Persevering in Prayer – We Choose to Stand on God’s Side and Pray Persistently!

Persevering in Prayer - We Choose to Stand on God's Side and Pray Persistently! [Picture: Col. 4:2, Persevere in Prayer, Watching in It with Thanksgiving]

Prayer is a very important matter in our Christian life and in God’s economy. Without prayer and without persevering in prayer the truths in the Bible are merely doctrines we know in our mind, not our spiritual constitution and reality.

Watchman Nee encourages us to not only hear the truth but pray the Word and the truth into our being and then pray it to God, so that it may be our reality and our living. Also, Paul the Apostle encourages us in Col. 4:2, Persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving.

We all agree that it is important to pray, but do we actually set a period of time aside every day for prayer? Do we persevere in prayer? Do we continue persistently, steadfastly, and even earnestly in prayer?

As soon as we have our time in prayer with the Lord the whole world is trying to distract us and bother us. Satan doesn’t want us to pray – he would rather want us to read the Bible and do other spiritual and good things, but not pray.

In the battle raging in the universe today between God and Satan, man’s will and man’s prayer will decide the outcome. God will win, but will we be the people on earth who pray and persevere in prayer so that Satan (the accuser, the enemy, the adversary) will be defeated?

Lord, make us those who pray today and watch unto this in all perseverance  Lord, may we treasure our time of prayer with You more than anything else. We want to learn to reject any distractions and frustrations, and focus on praying to align our will with Yours! Lord Jesus, bring us on in this matter of prayer with perseverance!

Persevere in Prayer

To persevere means to insist, to persist, and to continue persistently, steadfastly, and earnestly. Don’t say you don’t know how to persevere – if we look at what we do, we will see that many times we persevere but in the wrong things.

Some people persevere in making sure they win all the verbal battles/exchange of words. Others persevere in going to work daily and never being late. Others persevere in playing a game until they finish it, playing sports, doing their homework, jogging, etc.

We know how to persevere, but when it comes to persevering in prayer, “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt. 26:41; Mark 14:38). We need to have a praying spirit and watch against any physical, psychological, or spiritual sleep.

Don’t give up – insist in prayer, even in the face of discouragement and obstacles. Satan is against our prayer, and he will instigate our family, our friends, our classmates, and everything around us and even within us to rise up and distract us from praying.

Prayer Involves a Battle

Why do we need to persevere in prayer? According to the Bible and also according to our experience, prayer involves a battle, a fight, a struggle.

Why do we need to persevere in prayer? According to the Bible and also according to our experience, prayer involves a battle, a fight, a struggle.[In the picture: We need to persevere in prayer because prayer involves a battle, a fight; two parties, God and Satan, are hostile to each other; the third party consists of God's chosen and redeemed people.]

In the universe all conflicts have their source in the battle between two wills: God’s will and Satan’s will, which are hostile to each other. We as God’s chosen and redeemed people need to stand on God’s side and willingly choose God’s will.

Satan is our adversary – he always accuses us before God, day and night accusing the brothers and the sisters, trying to cause damage (Rev. 12:10; John 1:6-12).

Also, Satan is the enemy without, stirring up all kinds of people, situations, and environments to bother us, wear us out, distract us, and slow us down from pursuing the Lord and loving Him.

Outside God’s kingdom, Satan is the enemy; within us and within God’s kingdom, Satan is the adversary, working tirelessly to distract us and make things difficult for us when we want to pray.

God on the other hand, as the almighty Creator, would not lower down to deal with one of His creatures by Himself; He chooses man and gains man to be on His side, so that man would pray and cooperate with God and defeat God’s adversary and enemy, Satan.

For us to fight on God’s side against Satan we need to persevere in prayer! The whole world lies in the evil one (1 John 5:19), lying passively in the sphere of the evil one’s influence.

God’s people can decide the outcome of the battle of God and Satan through their prayer! We need to persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving, so that God would defeat and completely destroy His enemy Satan!

We Choose to Stand on God’s Side!

Whose side are you on – God’s or Satan’s?

Satan lures us, distracts us, deceives us, and usurps us illegally and unruly to be on his side. But God desires that we would see this battle, we would see His economy, and we would stand on His side.

God opens His heart to us, showing us His need: He not only created man in His image and with His likeness, but He needs man to willingly choose Him and pray persistently so that God would defeat Satan, His enemy.

The whole world today is going downstream, but we need to refuse to be a dead leaf carried by the stream and rather be the living salmon swimming upstream by going against the trend of the age and pray with perseverance.

The whole world today is going downstream, but we need to refuse to be a dead leaf carried by the stream and rather be the living salmon swimming upstream by going against the trend of the age and pray with perseverance. [In the picture: Persevering in prayer is like rowing a boat upstream; if you do not persevere, you will carried downstream by the current.]

We need to row upstream, swim upstream, against the Satan-influenced-world. This requires a lot of energy, a lot of perseverance.

When we stand on God’s side by praying, we will discover that the whole universe is against us – particularly against our prayer. When we set a time aside to pray, the phone will ring, we receive a text, or we remember something.

When we try to pray, Satan operates both in the environment and in our being to hinder us from praying!

Long-distance calls, the dogs barking, an accident outside our window, people shouting, the radio playing, remembering something about someone, being reminded of something we forgot to do, and so many other things rise up – just as we want to pray and stand on God’s side.

There’s strong resistance to prayer, both outside of us and within us. This is why we need to see what’s going on, see Satan’s schemes, see God’s need, and be serious with the Lord in praying with perseverance!

Lord, we choose You! We want to stand on Your side. Strengthen us into our inner man, Lord, to reject Satan’s distractions and not pay attention to his continual bothering. Lord, make us Your house of prayer, those who have the spirit of grace and supplications. May we see what’s really going on. May we see the warfare and the battle, and may we no longer be passive but be actively praying with perseverance!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from brother Ed Marks’ sharing in the message and portions in, Life-study of Colossians (msg. 65), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 4 (entitled, Persevering in Prayer).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # To the foe my word is always, “No,” / To the Father it is “Yes,” / That His plan and all His counsel / Be accomplished with success.
    # Conflict today is fierce, / The strength of Satan more; / The cry of battle calling now / Is louder than before.
    # Pray with one accord in spirit, / Pray and watch persistently; / For God’s kingdom and His glory, / Pray and watch in harmony.
  • Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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12 years ago

Persevere in prayer; watching in it with thanksgiving.
Rom 12:12 Rejoice in hope; endure in tribulation; persevere in prayer.
Acts 6:4 But we will continue steadfastly in prayer & in the ministry of the word.

‘Persevering in prayer is like rowing a boat upstream. If you do not persevere, you will be carried down stream by the current…there is a strong current in the world in opposition to the will of God…Resistance to prayer lies not only outside us, but even within us. This is the reason we all find it difficult to pray.’
God needs us to carry on the actual work of warfare through prayer for His will to be done & Kingdom to come.

Lord be our strength that we may persevere for Your interests in prayer!
: ) blog - E
12 years ago

Many of the experiences we have with respect to prayer day by day prove that Satan opposes our prayer in every way possible. For example, a telephone call may come just when you are at a very important point in your prayer. You have prayed yourself into the Spirit, and you are touching the heavens. Then, at that very moment, the telephone may ring. You may answer the telephone only to learn that someone has dialed the wrong number. Your praying spirit may be seriously damaged by the irritation this causes you. When we try to pray, we may also be disturbed by our children, by callers at the door, or by any animal pets there may be in the house. Because there is so much resistance to our prayer, we definitely need to persevere in prayer. Some sisters claim that they have very little time to pray,…[but they] may have plenty of time to gossip on the telephone….Resistance to prayer lies not only outside us, but even within us. This is the reason we all find it difficult to pray. (Life-study of Colossians, pp. 578-579)

12 years ago

Those who persevere in prayer will eventually experience spiritual warfare. Thus the need to watch and pray. May the Lord lead us to be those with Him at Armageddon Amen!!

12 years ago

In order to fight on Gods side against Satan, we need to persevere in prayer; this perseverance is needed because the course of the whole world is away from God.

To pray is to go against the current, the trend, in the fallen universe. Persevering in prayer is like rowing a boat upstream: if you do not persevere, you will be carried away downstream by the current.

Col. 4:2

12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus, make us those who will persevere in prayer. Remove all hindrances, interferences, excuses and prayerlessness from us. Lord we desire to be those who fully co-operate with You today for Your move. Lord cause us to come to the incense altar daily. Lord Jesus we surrender to You, we give You our will, remind us Lord to persevere in prayer and to be serious and steadfast in our prayer life.

12 years ago

We, as God's chosen and redeemed people, decide the outcome of the battle between God and Satan. In order to fight on God's side, we need to persevere in prayer. This is required because the course of the whole world is away from God. To pray is to go AGAINST the current, trend of the fallen universe, and to persevere in prayer is to row upstream against this current. If we do not persevere, we will be carried downstream by this current. What a solemn word- may the Lord remind us of this! To persevere in prayer is to continue persistently, steadfastly and earnestly. May all the saints persevere in prayer and bring this matter to the Lord.

tae wook Kye
tae wook Kye
12 years ago

we need to persevere in prayer, this perseverence is needed because the course of the whole world is away from God. Amen! oh Lord Jesus! We pray for your administraion to continue persistently steadfastly on the earth. amen!

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

Why must we persevere in prayer?

Because prayer involves a battle, a fight. Two parties: God and the fallen angel, Satan, are hostile to each other. On one hand, the rebellious Satan is trying to defeat God, His Creator, and on the other hand, he is the adversary within God’s kingdom seeking to damage God’s economy. However, God’s people, the third party, must choose to stand on God’s side, then God will win this battle.

Persevering in prayer is the way to fight on God’s side. Today there is a strong downward current in the world in opposition to God’s will. To be on God side, we must row our boat up stream by praying. Our experiences have taught us that Satan hates our praying, because when we pray we cause damage to him and his kingdom. Hence, he is stirring up situations, environment to frustrate us, to discourage us from praying and even wearing us out. He just want to stop us. Everyday we persevere to get to work on time, complete the homework assignments, even to win an argument. We must be more exercised to persevere in prayer more than anything else, if not, our prayer life would be drifted away like a dead leaf down the stream. O Lord, grant us mercy and grace, we need You, particularly in the matter of persevering in prayer.

12 years ago

Prayer is certainly a battle. It's not too much to say that the whole universe is against our prayer. God move hinges on our prayer, so Satan knows that he can frustrate God temporarily by hindering our prayer life. When we realize that a battle is raging, we should simply persevere in prayer. Many things will come in to frustrate our prayer life, but we simply persist and insist.

Practically, I'm always helped by praying with another Christian companion. Sometimes we may feel unable to pray on our own, but in my experience it's easier to pray with others, and such prayer may actually be more effectual.

12 years ago

May the Lord continually revive our inner man and be our utterance. At times, we just pray not in our mingled spirit. May we all be a man of prayer. Praying for God's will to be done here on earth. Amen!

11 years ago

Persevere in praying we should more often to pray,open our hearts to the Lord to defeat His enemy.needing Lord Jesus as Our Savior.

Laz Vic
Laz Vic
7 years ago

Amen Lord teach me that men ought always to pray and not to faint.

Luis Armando Ramos
Luis Armando Ramos
7 years ago

Unceasingly pray help us Lord to do this for your sake and our give us a praying heart

L. R.
L. R.
7 years ago

Produce in us the working as the willing to persevere in PRAYER

Brian Baer
Brian Baer
7 years ago

Amen! OLJ!

Joash Velarde
Joash Velarde
7 years ago

Amen..Lord Jesus.