my top enjoyment from the Winter School – I certainly gained the Lord a lot!

It is such a privilege that we can set some time aside at the end of each year to attend the Winter School of Truth! This year we went through the topic, The Bible, and we saw not just what the Bible talks about, but also what the Bible is!

By reading the Word we can find God, we can receive the eternal life, and we can know God’s plan! Below is an abbreviated sharing from sister Noemi (PL) and her top enjoyment from the 2010 Winter School of the Truth which took place in Bower House.

I am very happy that I could participate in the Winter School of Truth – I’m happy the Lord gave me this opportunity. I have experienced a lot this year. I enjoyed very much a lesson I learned related to my lost suitcase (I lost it at the London airport and got it back at the Warsaw airport – I did not have it for 6 days!) Why I say I enjoyed it is in the sense that I realized a lot of things by going through this experience. Before the departure I read a lot of verses on “faith”, that if there would be something I really believe in and give this to the Lord, then there is a great likelihood that it will happen. When I found out about my lost suitcase, right away I thought that it is enough to pray a lot for it, have amazing faith that the suitcase will turn up within 24 hours, that I will give it to the Lord and wake up on Monday morning and my suitcase will be standing at the door of my room! But it wasn’t so… This is not a fairy tale. Now I know that the Lord was after something else, He wanted to show me something else – and now I think I know what! The Lord spoke to me through some saints at the Winter School of Truth and He gave me an indication of what all of this really means… After returning home, the first sentence I heard from my dad was: “You were deprived of material values to gain …” and then I myself had to finish this sentence alone in my heart. Umm… I do not know if I can describe what I have gained but I certainly gained the LORD A LOOOOOOT, I saw His love towards me! Everyone was asking me HOW could I survive without my suitcase during the Winter School of Truth… well, when you have such a big family around you, it is indeed possible to survive.

Below I would like to share something from what I enjoyed in the Winter School of Truth (I will just write items that may not have anything to do with each other):

  1. I enjoyed the example of the TRAIN and the RADIO.
  2. 1 Peter 2:2 says that by feeding on the Word we grow unto salvation – the Word feeds our inner man. We need to use our spirit through prayer. The truth assimilated by our spirit is providing us with life and becomes the foundation of our spiritual experience!
  3. The central thought of the Bible is Christ and the church. If a person is devoid of God, he remains a widow. If God is devoid of man, He remains a bachelor. If you remove Christ from the Bible, it becomes a empty book, just like a vessel in which there is nothing.
  4. The Bible is still the best selling book in the world! It has been translated into more languages than any other book written by man. In 1989 more than 6 million copies of the Bible were sent out.
  5. The content of the Bible tells us about God, His intention, and also about the reason He created man, man’s problem, the solving of this problem as well as the destiny of man.
  6. There are as many as 12 evidences that the Bible is the Word of God!
  7. It’s easy for people to say that there is no God – this way they soothe their conscience… but when they face danger or death, the first thing they do, is turn to God!
  8. Some things in the Bible we do not need to understand, it’s enough if we just enjoy them!
  9. We can overcome Satan’s influence by pray-reading the Word of God.
  10. Jesus was an ordinary man – not Superman. He was a God-man.
  11. And the Lord soooo loved the world!
  12. We were created as an empty vessel (not green), and now we have to exercise our spirit when we come to the Word of God so that we may gain the life of God!
  13. When Satan is knocking at our door and wants to tempt us, we should say: “Wait, I’ll call the right person” and turn to the Lord!
  14. God wants Christ and to restore the oneness of the Body of Christ!
  15. We have the wonderful Divine Life! We must follow it, grab it, and exercise our spirit.
  16. Paul was crazy with love for the Lord
  17. Many people, millions of people, do not know purpose of their living, they do not see the point… They think they must get knowledge, start a family, grow old and eventually they will die. Therefore, we must preach the gospel so that everyone can obtain the eternal life.
  18. Sharing at meetings embarrasses the enemy, Satan!
  20. We must be faithful to devote ourselves to the church.
  21. When we accept His life, we give ourselves to His reign in His kingdom.
  22. We must realize that God has planned something on the earth – His plan is to gain the earth.
  23. He who does not know God, his heart is lost.
  24. We become part of God’s building as living stones.
  25. The New Jerusalem – The all-inclusive and unlimited Triune God is the component that constitutes such a bond, it is its temple, light, lamp, and abounds in life and life supply so that it can be His full expression in the eternity, to express His abundance completely eternally, from the CENTER to CIRCUMFERENCE!!!!

Finally I would like to share with you my recent experience. Sometimes in September I decided that I will read the entire New Testament until the start of Winter School of Truth. I have managed to – I read the last book on the plane and on the underground on the way to Bower House. But somehow “this was not it”… This conference gave me such a big and strong ‘realization’… I realized that this is not about just reading, but understanding it and consecrating myself to the Lord to read the Bible. I need to pray-read the Word and enjoy it. And it should not be “timed”. Now I’m going to read the Bible again… all of it… but first, I give this to the Lord. We’ll see how it goes. But I recommend it 😉

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister in the Lord :
Sister in the Lord :
14 years ago

Amen. Thank you. I feel so encourage to read the Bible in a new way 🙂 and gain the Lord in every practical situation 🙂 How good that God is so available!

李 菲 麗
李 菲 麗
14 years ago

Praise the Lord for this great 'appetizer' to eat, enjoy, assimilate the bible, His word more and more, to the uttermost!