God predestinated us live a life of enjoying grace for God’s good pleasure. The burden of the entire Bible is to cause us to see and live a grace-enjoying life for God’s good pleasure. From Genesis and all the way through to Revelation, in book by book, we see that God wants us to enjoy Him, receive Him, and live by Him.
In the life of Isaac in Genesis we see that all he did is just enjoy the grace of God. His father Abraham gave him all that he had, he provided a good wife for him, God blessed him abundantly, and Isaac didn’t do anything except enjoy the grace of God.
Since Isaac is a type of the believers in Christ today, we also should do only one thing: just enjoy grace! We shouldn’t struggle to do this or that, be spiritual or victorious, but focus this one thing, the enjoyment of God in Christ as the Spirit for God’s good pleasure!
As sons of God we have received and are under a continual receiving of all that God is, and all we have to do is enjoy God’s riches, His dispensing, and everything of Him.
In the New Testament we see that the conclusion of many Epistles and even the conclusion of the book of Revelation is, The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you / your spirit. God has foreordained us to enjoy Him and it is our destiny to enjoy the grace of God.
And this grace is not the things that God gives us or what God does for us but God in Christ as the Spirit wrought into our being as our enjoyment and everything to be everything to us and do everything in us, through us, and for us for the building up of the Body of Christ.
We need to be freed from any religious concepts or natural opinions about what the grace of God is and simply enjoy the Triune God being wrought into us to be our everything and do everything in us and for us for His good pleasure, the Body of Christ.
Living a Grace-Enjoying Life for God’s Good Pleasure
Throughout the Bible we see God’s burden and desire to have man enjoy Him as grace.
In Genesis, after God created man, He put him in front of the tree of life – God put man in front of Himself as life that God would enter into man and be everything to him for God’s good pleasure. The way man can express and represent God is by enjoying the grace of God. And the result, as seen in Genesis, is the Israel of God, the corporate expression of God.
In the Gospel of John we see that Christ is the living water, and He desires for us to drink of Him so that He may flow out of us (John 7:37-39) to produce the church as the house of God. In John 6 specifically we see that we can eat the Lord and live because of Him. In John 20:22, after the Lord’s resurrection, He came and breathed Himself into His disciples saying, Receive the Holy Spirit!
This is our Christian life: a life of receiving and breathing in of the Spirit who is grace! Never stop breathing in and receiving grace; don’t hold your breath in the spiritual realm! This life-giving Spirit / breath comes into us and enables us to cooperate with Him and be one with Him for the fulfillment of His good pleasure!
In Acts we see that the church life began by a group of saints practicing a grace-enjoying living for God’s good pleasure, and grace can be seen in their living and meeting life everywhere!
In Romans we see that those who receive the abundance of grace will reign in life (Rom. 5:17).
2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, and 2 Timothy all end reminding us that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is with our spirit. The way we can experience Christ, build up the church, avoid being affected by the degrading and corrupted atmosphere in the end times, and pursue the Lord is by enjoying the grace of God – who is with our spirit!
The entire Bible ends with, The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints (Rev. 22:21). Hallelujah, our Christian life should be a grace-enjoying life for God’s good pleasure until we can say with Paul, It is by the grace of God that I am what I am, and I do what I do (1 Cor. 15:10).
It is our Destiny to Enjoy the Grace of God
In the life of Isaac we see a model, a pattern, of the enjoyment of God’s grace (Gen. 24:36; 25:5; 26:3-4, 12-33). There’s not much said about what Isaac did; all we know is that he enjoyed all the riches received from his father, God blessed him and increased his possessions, and he enjoyed the grace of God.

We have been destined to enjoy the grace of God!
Even though Isaac had the same natural weakness as Abraham (he also betrayed his wife, calling her “his sister” and almost losing her – as Abraham did) and he lived in his natural life sometimes, he still enjoyed the grace of God.
It’s not “being spiritual” that qualifies you to enjoy the grace of God; God has ordained us to enjoy the grace of God! It is our destiny to enjoy the grace of God: God has foreordained us and has set us even before the foundation of the world that we may enjoy Him as grace!
No matter whether we are “spiritual” or not spiritual – we are ordained to enjoy the grace of God. Don’t waste your time trying to do things for God or be more zealous for God’s kingdom; simply enjoy the grace of God – this is your destiny.
As New Testament believers are destined to enjoy God’s absolute and unconditional grace. We are not destined to do our best and improve ourselves under the law of God outwardly; we are destined to enjoy grace!
God the Father has given all He has to the Son, and the Son today is the life-giving Spirit as the all-inclusive bountiful supply (Phil. 1:19-21). All we need to do is enjoy Him as grace, and He in us will fulfill God’s purpose and accomplish the desire of His heart.
What is the Grace of God?
Many believers and unbelievers alike have a similar concept when they speak of grace: most of them think of grace as something that God gives you or something that God does for you.
When someone gets a promotion at work, he may say “it is the grace of God”! When you get a new car or a new house, or when you receive a sum of money, you may say that it’s the grace of God. The more spiritual ones may say that grace is “unmerited favor”, such as the Lord’s death for us.
The matter of grace as revealed in the Bible has been covered and veiled by religion, natural concepts, and man’s opinions throughout the centuries. Grace in the Bible and in God’s eyes is God Himself being given to us and wrought into us to become our everything and do everything in us and for us.
Grace is God in Christ as the Spirit (the Triune God) being wrought into our being for our enjoyment to be everything to us and do everything in us, through us, and for us for the building up of the Body of Christ (see John 1:16-17; Heb. 10:29b; 1 Cor. 15:10; cf. Gal. 2:20; 2 Cor. 13:14).
God doesn’t just “give us grace”, something apart from Himself; He gives Himself to us and works Himself into us to be our inward constituent so that we may become living and functioning members of the Body of Christ.
Paul said in 1 Cor. 15:10, By the grace of God I am what I am; and His grace unto me was not in vain, but I labored more abundantly than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me. He didn’t say, “by God’s grace I have what I have” or “by God’s grace I can do this and that”.
In Gal. 2:20 Paul said something similar, “no longer I…but Christ”. “No longer I but the grace” equals “no longer I but Christ”. Grace is not something given to us by God outside of us; grace is God Himself in Christ being wrought into us as our enjoyment to become the constituent of our being and live in us, work in us, and do things in us for His good pleasure.
We are predestined, ordained, and called to enjoy grace all the days of our Christian life, and for eternity we will enjoy the grace of God!
Lord, we worship You for Your ordination: You have ordained us to enjoy grace. We are predestined to live a grace-enjoying life for God’s good pleasure all the days of our life! Keep us in the enjoyment of God in Christ as the Spirit today. Work Yourself into us more. We don’t want to seek to be “spiritual” and neither do we want to be “unspiritual”; we want to enjoy You as grace with our spirit! Hallelujah for grace! Hallelujah, we have been ordained by God to enjoy grace until it is no longer us but Christ living in us a life for the fulfillment of God’s purpose!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration: the Word of God, my Christian experience, bro. Dick Taylor’s sharing in the message for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Genesis (msg. 65), as quoted in, the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Genesis (2), week 9 / msg 9, Living a Grace-enjoying Life for God’s Good Pleasure.
- Hymns on this topic:
# Grace in its highest definition is / God in the Son to be enjoyed by us; / It is not only something done or giv’n, / But God Himself, our portion glorious. (Hymns #497 by W. Lee)
# We have received Christ the Spirit / Through faith and not our merit; / Having begun by the Spirit, / We learn to live by faith. / We are the sons of the living God, / Enjoy the blessings of our Lord, / Grace to our spirit He doth afford, / From our self-effort freed. (Song on Living by Enjoying God)
# The grace which God bestows on us / Is just His Son in full; / The rich enjoyment of this Christ / Is plenteous, bountiful. / ’Tis far too great to comprehend, / Too wondrous to contain: / How we, once children of despair, / God’s masterpiece became. (Hymns #1321)
# We all can do so many things, / But first of all to Christ we’ll cling; / Enjoy Him, blessings then He’ll bring, / His life-supply means everything! / Enjoy Him—grace He will bestow, / And we’ll be led to join the flow; / Yes, we will do all things in Him. (New song on, Enjoying Christ and Living Him)
you [have to] remember God’s Greatest Commission…
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
The emphasis of the Great Commission is to “make disciples,” and this involves far more than simply leading someone to the Savior. Followers of Christ are supposed to make more disciples who live in obedience to Christ.We must spend time teaching and mentoring believers so they will grow and mature in the faith (Hebrews 5:12–14).
You are right, Katrina, we need to remember the Great Commission. However, we cannot disciple others if we do not first enjoy the Lord and are filled with Him as grace. Before the Lord sent out the disciples He both filled them inwardly with the Spirit as life and clothed them outwardly with the Spirit of power.
In our day to day living we need to enjoy Christ. We may not teach others or disciple them all the time, but in our daily living we need to enjoy God as grace. This is the base of our Christian life.
Great Radio Program talking about whether our spirituality matters or not.
By grace amen for that gift to us in life with blessing and in enjoy t omove on in in will of God and be free from worry and from sin and from the ways of darkness and the lord will take care of us in his love and the HOly Spirit with us in Jesus name with victory in blood thanks and bless,keijo sweden