Talks on Getting into the Life-Studies (by Minoru Chen)

Talks on Getting into the Life-Studies (Minoru Chen)

Brother Minoru Chen gave a few talks recently on the matter of getting into the life-studies. We love the Bible, the word of God, and we love the ministry that opens up the word of God.

The life-study messages are an opener to the word of God, and when we read the life-study messages, we love the Lord more, we understand the Bible more, and we want to read the Bible more.

Many times as we read the life-study messages we are like the two disciples that went down to Emmaus (Luke 24), and the Lord opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. They realized that the law, the prophets, the psalms, and everything in the Old Testament was written concerning the Lord, and their heart burned within them. Hallelujah!

We need to get into the word of God, read the Word, and enjoy the Lord in His Word.

Also, it is good to use the help of the life-study messages as we read the Bible so that we touch the essence of the word and be brought into a deeper experience of Christ based on His word.

The videos below are posted via Living To Him, and you can subscribe to their channel and watch them.

The 6 outlines used in this series can be downloaded here. Please note that these posted outlines are a newer version so they do not exactly match the ones used by Brother Minoru in his talks. For more on the burden of getting into the Life-studies, please visit

Talks on Getting into the Life-studies (1 of 5) – Appreciating the Purpose and Value of the Life-study Messages

This is the first in a series of five talks given by Minoru Chen on getting into the Life-study of the Bible, which is an exposition of the entire Bible from the perspective of God’s New Testament economy.

In this talk, Brother Minoru speaks on being constituted with the truth for the church to be the pillar and base of the truth with all the saints being responsible to uphold the truth.

I. We need to see the value of the Life-study messages; the Life-studies and the Recovery Version of the Bible are our treasures in the Lord’s recovery and a precious inheritance to all God’s children.
II. We need to see the four purposes of publishing the Life-studies and the Recovery Version of the Bible
III. The truths conveyed in the footnotes of the New Testament Recovery Version and the Life-study messages are the cream of the saints’ understanding of the holy Word in the past twenty centuries.
IV. The Life-studies are the best help in understanding the Bible and receiving the nourishment and life supply from it.

Talks on Getting into the Life-studies (2 of 5) – Reading the Life-study Messages in Order to Be Constituted with the Truth (1)

This is the second in a series of five talks given by Minoru Chen on getting into the Life-study of the Bible, which is an exposition of the entire Bible from the perspective of God’s New Testament economy.

In this second talk, Brother Minoru speaks on coming to the full knowledge of the truth by studying the truth with the Life-studies to be equipped to teach the truth to others.

I. The four great pillars in the Lord’s recovery are truth, life, the church, and the gospel; the truth brings us life, life produces the church, and the church is responsible for the preaching of the gospel; the first great pillar in the Lord’s recovery is the truth — Eph. 1:13; 4:18; 5:23-25, 29, 32; 6:15; John 18:37.
II. The church is the supporting pillar and holding base of the truth — 1 Tim. 3:15.
III. All the saints are responsible to uphold the truth — 1 Tim. 3:15; 2 Tim. 2:15.

Talks on Getting into the Life-studies (3 of 5) – Reading the Life-study Messages in Order to Be Constituted with the Truth (2)

This is the third in a series of five talks given by Minoru Chen on getting into the Life-study of the Bible, which is an exposition of the entire Bible from the perspective of God’s New Testament economy.

In this talk, Brother Minoru speaks on using the Life-studies to touch life in the Bible, to grow in life, bear fruit, and feed the Lord’s lambs.

I. Every believer needs to come to the full knowledge of the truth by spending time in the Word daily — 1 Tim. 2:4; Acts 17:11.
II. We should enter into all the truths of the Bible by means of the Life-study messages.
III. We need to learn and practice the truth.
IV. We need to redeem the time to obtain a proper spiritual education in order to teach the truth.
V. “I hope that you would be deeply impressed to pick up the adequate knowledge of the truth. Try to study the New Testament, and try to spend time to get into the Life-studies. I like to see saints’ homes where there are Life-studies in every room so that anytime, anywhere, they can get into them” — The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1985, vol. 3, p. 122.
VI. “I encourage all the saints, young and old, to redeem their time to read these ministry publications for several years so that they may become ‘scribes’ discipled to the kingdom of the heavens, those who are filled with the knowledge of God’s economy, and may be qualified to teach the truth concerning God’s economy to others” (cf. Matt. 13:52; Titus 1:9) — The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1984, vol. 1, p. 66.

Talks on Getting into the Life-studies (4 of 5) – Reading the Life-study Messages in Order to Be Supplied with Life

This is the fourth in a series of five talks given by Minoru Chen on getting into the Life-study of the Bible, which is an exposition of the entire Bible from the perspective of God’s New Testament economy.

In this talk, Brother Minoru speaks on promoting the Life-studies to raise the standard of the church life and bring in a genuine revival.

I. “Every portion of the one hundred twenty Life-study messages of Genesis is filled with life, the river, the fatness, the riches of Christ, the flowing of the Spirit, and the fountain of the Father as life and light. This principle governs all the Life-study messages” — The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1984, vol. 2, p. 232; cf. Psa. 36:8-9.
II. Life is the main revelation in the Bible — Gen. 2:9; John 10:10; 14:6; Rev. 22:1-2.
III. The Life-study messages lead people to touch life
IV. We experience life by knowing the truth; all the truths in the Bible are food for our spiritual life — Hymns, .

Talks on Getting into the Life-studies (5 of 5) – Using the Life-studies in the Meetings of the Church and in Our Care for People

This is the fifth in a series of five talks given by Minoru Chen on getting into the Life-study of the Bible, which is an exposition of the entire Bible from the perspective of God’s New Testament economy.

In this talk, Brother Minoru speaks on using the Life-studies in the meetings of the church and in our care for people.

I. There are two aspects in our fellowship on how to bring the saints in our locality into the truth so that they will get a solid foundation in the Word — the personal aspect and the meeting aspect.
II. Being saturated with the riches in the Life-study messages and the Recovery Version will help us to preach the gospel, present the truth, and minister life to others.
III. We need to be equipped in the truth and growing in life in order to feed the lambs — John 21:15.