The New Jerusalem is the Bride of the Lamb, a Universal Couple, a Loving Pair Eternally

And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Rev. 21:2

The New Jerusalem is the bride, the wife of the Lamb; the holy city is the ultimate consummation of the divine romance, a universal couple, a loving pair eternally, of God and man. Hallelujah!

We need to see a vision of the New Jerusalem and have it applied to our Christian life and church life.

On one hand, the New Jerusalem is something that is coming, in eternity, after the millennium kingdom; on the other hand, John saw the New Jerusalem, and we can be in the reality of the New Jerusalem today.

The Bible begins with God in eternity past and ends with the New Jerusalem, the Spirit and the bride, in eternity future.

God in eternity past had something in His heart and mind; He wanted to gain a group of people in His image and according to His likeness who would be fully one with Him.

He is not after “subjects” or people who mindlessly and robotically worship Him; He wants to gain man to be one with Him, and He wants man to become the same as He is.

What a God we have!

And the way He accomplishes His purpose, His eternal intention, is by Him coming into us to do everything in us and for us.

We were supposed to partake of the tree of life but were deceived by the enemy, and by default we commit sins and are sinful because of our very nature.

But praise the Lord, God Himself, the One who is above and beyond anything that is human or physical, came to be a man, and He made a way – even became the way – for us to come back to God and be one with God and even become God.

Why did God come to be a man?

The deepest desire in His heart, the longing in His being, is that He would be married, that is, that He would gain a counterpart.

In Himself God is complete and perfect, needing no one and nothing to complete Him.

But in His heart there’s the desire to have a complement, a counterpart; this is why we were created.

The entire Bible is a divine romance, in the most holy sense, between God and man.

God created man, chose man, and redeemed man, and He does many things in man, for man, and around man so that He may gain man to love Him back. Everything He does is out of love for us.

As the Father, He loves us by choosing us and predestinating us to be conformed to the image of His Son.

As the Son, He came to redeem us, woo us, court us, and gain us, and He comes into us to be our life and everything so that we may become the same as He is.

As the Spirit, He searches us out, brings us to God, keeps us in connection with God, seals us, is the pledge of our inheritance, transforms us, and conforms us to the image of Christ.

And the consummation of all of God’s work is the New Jerusalem, a loving pair eternally, a universal couple that lives a married life for eternity.

This is our glorious destiny and this is what our wonderful God does in us and for us!

The New Jerusalem is the Bride, the Wife of the Lamb – a Universal Couple, a Loving Pair Eternally!

For your Maker is your Husband; / Jehovah of hosts is His name. / And the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; / He is called the God of all the earth. Isa. 54:5 And I will betroth you to Myself forever; / Indeed I will betroth you to Myself / In righteousness and justice / And in lovingkindness and compassions. Hosea 2:19Rev. 21:9-10 says that when John saw the bride of the Lamb, he saw the holy city, New Jerusalem.

The New Jerusalem is the bride, the wife of the Lamb, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband (v. 2).

The New Jerusalem is not a material city of gold and pearls and precious stones; it is a person, a corporate person, the bride of Christ for His satisfaction.

The subject of the entire Bible is a divine romance between God and man.

In this universal couple, the male is God Himself, and the female is God’s chosen and redeemed people.

In both the Old and the New Testament we are told that God is our Husband and that we are His wife, His beloved bride (Gen. 2:21-24; Isa. 54:5; Jer. 2:2; 3:14; 31:32; Ezek. 23:5; Hosea 2:7, 19; Matt. 9:15; John 3:29).

We are not only God’s creatures; we were created in God’s image and according to His likeness, we were chosen and redeemed by Him, so that we may be His spouse (see Isa. 54:6; Jer. 3:1; Ezek. 16:8; Hosea 2:19; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:31-32) and also His dwelling place (Exo. 29:45-46; Num. 5:3; Ezek. 43:7, 9; Psa. 68:18; 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16; 1 Tim. 3:15). Hallelujah!

The entire Bible with the Old and the New Testament show us that God is, in the most holy sense, a Lover, a Husband, coming to find a wife for Himself.

He fell in love with man, He came to court man and woo him, and He wants man to be His bride.

He doesn’t want only that man would do things for God or obey Him; He wants man to love Him.

So He shows His love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

After we believe into the Lord, day by day He shows His love toward us as we come to contact Him in His word.

We are His spouse, the church as the bride of Christ, and we are becoming the New Jerusalem – the bride of the Lamb, to be a universal couple, a loving pair eternally!

Just as Eve came out of Adam and came to him to match him for their married life (Gen. 2:21-24) so Christ went through death and resurrection to produce the church, who came out of Christ and came to Christ to match Him.

The New Jerusalem comes out of Christ, her Husband, and becomes His counterpart, just as Eve came out of Adam, her husband, and became his counterpart. Praise the Lord!

As we love the Lord and open to Him day by day, we are being prepared to be the bride of the Lamb to be a universal couple, a loving pair eternally, God and man, man and God.

Day by day we need to participate and remain in the divine romance, loving the Lord and opening to Him.

The Lord is longing for the bride to be prepared.

There is great joy and rejoicing in heaven and on earth when the bride of the Lamb is prepared and ready!

He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices with joy because of the bridegroom's voice. This joy of mine therefore is made full. John 3:29 For I am jealous over you with a jealousy of God; for I betrothed you to one husband to present [you as] a pure virgin to Christ. 2 Cor. 11:2Rev. 19:7 says, Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. Hallelujah!

Today we are in the process of being prepared, perfected, beautified, matured, and built up to be the bride of the Lamb so that He and us, we and Him, would be a universal couple, a loving pair eternally!

In the church age today we are betrothed to Christ (2 Cor. 11:2), and we will have a wedding day in the millennial kingdom (Rev. 19:7) and live a married life together with Him in the New Jerusalem for eternity (21:2, 9-10). Hallelujah!

As the bride, the wife of the Lamb, the New Jerusalem is Christ’s eternal counterpart.

We will get married and live married forever! Even after billions of years, if there is such a time frame, we will still be married to the Lord, loving Him and enjoying Him for eternity!

The New Jerusalem is the ultimate consummation of the divine romance – a universal couple, a loving pair eternally (Rev. 22:17).

May we remain in the divine romance all the days of our life and love the Lord, tell Him we love Him, and rekindle our love for Him day by day.

Lord Jesus, we love You! You are our beloved Bridegroom and we are Your bride. We open to You today. We come to You and we tell You from our heart that we love You. Oh Lord Jesus, we are so happy to be here with You in this divine romance. Keep us loving You and enjoying You. Thank You for betrothing us to Yourself, our dear Bridegroom. We give ourselves to You to be prepared as the bride, the wife of the Lamb. Grant us the grace to go on with You in the divine romance. Keep us loving You and enjoying You. We want to be produced as Your overcomers, those who love You with the first and best love, so that we may enter into the wedding feast! Amen, Lord, we aspire to be the bride of Christ during the millennium, enjoying You for one thousand years in the divine romance! Hallelujah, we are becoming the bride of the Lamb to be a universal couple – God and man, man and God, a loving pair eternally!

The New Jerusalem is the Human Wife with Divinity married to the Divine Husband with Humanity

And one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and spoke with me, saying, Come here; I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb. And he carried me away in spirit onto a great and high mountain and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. Rev. 21:9-10The New Jerusalem as the ultimate type in the Bible and as the consummation of all that God is doing throughout the ages is truly a wonderful and mysterious matter.

Far from being a physical or material city, the holy city is the bride of the Lamb, the wife of the Lamb.

If we take a look closer at the New Jerusalem, we will be amazed to see that the city is a universal couple, a loving pair eternally.

In the New Jerusalem, we see both God and man. According to its humanity, the New Jerusalem is the human wife (who also has the divine life and nature) of the Lamb, who is the redeeming God (Rev. 21:2, 9).

We are the human wife of Christ, and we have humanity and also divinity.

We are human, yet divine, so we can marry Christ to be His wife.

Because we’re human, we can be God’s human wife, for He also has humanity.

And because we’re divine, we can marry Him as a divine person.

According to its divinity, the New Jerusalem is the divine Husband (the redeeming God in His consummated embodiment, Christ, who also has the human life and nature) of God’s elect.

God marries man – but God has humanity and man also has divinity, so there is a divine-human Husband and a human-divine wife.

The wife is human, and she has the divine life and nature, and the Husband is divine, also having the human life and nature.

This is what God desires, and it may seem incomprehensible to our human mind, but this is what He is gaining.

He saved us, human beings, and He regenerated us to be our life and everything.

He is working Himself into us through regeneration, sanctification, renewing, transformation, conformation, and glorification.

Through the process of God’s organic salvation, God is working Himself with His life and nature into us so that we, human beings, would become the same as He is in life and nature.

On His side, He went through a process to become a man, putting on human nature, and He lived a perfect human life, died an all-inclusive death on the cross, resurrected to become a life-giving Spirit, and ascended to the heavens to be enthroned far above all.

He has become the universal Husband possessing the divine life and nature and also the human life and nature, and He is taking us through a long process to make us, human beings, the same as He is in His life and nature.

The consummation of what He is doing in man and with man is the universal couple, the New Jerusalem, a loving pair eternally – God and man, man and God, married together for eternity.

According to its humanity, the New Jerusalem is the human wife (with the divine life and nature) of the Lamb, the redeeming God (Rev. 21:2, 9). This human wife can marry a divine person because she has the divine life and nature. This qualifies her to match the redeeming God…Because she is human, she can be the redeeming God’s human wife. Because she is divine, she can marry Him, a divine person. According to its divinity, the New Jerusalem is the divine Husband (the redeeming God in His consummated embodiment, Christ, with the human life and nature) of God’s redeemed elect. The wife is human, and the Husband is divine. A human wife can marry a divine person because she has the divine person’s nature and life. The same entity can be both a husband and a wife because the New Jerusalem is divine. The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 4363-4365, by Witness LeeThe New Jerusalem is the wife according to its humanity and the Husband according to its divinity. Amazing!

Christ and the New Jerusalem as His wife will be a universal couple for eternity!

The Spirit is one with the bride to speak the same thing.

The Spirit becomes one with the believers, who are now fully mature to be the bride of the Lamb (Rev. 21:2, 9-10). Hallelujah!

The Triune God is processed and consummated to be the universal Husband and man is regenerated, transformed, and glorified to be the bride – a loving pair eternally.

This universal couple expresses the Triune God for eternity. Praise the Lord!

It’s impossible for Christ to marry a physical city as His wife; the New Jerusalem as the bride of Christ is not a physical city but the bride of the Lamb to match Him in every possible way.

And today we are adorning and consummating the New Jerusalem by enjoying and experiencing the Triune God – the Father as the golden base, the Son as the pearl gates, and the Spirit as the wall of precious stones.

Praise the Lord!

Lord Jesus, thank You for coming into us, the human beings, to bring the divine life and nature into us. Hallelujah, God became a man in order to put on human nature, and we are becoming God in life and nature so that we and God, God and us, would become a loving pair eternally, a universal couple! Praise the Lord! We give ourselves to You today, Lord, to enjoy and experience You as the Father with the divine nature, the Son with His redeeming work, and the Spirit with His transforming work. Work Yourself into us, Lord, to make us divine and human even as You are divine and human. Transform us into Your image so that we may match You in every possible way. Hallelujah, we are becoming the New Jerusalem, the universal couple, a loving pair eternally!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by brother Ron Kangas in the message for this week, and portions from, The Conclusion of the New Testament (pp. 4363-4365) by Witness Lee, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery Before His Appearing (2023 July Semiannual Training), week 12, entitled, Becoming the New Jerusalem.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    Our Maker is Our Husband, article via, New Jerusalem blog.
    The Divine Romance—Revealing the Deeper Significance of the Book of Romans, article via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem – the vision of the New Jerusalem as a corporate God-man, article by Ron Kangas in, Affirmation and Critique.
    New Jerusalem – the wife of the Lamb, a portion from, The Divine Economy, Chapter 15, by Witness Lee.
    New Jerusalem is the Bride of Christ, article via, New Jerusalem blog.
    What is the New Jerusalem? — Part 1, read more via, LSM Radio Newsletters, the Hearing of Faith.
    Be Encouraged, New Jerusalem! Article via, Living to Him.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – Hallelujah, out of heaven, / Comes the New Jerusalem: / Gates of pearl and walls of jasper, / Mingled with each precious gem. / Philadelphia, Philadelphia, / Has become His Bride so dear. / Now the Spirit in the churches / Speaks to all who have an ear. (Hymns #1275 stanza 5)
    – Now rejoice and be exceeding glad! What glory is displayed! / For the marriage of the Lamb, the wife all ready now is made! / In fine linen, bright and pure, ’twas granted her to be arrayed— / The victory is won! (Hymns #1101 stanza 9)
    – Finally, in Revelation, / Is the picture of Christ’s Bride— / Consummation of God’s purpose; / He is fully satisfied. / New Jerusalem, a city, / Is the Bridegroom’s counterpart— / So the church built up together / Forms the Bride for Christ’s own heart. / How can we, as those who truly / Long to see God reach His goal, / Be united and related? / By denial of our soul! / As we contact Christ in spirit, / Feed on Him as life to us, / Then His life will flow, transform us / To His Bride, all glorious! (Hymns #1324 stanzas 8-9)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
1 year ago

According to its humanity, the New Jerusalem is the human wife (with the divine life and nature) of the Lamb, the redeeming God (vv. 2, 9). This human wife can marry a divine person because she has the divine life and nature. This qualifies her to match the redeeming God…Because she is human, she can be the redeeming God’s human wife. Because she is divine, she can marry Him, a divine person. According to its divinity, the New Jerusalem is the divine Husband (the redeeming God in His consummated embodiment, Christ, with the human life and nature) of God’s redeemed elect. The wife is human, and the Husband is divine. A human wife can marry a divine person because she has the divine person’s nature and life. The same entity can be both a husband and a wife because the New Jerusalem is divine. The divine God is a part of its constituent…The New Jerusalem is the wife according to its humanity and the Husband according to its divinity. But as the divine Husband, the New Jerusalem has the human life and nature. In its humanity and in its divinity it is a couple, a wife and a husband.

The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 4363-4365, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
1 year ago

Wow, brother, we are in the process of becoming the New Jerusalem, the universal couple, a loving pair eternally.

The New Jerusalem is the divine husband and the human wife, divinity and humanity mingled together to be one for eternity. Praise the Lord.

Lord Jesus, we love You. We give ourselves to You to just love You, enjoy You, and experience You. Make us the same as You are in every possible way. Amen, Lord, make us the New Jerusalem!

1 year ago

Lord we love You. Lord we pour our whole being to You. We want to be ready when you come back for the wedding day. Lord today make us the New Jerusalem

Richard C.
Richard C.
1 year ago

What a revelation to see that the New Jerusalem is not a material city but a corporate person, the bride, the wife of the Lamb!

Such is a vision is confirmation that the subject of the Bible is a divine romance of a universal couple with God the male (the bridegroom, the husband) and His counterpart, the church (the female, the bride, the wife).

Praise the Lord we are in the process of being prepared to be the bride, the wife of the Lamb in this age to consummate the New Jerusalem as the ultimate dwelling place of God with His redeemed people!

Jon H.
Jon H.
1 year ago

Amen do this in us Lord 🙏

K. P.
K. P.
1 year ago

Rev. 21:2 And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Rev. 19:7 Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.

Praise the Lord! 😃🙋🏽 Amen!🙏

Amen brother!

As the bride of Christ, the New Jerusalem comes out of Christ, her Husband, and becomes His counterpart, just as Eve came out of Adam, her husband, and became his counterpart.She is prepared by participating in the riches of the life and nature of Christ.

As the holy city of God, she is wholly sanctified unto God and fully saturated with God’s holy nature to be His habitation.

In both the Old Testament and the New Testament, God likens His chosen people to a spouse and a dwelling place for Himself

The spouse is for His satisfaction in love, and the dwelling place is for His rest in expression. Both of these aspects will be ultimately consummated in the New Jerusalem. In her, God will have the fullest satisfaction in love and the utmost rest in expression for eternity.


What a destiny we have!

1 year ago

In the church age we are betrothed to Christ (2 Cor. 11:2).

The wedding day will be the age of the millennial kingdom (Rev. 19:7).

The marriage life will be in the New Jerusalem for eternity (21:2, 9-10).

Today we have been espoused to Our wonderful Christ, hallelujah!

Christian A.
Christian A.
1 year ago

We are expecting a new heaven and a new Earth, in which righteousness dwells.

Therefore, we need to be diligent to be found by our divine Husband in peace and without spot & blemish.

If in this age we make ourselves ready to be the bride of the Lamb, our wedding day will be the age of the millennial kingdom, and our marriage life will be in the New Jerusalem for eternity.

We and Christ can be a universal couple for eternity.

May we allow the Spirit who is the totality of the Triune God to make us gold, pearl & precious stones in life, nature & expression so that we would be a perfect counterpart for our divine Husband.

Mario V.
Mario V.
1 year ago

Ameeen!! Wonderful!!!!

Oh bro, the New Jerusalem is not a physical, material city but a corporate person, a universal couple- the Spirit as the consummated God and the Bride as the transformed, glorified elect.

According to its humanity the New Jerusalem is the human wife with the divine life and nature while according to its divinity the New Jerusalem is the divine husband with the human life abd nature.

The New Jerusalem is a loving couple for eternity.

Right now as you said brother we are becoming.

We need to recover, maintain, and grow our love toward the Lord.

We need to love Him as our Husband. While in this loving atmosphere He adorns us with the triune God as the precious stones.

Lord mature us in life and our love for You. We desire to match You in every way for us to be Your longed for Bride.

Lord adorn and beautify us.🙏🙏🙏

agodman youtube
1 year ago

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