It is such a privilege to be under the Lord’s speaking today in the church life in the Lord’s recovery! The Bible is an open book to us, because the Lord has a way to speak to us through the Word, in fellowship with the saints, through the footnotes in the Recovery Version Bible, through the life-study messages, through the ministry books, and through all the conferences and fellowship that the Lord is constantly releasing.
We appreciate very much the ministry of brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, and we are thankful that we can watch some of the messages given in the conferences when he was alive, courtesy of the Living Stream Ministry YouTube channel.
We are listing below some of these books that can be watched – listen and watch Witness Lee, and may the Lord have a way to unveil us and bring us further with Him so that we may grow in life, experience Him in a deeper way, enter into a deeper reality of the Body of Christ, and be produced as the overcomers of today, those who hear what the Spirit speaks to the churches, to hasten the Lord’s return.
If you are interested in having more fellowship with saints who enjoy the Lord and also appreciate the ministry of Brother Witness Lee, leave us a comment below.
Ministry Books – Listen to and Watch Witness Lee
The Issue of the Dispensing of the Processed Trinity and the Transmitting of the Transcending Christ, by Witness Lee
Enjoy the videos from Witness Lee’s speaking in 1993 on, The Issue of the Dispensing of the Processed Trinity and the Transmitting of the Transcending Christ.
There are six videos in this series. The titles of the messages are, The Issue of God the Father’s Dispensing, Speaking Forth God’s Eternal Purpose (msg. 1), The Issue of God the Son’s Dispensing, Speaking Forth the Accomplishment of God’s Eternal Purpose (msg. 2), The Issue of God the Spirit’s Dispensing, Speaking Forth the Application of God’s Accomplished Purpose (msg. 3), The Issue of the Transmitting of the Transcending Christ (msg. 4), The Church (msg. 5), and The Body of Christ (msg. 6).
Watch and listen to the video messages here.
The Building Up of the Body of Christ, by Witness Lee
Enjoy the following videos from Witness Lee’s speaking in 1988 on, The Building Up of the Body of Christ, by Witness Lee.
There are four videos in this series. In the New Testament, there are many teachings concerning the building up of the church, which is the Body of Christ.
In Matthew 16:18 the Lord Jesus referred to the building up of the church for the first time, and in Paul’s writings, there are many portions related to this matter. In these messages, Witness Lee presents the building up of the Body of Christ through the gifts, the saints’ direct building of the Body of Christ, our need to grow up into the Head, and the Body of Christ building itself up in love.
Watch and listen to the video messages here.
The Divine and Mystical Realm, by Witness Lee
Watch and listen to the messages given by Witness Lee on the topic of, The Divine and Mystical Realm. The divine and mystical realm is something not only spiritual but also mysterious.
Here are the titles of the messages given by brother Lee: To Know This Age (msg. 1), To Enter into the Mystical Realm of Christ’s Heavenly Ministry (msg. 2), The Divine and Mystical Realm of the Consummated Spirit and the Pneumatic Christ (msg. 3), The Spirit Himself with Our Spirit (1) (msg. 4), The Spirit Himself with Our Spirit (2) (msg. 5), The Unique Ground of the Local Churches of God and the Unique Oneness of the Universal Body of Christ (msg. 6).
There are six videos in this series. Watch and listen to the video messages here.
The Prophecy of the Four Sevens in the Bible, by Witness Lee
You can now listen to and watch the video messages given by Brother Lee on the topic of, The Prophecy of the Four Sevens in the Bible.
The first “seven” is the last seven years of this age, the last week of the seventy weeks in Daniel 9. The three other “sevens” are in the book of Revelation: the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and the seven bowls.
The first “seven” in Daniel 9 is related to the “sevens” in Revelation. The prophecy of these four “sevens” is related to the Messiah (Christ), the nation of Israel, the New Testament believers, and the church.
Listen to and watch the video messages here.
The Genuine Ground of Oneness – by Witness Lee
Watch and listen to Brother Witness Lee’s sharing on the topic of, The Genuine Ground of Oneness.
Oneness should be part of the base, or the ground, of the church.
In these messages on the genuine ground of oneness, Witness Lee first considers the oneness manifested in the four great acts of God, then the oneness seen in the Old Testament, and finally the oneness in the churches in the New Testament.
These messages were given in Anaheim, California, August 15-26, 1979.
Click on this link to watch and listen to these video messages.
The World Situation and God’s Move, by Witness Lee
You can now watch and listen to Brother Witness Lee’s speaking on the topic of, The World Situation and God’s move (video messages).
In The World Situation and God’s Move, Witness Lee provides a short but panoramic view of God’s move throughout human history.
He shows how God’s detailed arrangement of world affairs was instrumental in the accomplishment of redemption and in the initial spread of the gospel.
He further shows how God has been moving throughout church history to gain a proper testimony for His full expression.
Click on this link to watch and listen to these video messages.
The Apostles’ Teaching, by Witness Lee
Enjoy the speaking by Brother Lee on the topic of, The Apostles’ Teaching (video messages).
The teaching of the apostles is the entire speaking of God in the New Testament, first in the Son as a man, then in the Son as the Spirit through the apostles.
Although many matters are covered in the New Testament, such as baptism, head covering, foot-washing, and even the Lord’s table, these items are not the central focus of God’s speaking.
Rather, the New Testament presents a full picture of God’s New Testament economy, that is, His plan to produce an enlarged expression of Himself through the redemption, regeneration, transformation, and glorification of His chosen elect.
Watch and listen to brother Lee’s speaking via this link.
A Life Full of Forbearance but without Anxiety – Video, by Witness Lee
Enjoy a collection of messages given by Witness Lee on the topic of, A life full of forbearance but without anxiety.
These five messages were given part of the life-study of Philippians and have also been published as a small booklet by Living Stream Ministry.
In these videos, Witness Lee fellowships concerning the answer to these questions and the secret that Paul refers to Philippians 4:12.
This forbearance must become our forbearance, and then we should make our forbearance, the forbearance of Christ, known to all men.
Watch and listen to brother Lee’s speaking on this topic via this link.