our mingled spirit is a spirit of faith and the way for us to abide in the Lord

our mingled spirit is a spirit of faith and the way for us to abide in the Lord [in the picture: Faith is in our mingled spirit!]Every day we realize that our spirit is crucial to God’s economy and to our enjoying of God’s dynamic salvation. Every morning in our time with the Lord we learn again and again to exercise our spirit in a fresh way to contact Him.

Our spirit is mingled with the divine Spirit – as soon as we have a clear sky between us and the Lord by applying His precious blood, we can abide in the Lord and He can abide in us! Praise the Lord for this wonderful organic union between us and the Lord in our mingled spirit!

The spirit of faith is our mingled spirit

In 2 Cor. 4:13 Paul says, And having the same spirit of faith according to that which is written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,” we also believe, therefore we also speak. What is this “spirit of faith“? Is it the Spirit of God only or is it the spirit of man?

A famous Bible commentator, Alford, said that it refers to “the indwelling Holy Spirit penetrates and characterizes the whole renewed man“. Vincent, another respected commentator, says, “not distinctly the Holy Spirit, nor, on the other hand, a human faculty or disposition, but blending both“.

Today, we are so privileged to know that the spirit of faith here refers to our spirit mingled with the Holy Spirit! Faith is not in our mind – rather, what we have in our mind what we have is just doubts. Faith is in our spirit because it is mingled with the Holy Spirit!

We must exercise such a spirit of faith to believe and speak (see Psa. 116:19 and 2 Cor. 4:13). Faith is a reaction to the appearing of God, and it is absolutely of our spirit. In our spirit, we can know God and it is here that we need to live a crucified life in resurrection, just like the apostles did for the carrying out of their ministry (see note 2 in 2 Cor. 4:13).

A union of coexisting and coinhering

God desires to be one with man, and the Spirit’s union with our spirit is much deeper and richer than a co-existence – it is an organic union. We can co-exist with other members of a certain club or union, but we cannot be organically one with them.

The organic union we have with the Triune God is a matter of coinherence – God lives in us and we live in God! This is what the Lord is talking about in John 15:4, “Abide in Me and I in you“. We take the initiative to abide in the Lord by exercising our spirit, and the Lord abides in us by being joined and mingled to our spirit!

1 John 4:15-16 also speak of God abiding in us and us in God – this is a mutual abiding, a coinherence. Our oneness with God is not just unity but it is the Triune God including us in His divine oneness!

After we were regenerated to have God in us as our life and nature we are in this organic union with God. We need to know and experience God in such a away – He is in us and we are in Him.

Practically, in our daily living and our daily walk, we need to abide in the Lord by remaining in our mingled spirit to enjoy all that He is. Thank God – He put us here, never to leave – oh, we’re abiding in Christ as the vine!

Lord Jesus, thank You for uniting and mingling Yourself with our spirit! We thank You, Lord, for our mingled spirit. Save us from remaining in our mind, where doubts are…. Cause us to run to, flee, and remain in our spirit – where faith is! Oh, Lord, we want to live in this organic union with You in our spirit! Keep us abiding in You today. No more in vain need we struggle – trying the way in to find! Hallelujah, we are in Christ!

References and Further Reading
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

Today especially I am enjoying words of this two songs.

 "We've found the secret of living, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

We've seen the vision divine:

We are of God in Christ Jesus,

We're abiding, abiding in the vine….

All the riches of God's life are mine! THIS IS AMAZING!!!

Praise God, He put us here,

Never to leave; oh, we're—
Abiding, abiding in the vine. UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Source: http://www.hymnal.net/hymn.php/h/1162#ixzz1lF1tVr

"Oneness is NOT unity, outward agreement,

But a life within – God's very life,

The Triune God included us

In His divine oneness! ONENESS!

That they all may be one!

Even as You, Father,

Are in Me, and I in You!

That they may be – may be in Us!

Oneness! Oneness!"

Lord Jesus cause us to run to, flee, and remain in our spirit –
where faith is!

Oh, Lord, we want to live in this organic union with You in our spirit!
Keep us abiding in You each day. And even day by day we want to be more
rooted in You. Yes no more in vain need we struggle – trying
the way in to find!
Hallelujah, we are in Christ!  We just abiding, abiding in the vine… 🙂

13 years ago

I was
digging in the ministry to know more about this spirit of faith and I was
refreshed by the fact that if I exercise my spirit of faith to impart faith in
others, I will not have to worry whether they believe or not. 
If I speak by the
spirit of faith to impart faith into them, their salvation will not depend on
them, but it will depend on my speaking. 
Isn’t this wonderful? 

Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

Today especially I am enjoying words of this two songs.
“We’ve found the secret of living, PRAISE THE LORD!!!!
We’ve seen the vision divine:
We are of God in Christ Jesus,
We’re abiding, abiding in the vine….
All the riches of God’s life are mine! THIS IS AMAZING!!!

Praise God, He put us here,
Never to leave; oh, we’re—
Abiding, abiding in the vine. UNBELIEVABLE!!!
Source: http://www.hymnal.net/hymn.php/h/1162#ixzz1lF1tVrAO

“Oneness is NOT unity, outward agreement,
But a life within – God’s very life,
The Triune God included us
In His divine oneness! ONENESS!
That they all may be one!
Even as You, Father,
Are in Me, and I in You!
That they may be – may be in Us!
Oneness! Oneness!”

Lord Jesus cause us to run to, flee, and remain in our spirit – where faith is!
Oh, Lord, we want to live in this organic union with You in our spirit! Keep us abiding in You each day. And even day by day we want to be more rooted in You. Yes no more in vain need we struggle – trying the way in to find! Hallelujah, we are in Christ!  We just abiding, abiding in the vine… 🙂

13 years ago

I was
digging in the ministry to know more about this spirit of faith and I was
refreshed by the fact that if I exercise my spirit of faith to impart faith in
others, I will not have to worry whether they believe or not. 
If I speak by the
spirit of faith to impart faith into them, their salvation will not depend on
them, but it will depend on my speaking. 
Isn’t this wonderful?