, and experience You until Christ becomes everything to us in our daily life. Oh Lord, we are desperate to gain more of You and to experience You in our daily life. May Christ become everything to us in our daily life today. We are willing to drop all the good things, even the best things, so that we may gain Christ and experience Christ!
Pray for Christ to be Everything to us and Apply Christ in our Daily Life
Being a Christian is a mysterious yet wonderful matter, for we are not just men but God-men, those born of God with His life and nature.
We believers in Christ have Christ living in us; He is within us, and He lives in us.
However, there is a problem: many times we are the ones who live, speak, and do things, for we don’t pay attention to nor check with the indwelling Christ.
Though we have Christ within us, we don’t apply Christ in our daily life. This is our problem.
We have Christ within us, but when we think about doing something, we don’t consult with Him, and when we speak something, we speak our own thoughts, not checking with the Lord concerning what He thinks.
We may do something for the Lord and in His name, but we don’t do it by Christ but by ourselves.
We need to pray that Christ will be everything to us in our daily life, and we need to apply Christ in our daily living.
We often do the things that are right, and we want to make sure we do the right thing; however, we do not check with the Lord nor do we seek Him concerning this.
Instead of doing the right thing or trying to be right in what we are doing, we need to check with the Lord and ask Him, Lord, what do You think about this? Should I do this? Are You doing this with me? Is this what You want me to do?
Many times we may be engaged in a particular activity and it is us who do this and say that; we need to check with the Lord and let Him live in us, applying Him to that situation.
Paul did this; he testified in Gal. 2:20 that it was no longer he who lived but it was Christ who lived in him.
Instead of checking with the Lord, Lord, is this the right thing for me to do? we should check with Him, Lord, are You doing this in me, or is it me doing this?
We need to pray for Christ to be everything to us in our experience, and we need to apply Christ in our daily life.
We are not speaking here merely of whether we should go to the movies but even in doing things for the Lord in the church, we need to apply Christ.
We know that the Lord would not go to the movies, and we have His clear feeling about that.
But what about going to preach the gospel, is Christ the One speaking or is it you who speaks?
When we visit the saints to shepherd them, is it Christ visiting them or is it you who visits them to hang out with them?
In all the things we do in our daily life, we need to apply Christ and experience Him.
May we have the revelation that God wants Christ to be everything to us, and may we apply Christ in our daily living.
We may be driving down the road and be quite delayed at the intersection because the cars in front of us are slow to move; what is our reaction in this situation?
What do we do when we miss the bus or the train, or when there are delays in the things we’re about to do?
We need to contact the Lord everywhere and all the time.
As we are doing various things, we should apply Christ in what we are doing.
Every day we need to pray for new experiences of Christ and apply Him.
As we take a shower or set up the dinner table, we need to apply Christ to our daily living.
Every day we need to pray for new experiences of Christ; we need to pray to experience the One who dwells in us to be our life and everything (Eph. 3:17).
This is our great need today.
Our need is to experience Christ in whatever happens today and to apply Him in our daily living.
Lord Jesus, grant us the portion of grace that we may experience You today. We pray for new experiences of Christ today. Thank You for being in us and living in us; we want You to be our life and our everything. Become more and more real to us today. Amen, Lord, we love You. We want to experience You. We want to apply You to our daily living. We just open to You again and again. We want to do nothing apart from You. We don’t want to just do the right thing but to do all things in You and by You. We need You, Lord. We need more of You! We just want to contact You and gain You. Make Your home in our heart. Live in us. Keep us coming to You again and again in all situations. We want to apply You in our daily living. May Christ be everything to us in our daily life. Amen, Lord, we love You! We turn to You!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by the brothers in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The Mystery of God and the Mystery of Christ,” chs. 2, 5-6, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Knowing Experiencing, and Living the All-inclusive Christ for the Genuine Church Life (2023 spring ITERO), week 1, entitled, Being Brought Back to Christ Himself for the Genuine Church Life.
- Similar reading on this topic:
– New Jerusalem: through Christ, unto Christ, via, New Jerusalem blog.
– How to See, Experience, and Enjoy Christ as Our Good Land Today, via, Bibles for America blog.
– The experience of Christ, a portion from, The Experience of Christ in Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, Chapter 4, by Witness Lee.
– Practical Pointers on Enjoying God in Prayer, via, Living to Him.
– We have this life and can experience it every day, a portion from, Lesson Book, Level 4: Life—Knowing and Experiencing Life, Chapter 1, by Witness Lee.
– 7 Steps to Build Up a Personal Prayer Life, article via, Holding to Truth.
– Experiencing the Triune God – the Affirmation and Critique vol. 1, no. 2, April. 1996. - Hymns on this topic:
– Hallelujah! By His light we see / Oh, how real, how full our Lord will be / If we’ll only turn to Him at every time, / in every day, / Every thing, in every way and— / Be specific for reality! / And be done with generality! / If we’ll just apply Him, we will see / He’s everything to us. (Hymns #1178 stanza 1)
– Oh, what a thought! Oh, what a boast! / Christ shall in me be magnified. / In nothing shall I be ashamed, / For He in all shall be applied. / In woe or blessing, death or life, / Through me shall Christ be testified. (Hymns #499 stanza 3)
– Christ is the way and Christ the light of life, / In Him we walk and by Him we are led; / Christ is the living water and the food; / Of Him we drink and we with Him are fed… / All things forgetting, cleaving unto Christ, / Applying Him until maturity; / Let us count everything but loss for Him, / For Him, our All in all, eternally. (Hymns 863 stanzas 2 and 7)
Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1961-1962, vol. 4, “The Mystery of God and the Mystery of Christ,” pp. 150-151
Dear brother, we need to see a heavenly vision of God’s intention to make Christ everything to us, and we need to apply Christ to our daily living.
Christ lives in us, but many times we don’t apply Him to our daily living.
In all the things of our daily life, we need to apply Christ and be one with Him, not just to do the right thing but to have Him live in us as we experience and enjoy Him.
Amen, may we be those who apply Christ in our daily living.
Amen Lord! Constrain us more and more with The all inclusive Christ to be our daily experience and vision, to check with Him in all our undertaking to have a genuine Christian life and church life!
Yes Lord keep us doing things through you, save us from turning from bad to Good, we repent of our love and our own zeal, bringing us into simply living in union with you 🙏🏽recover this reality among all your saints
Yes, what we need isn’t to be “good” but to have Christ as our life and our everything.
We need a turn from not living Jesus.
We may have Christ within us, but how much do we apply Him in our daily life?
Do we think by Christ, speak & act by Him? Is Jesus acting in us and through us?
May we learn to check if Christ is the person acting, thinking and moving in us?
Aaaaameeen! Yes Lord, more of Christ applied today in everything!!
To know Christ is not merely to have knowledge concerning Him but to gain His very person.
And to gain Him is to experience, enjoy, and take possession of all His unsearchable riches.
Then when others see us or observe us, they will find us in Christ. We shall not be found in our own virtues, we shall be found in Christ and in Him alone.
Today we must pay attention to Christ!
In the Lord’s recovery we are bring brought back to Christ Himself as our life and everything!
For this we must forget our humility, zeal, our love for Him, and simply seek to live Him in our daily life.
It is not a matter of keeping us away from doing evil things and experiencing good things, but turning from not living by Christ as our life to living by Christ as our life.
In general, whenever we do things, speak to people, eat food, dress our clothes and move in and out, we need to apply the life giving Spirit,The Triune God, mingling and living in us.
Praise the Lord for the revelation of His word!
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Let us practise the application of minding just the Son.
Our Christ is very applicable. We can apply Him in all things in our daily living.
Amen brother!
I was much touched that we need to take in everything we do even the good things we do.
Hallelujah! 😃