The Lord Jesus will make the overcoming one in the recovered church a pillar built into the temple of God, which is the Triune God Himself; we want to be pillars in the Triune God, those constituted with God and transformed to be pillars in the temple of God. Hallelujah!
This promise in Rev. 3:12 is carried out by the Lord in us today as we open to Him and allow Him to work Himself into us.
On one hand, this is the Lord’s promise which He will accomplish in the New Jerusalem; on the other hand, this is what He is doing today.
We don’t have to wait for the next age or for eternity for this to be our reality; today the Lord is doing this in us.
The principle with the Lord’s reward is that we will receive as a reward what we are becoming today, but to a fuller extent.
We shouldn’t think that, when the Lord comes, everything will be suddenly marvellous and we will be glorified; we need to realize that this needs to be our reality today.
Today we want to be the overcoming ones who are being built into the temple of God to be a pillar in the temple of God, the New Jerusalem.
Today we want the Lord to write His name upon ourselves, not only to show that we belong to Him but that we are of Him, even that we have become one with Him to express Him.
The pillar in the temple is a solid column of stone that is built into the temple of God.
He is building Himself into us and us into Himself so that we may be pillars built into the temple of God.
May we be the overcomers in the church today, those who are in the recovered church and who overcome anything that replaces Christ, loving Him with the first love and keeping His word until He comes, so that we may have God wrought into us and us be built into God to be pillars in the Triune God.
May we allow the Lord to constitute us and build Himself into us to such an extent that we have His name written on us and others see that we are one with God, even having become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead, for we’re built as pillars in the temple of God.
May we open to the Lord concerning this matter and ask Him to shine on us and unveil us to see how can we become pillars in the temple of God, pillars in the Triune God, in the church life today.
May we today be those who experience this matter so that when the Lord returns we will enter into the reality of this in a fuller way.
Overcomers are Built as Pillars into the Temple of God to be Pillars in the Triune God
In Rev. 3:12 we are told that the Lord Jesus will make the overcoming one in the recovered church (Philadelphia) a pillar built into the temple of God, which is the Triune God Himself.
In Rev. 21:22 we further see that in the New Jerusalem, the Triune God Himself will be the temple.
We are now being built up into a temple of the Lord in spirit, and this temple is the Triune God Himself.
We are in the process of becoming the temple of God, and in the New Jerusalem there’s no temple, for the Triune God is the temple.
For us as overcomers to be pillars in the temple of God means that we will be pillars in the Triune God.
Wow, we are becoming a pillar in the Triune God! This involves being mingled with the Triune God and constituted with the Triune God.
Because the overcoming ones are built as pillars into the temple of God, they shall by no means go out anymore.
The Lord will make the overcomer into a pillar; He makes us His overcomers to be pillars in the Triune God by transforming us.
We are being transformed in our very nature from being men of clay into pillars of stone.
The Lord makes us pillars by transforming us, that is, by carrying away our natural element and by replacing it with His essence.
As we remain under the divine dispensing of the Triune God, we are inwardly transformed by the flow of the divine life within us.
This means that we are constituted with God Himself to become pillars in the Triune God.
Wow, the Triune God is mingling Himself with us and is constituting Himself into our being so that we may become pillars into the temple of God, pillars in the Triune God (Eph. 3:16-17).
We do not know what is going on in the depths of our being, but we know that, as we open to the Lord, His living word is operating in us, and the Lord works Himself into us little by little, day by day, to constitute us with Himself.
We can even tell the Lord, Lord, make us pillars in Your temple. Constitute Yourself into us. Mingle Yourself with us. We want to become the New Jerusalem experientially.
If we realize that the Lord wants to work Himself into us and build Himself into our being, we will simply open to Him little by little, day by day.
He wants to grow in us, transform us, and build us up together in a gradual way, day by day.
We may not sense this today, but as time goes by and we keep opening to the Lord and allowing Him to make His home in our heart, we cooperate with Him and He works Himself into us, and there is more Christ in us.
Others will see this, and they will sense that there’s much more of Christ since the last time they saw us.
The Lord makes us pillars in the Triune God by transforming us; He operates in our being by carrying away our natural element and replacing it with His divine element (Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 3:18).
This is what is taking place in us day by day.
Little by little and day by day, the Lord is touching something in our being, an aspect of our natural constitution; as He touches a particular aspect, He also adds Himself to us.
On one hand, He exposes our natural man and removes it; on the other hand, He works HImself into us a little more.
There’s a process of transformation going on in us daily.
The meaning of “make” in Rev. 3:12 is to constitute us into something, to construct us in a creative way.
The Lord’s central work, His inner work, is to saturate and permeate us with Himself so that He may constitute us with the Triune God.
As we open our vessel to Him, He constitutes us with Himself.
In the church life today the Lord desires to make us, constitute us, into pillars in the temple of God.
This is His desire. He wants to build Himself into our being, transform us, and add His element into us until we’re pillars in the Triune God, built up pillars in the temple of God.
He only needs our cooperation. He redeemed us for this, and He brought us into the church life for this reason.
The Lord’s work in the recovered church is to work Himself into us, constituting us into pillars in the temple of God.
A lot is going on in our being, unbeknownst to us and without us seeing or feeling this, to replace our natural element with Himself and to add Himself to us.
It is not too late to open to the Lord and allow Him to work Himself into us.
As long as we are still alive, we can open to the Lord to advance unto maturity.
As long as we still have breath, we can let the Lord expose our natural man with all its aspects, and we can allow Him to dispense Himself into us. We should not think that this is unattainable.
Maturity in life and transformation is a matter of degree; we are mature to a certain degree, and we’re being transformed to a certain degree.
May we open to the Lord and simply tell Him,
Lord Jesus, we open to You. Make us pillars in the temple of God. Build Yourself into us and build us into Yourself so that we may be pillars in the Triune God. Amen, Lord Jesus, go on in us. Transform us by the addition of the divine element and the removal of our old, natural element. Have Your way in our being. Oh Lord, we do not want to hinder Your inner work in our being. Work Yourself into us. Give us the experiences we need for us to be transformed, built up, and matured so that we may be pillars in the temple of God. Build us into the processed Triune God and build Yourself into our being. Amen, Lord, it is Your desire to gain us as pillars in the temple of God; do this in us! We simply want to cooperate with You! Keep us under Your divine dispensing day by day until we are built into God and God is built into our being!
The New Jerusalem is God’s Tabernacle for Him to dwell in and God is the Temple for us to Dwell in
God’s intention from the very beginning is to gain a mutual dwelling place of God and man.
He wants to dwell in man and He wants man to dwell in God. And He is gaining this little by little in the church.
The church is the dwelling place of God, His house and habitation, and God is our dwelling place.
Today we are learning to abide in the Lord and to have Him abide in us (John 15:4).
We need to abide in the Lord day by day, and He will abide in us.
This is a mutual abiding, a mutual dwelling.
We take the Lord as our dwelling place, and He takes us as His dwelling place.
Our real dwelling place as believers in Christ is not our physical home but God Himself; He is our dwelling place and we take Him as our home.
Also, He takes us as His dwelling place, for we are being strengthened by the Father according to the riches of His glory through His Spirit into the inner man so that Christ may make His home in our heart through faith (Eph. 3:14-17).
He is our dwelling place and we are becoming His dwelling place (Eph. 1:22-23; 2:21-22).
The church is the dwelling place of God, and God is our dwelling place.
The New Jerusalem is the consummation of this process of mutual dwelling in one another, for the New Jerusalem is both the tabernacle of God and the temple of God.
As the tabernacle of God with man, God dwells among and with and in His people.
As the temple of God, we dwell in God, for He is our temple.
We are the tabernacle for God to dwell in and He is our temple for us to dwell in.
The New Jerusalem is the dwelling place of all of God’s redeemed people, for the New Jerusalem is the temple of God.
The New Jerusalem is the dwelling place for the processed and consummated Triune God to dwell in, for the New Jerusalem is the tabernacle of God with man, and God tabernacles with us.
This means that we are mingled with God and God is mingled with us, we are one with God and God is one with us, and we dwell in God and God dwells in us.
The New Jerusalem is the consummation of the union, mingling, and incorporation of the processed and consummated Triune God with the regenerated, transformed, and glorified tripartite man.
And we can enter into this mutual dwelling place today simply by abiding in the Lord.
When we contact the Lord and come to Him in His word to pray His word and love Him, He comes in and makes an abode with us, and we abide in Him and Him in us.
When we love the Lord and abide in His word, we abide in Him and He abides in us (John 14:21, 23).
May we daily take Christ as our dwelling place and may we let Him abide in us.
May we practice coming to the Lord and allowing Him to dwell in us so that we may dwell in Him.
The overcoming saints in the recovered church practice coming to the Lord to abide in Him and allowing Him to abide in them so that He may make them pillars in the temple of God, pillars in the Triune God. Hallelujah!
And we are becoming the New Jerusalem, the tabernacle and the temple, for God and man to dwell together in one another mutually.
Praise the Lord! God went through a process to be enterable and for us to dwell in Him, and we are going through a process to become pillars in the temple of God, pillars in the Triune God, for us to be in God and for God to be in us.
Lord Jesus, we want to abide in You so that You may abide in us. We take You as our dwelling place, Lord, so that You may also dwell in us. Amen, Lord Jesus, we are Your dwelling place and You are our dwelling place. We come to You in Your word to enjoy You, love You, and contact You; make Your abode with us. We love You, Lord Jesus, and we want to dwell in You so that You may also dwell in us. Constitute us with Yourself. Work Yourself into us. Make us Your dwelling place. Make Yourself in all our hearts and make our inner being Your dwelling place. Hallelujah, we are becoming the New Jerusalem, God’s tabernacle with man for Him to dwell in and the temple of God for us to dwell in! Amen, Lord, we want to be incorporated with You day by day until we are fully incorporated with the Triune God to be the New Jerusalem!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ron Kangas in the message for this week, and portions from, The Conclusion of the New Testament (msgs. 33 and 262) by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery Before His Appearing (2023 July Semiannual Training), week 12, entitled, Becoming the New Jerusalem.
- Similar articles on this topic:
– Overcoming for the building – a portion from, Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, Chapter 17, by Witness Lee.
– A Pillar in the Temple with the Name of God, New Jerusalem, and the Lord, article via, New Jerusalem blog.
– For our Christian life and church life we need to have a vision of the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is a composition of divinity and humanity mingled, blended, and built up together as one entity. All the components have the same life, nature, and constitution and thus are a corporate person—the bride, the wife of the Lamb. Becoming the New Jerusalem – newsletter via, Church in Los Angeles.
– The Factor of Living an Overcoming Life in the Recovered Church to Consummate the Divine Economy and Become the New Jerusalem, opening word of the prophesying meeting via, Church in Chennai.
– The high priestly ministry, a portion from, The Mending Ministry of John, Chapter 13, by Witness Lee.
– Weekly ministry via, Church in San Jose.
– Outline 8 on, Vital Factors for the Recovery of the Church Life, via, Church in Plano.
– The government of God: the Triune God in His administration, article by Ron Kangas in, Affirmation and Critique. - Hymns on this topic:
– Hallelujah, overcomers, / “In the temple of My God, / I will build them in as pillars, / Nevermore to go abroad.” / God’s own name is written on them / And the new name of the Lord. / With the triune God they’re blended; / They’re the city of our God. (Hymns #1275 stanza 4)
– It’s the tabernacle of our God, His dwelling place with men; / In His holiness and glory He’s expressed through all of them. / “It is done!” O brothers, see it! See the New Jerusalem! / The victory is won! (Hymns #1101 stanza 12)
– The Church is thus the Bride of Christ, / In whom His full delight doth rest; / It is a dwelling place to God / Where He may live and be expressed. / The new Jerusalem will be / The full perfection ultimate / Of all the types of house and bride, / Th’ eternal plan to consummate. / It is the Bride which matches Christ, / Thru whom He may Himself express; / It is God’s tabernacle too / In which our God can rule and rest. (Hymns #980 stanzas 6-8)
The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 2730, by Witness Lee
The Lord is making us pillars in the temple of God, in the Triune God himself, by flowing in us as the water of life to remove the old element and add His divine element, and by transforming us.
We need to be open to the Lord to be constituted with Him and mingled with Him little by little, day by day.
Amén dear saint. Lord speak to us and do according to your speech
According to Revelation an overcomer in today’s church life is one who is constructed and constituted to be a pillar built into the Triune God, to never leave.
Such a person is under the process of transformation with their natural element removed to be replaced by the divine element, to also be a pillar in the Temple of God – the Triune God Himself – as the prize in the coming Kingdom.
Amen my dear brother. I enjoyed and was supplied by another member of His body today, so I want you to enjoy it also.
The Lord’s work in the church, is to work Himself into us as the divine flow to carry away our natural being and replace it with His substance that we may be gradually processed by His transforming element .As the result of this transforming work, we become pillars in the temple of God.
Here we see that in the New Jerusalem the Triune God Himself will be the temple. This means that for the overcomers to be pillars in the temple means that they will be pillars in the Triune God. This involves being mingled with the Triune God and constituted of Him. This is a mystery.
Hallelujah and praise the Lord dear brother, for the New Jerusalem, the ultimate consummation of the processed and consummated Triune God .
Yes, He is not human to lie. He will bring us to our destination as per His words written for us. Because He is the faithful God.
The only main thing expected from us is to be genuine and honest to cooperate with Him in the process of His transformation of us into what He wants to accomplish His eternal economy.
The triune God is the temple of the consummated new Jerusalem and the redeemed people, who are the Pillars of the temple are also His temple In other words He cannot be His own temple and vice versa. But the triune God is our temple and we are His temple. This is the mutual dwelling.
How marvellous!
We will dwell in God that He may dwell in us. God and we will be so thoroughly blended & mingled together that the two of us will be eternally inseparable & indivisible.
What a blessed destiny.
May we hold onto our crown and let no man take it from us.
The Lord makes us “pillars” by transforming & constituting us into Himself.
Praise the Lord! 🙋🏽😃 Amen! 🙏
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Fn.”name” Cf.-Rev. 14:1; 22:4
Rev. 3:12, footnote 2 on “pillar”, Recovery Version Bible