My realisation – Lord be my everything! I need You, Lord, keep me turning to You!

As soon as we enjoy the Lord, the enemy will start fighting against it. The enemy wants us to be upset so that why when we are down he doesn’t need to use strong force. This is also my personal experience – when I enjoy the Lord, right away the enemy comes in and knows what will upset me.

O, Lord, be the One in us to face the enemy – only You can overcome Satan, You overcame the world. Lord make us sober to not forget this or do something by ourself, but to trust You.

The Lord doesn’t want us to be super spiritual beings – He just wants us to daily turn to Him. For me, I know I fail each day and don’t want to make an excuse(at least I can repent). We need to turn to the Lord, so that we don’t do it of ourselves and it’s not for our own glory if we overcome something.

Actually, the Lord knows our heart and He knows us even better then we know ourselves – the Lord knows even our own future (things that we don’t even know about yet).

Oh Lord Jesus, don’t let us win. Remind us You are the only One in us who can do it.

We ourselves cannot overcome anything – even by trying not to do something or saying we will/won’t do a certain thing that is not right/is right, we automatically fail. He knows that we are weak and that we can’t do it on our own. Still, He won’t stop us from doing something, and if we are not enjoying Him we won’t even realise that we are doing things apart from the Lord.

Lord be real to me right now, may You will have the first place in my heart. Lord, You know me – thank You Lord that it is You meet our every need. Keep us open, not to go with this age. Make us those who stand for You. Lord, we want to drop our religious concepts of trying to be good – make us those who trust You that You can be the Person in us! Lord, spread into our being so that we can become more like You.

Sorry, this evening has just made me more aware of what I am like – as a person. I need to stop being selfish and put the Lord first. Even though we are sometimes stubborn to admit the Lord really is right it is actually only Him that can overcome everything in us. He is in us, in our spirit, and He’s only waiting for us to turn to Him. He has the power to spread into our soul and then into our body. He gave us a free will and He loves us enough to let us make our own decisions just like Adam. We just have to have faith in Him – only He can give us the faith to trust Him and to love Him.

Lord make us realise that You are the Lord, You are the Person who can save us from every situation, no matter how big or small.

What we do and say shouldn’t be of our own trying or our own concepts, but just of the faith we get from the Lord so that He may take the place of everything else in our being.

Thank You Lord – You gave us a spirit to contact You.

We really can turn to Him any time any place. I even started to whisper the name on the Lord this evening at work just simply doing the dishes. We don’t necessarily get all spiritual when we call, but He becomes what we need in that moment. He can supply us with what we really need.

Thank You Lord so much for never giving up on us even if we sometimes give up on ourselves. Thank You for putting us with saints to support us and to express You. Lord, have Your way in this world – Lord have Your expression throughout the earth, though us. Make us willing Lord that we will run after You!

Guest post – sister Hayley.

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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14 years ago

Thank you for your words of encouragement.
this morning I woke and prayed for a word- I typed into Google Lord I need you to keep me and then I got your website.
I am in Tanzania- from England and I am searching to know the heart of God. It has been a battle and I have been alone.- except knowing by faith that the Lord has guided me and is with me.
God bless you for hearing His heart!