Minister the Riches of Christ as Spiritual Food and Speak the Same Thing in One Accord

Then He said to me, Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel. Ezek. 3:1

As good ministers of Christ Jesus, we need to minister the riches of Christ as spiritual food to others so that they may be nourished and grow in life, and we need to speak the same thing with one accord and with one mouth, speaking the economy of God which is in faith. Amen!

We believers in Christ are not only those who received the Lord into them and now live a life by faith; we are also those who minister something of the Lord to others.

On one hand, we have Christ in us as our life; on the other hand, Christ in us wants to speak, flow out, and be manifested.

Especially in these last days, in the age of the degradation of the church, as we see that truth is being trampled underfoot and no one speaks for the Lord, we need to all the more get into the word of God, be filled with the word, and speak the word.

The word of God is our food, our nourishment, and our supply; also, the word of God is becoming our inner constitution, for the truth in God’s word is living and operative, working in us and constituting us with what God is.

Paul encouraged Timothy to be a good minister of Christ Jesus who is nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching which he closely followed, and to lay these things before the brothers.

We have “these things”, the contents of God’s eternal economy.

These things need to be our enjoyment and experience day by day.

When we daily experience and enjoy the Lord, fellowship with Him and abide in His word, we have something to lay before the saints.

Christ is our Savior, our life, our life supply, and the reality of all the positive things; we enjoy Him, partake of Him, experience Him, and digest and assimilate Him, and there’s an overflow to others also.

When we meet unbelievers, there’s a love toward them, and the Lord flows out as the gospel to them, according to the need.

When we meet fellow Christians. the Lord flows out of our inner being as living water and as spiritual food to nourish them.

May we be those who not only eat and drink the Lord but also flow Him out to others.

We are not called to outwardly teach by giving others doctrines and teachings from the Bible; we are called to minister Christ to others.

We are like servers in a restaurant or stewards on a plane; we have the food, the people are hungry, and we exercise to speak something of Christ to them.

On our side, we first are nourished with the words of the faith and of the good teaching which we closely follow.

Then, as we are filled with the Lord in His word, there is an overflow, something that flows out of us toward them, so that they would also enjoy Christ and be nourished with His word.

Minister the Riches of Christ as Spiritual Food to Others for them to be Nourished and Grow in Life

For when because of the time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you what the rudiments of the beginning of the oracles of God are and have become those who have need of milk and not of solid food. For everyone who partakes of milk is inexperienced in the word of righteousness, for he is an infant; But solid food is for the full-grown, who because of practice have their faculties exercised for discriminating between both good and evil. Heb. 5:12-14There’s a portion in Ezekiel where God tells him to take the scroll and eat it, and then go and speak to the people (Ezek. 3:1-4).

This is our experience in our Christian life. God doesn’t send us to others empty-handed or hungry; He first wants to give us something to eat, and then we speak to others.

We need to minister the riches of Christ as spiritual food to others so that they may be nourished and grow in life (Heb. 5:12-14; 1 Cor. 2:2; 1 Pet. 2:2).

To do this, we first need to be nourished with the word of God, tasting the Lord in His word and taking in the word by means of all prayer, petition, and thanksgiving, so that the word of God becomes our constitution.

The Word of God is our spiritual milk and our solid food.

As we eat the Lord in His word and drink the milk of the word, we grow in life and are able to flow out something of Christ to others also.

We daily need to eat the words of the good teaching and the healthy word in the Bible so that we may grow, be edified, and be strengthened in our Christian life.

The good teaching that we closely follow is something that nourishes us and causes us to grow in life.

The words of the good teaching are the sweet words that contain and convey the riches of Christ, and as we take in the Lord’s words by means of all prayer, we are nourished, edified, and strengthened.

May we daily come to the Lord and “eat the scroll” by eating the Lord’s words, and may we “go and speak” to others by ministering Christ to them!

As we enjoy the riches of Christ, we will be able to minister the riches of Christ as spiritual food to others.

The word of God is likened to milk and solid food, which are for our nourishment.

Just as we physically need to drink milk and eat solid food, so we spiritually need to drink the guileless milk of the word so that by it we may grow unto salvation.

As we eat the healthy food in God’s word, we will be able to also minister the riches of Christ as spiritual food to others.

Just as we spiritually grow by eating the food in God’s word, so others will grow spiritually when we minister something of the riches of Christ as spiritual food into them.

Then He said to me, Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel. So I opened my mouth, and He gave me that scroll to eat. And He said to me, Son of man, feed your stomach and fill your inward parts with this scroll that I am giving you. And I ate [it,] and it was like honey in my mouth in [its] sweetness. Then He said to me, Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with My words to them. Ezek. 3:1-4The words of the faith are the words of the full gospel concerning God’s New Testament economy.

The New Testament reveals the eternal economy of God, and we as believers in Christ can read, study, and enjoy this divine revelation.

May we abide in the word of God and be filled with the word.

May we allow the Word to dwell in us richly and be nourished with God as we eat the Word.

May we have the experience of eating the Lord in His word to be nourished with the words of the faith, and may we minister the riches of Christ as spiritual food to others.

If we don’t know how to feed ourselves properly, we will not be able to feed others with the healthy food they need for them to grow in life.

Through our experience of eating the Lord in His word and partaking of His riches, we can also minister something of Christ to others for their enjoyment and growth in life.

Amen, may we give ourselves to enjoy the Lord, grow in life, and be richly supplied with the word of God so that we may be filled with something of Christ to minister to others for their growth in life!

Lord Jesus, we want to be nourished with the good teaching in the word of God so that we may grow in life and be inwardly strengthened. Keep us coming to You in Your word day by day to eat You and drink You. Your word is our food and drink. We want to taste that the Lord is good in the word, and we want to drink the guileless milk of the word so that by it we may grow unto salvation. Amen, Lord, feed us with the spiritual food in Your word. We want to partake of the word of righteousness so that we may grow unto maturity. May we daily enjoy Christ and partake of His riches so that we may be able to minister the riches of Christ to others for their edification and growth in life. Amen, Lord, may the words of the full gospel concerning God’s New Testament economy become our nourishment and constitution! May we be filled with the words of the good teaching, the sweet words that contain and convey the riches of Christ to nourish, edify, and strengthen us!

Good Ministers of Christ Speak the Same Thing with One Accord and with One Mouth

Now I beseech you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be attuned in the same mind and in the same opinion. 1 Cor. 1:10

In Christianity there are so many kinds of speaking; there are many teachings, many doctrines being emphasized, and many things that are taught in a way to divide this group from that group.

We believers in Christ need to realize that we’re members of the one Body of Christ, and we should aspire to speak the same thing (1 Cor. 1:10) with one accord and with one mouth (Rom. 15:6).

This is what the good ministers of Christ do.

Now the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind toward one another according to Christ Jesus, That with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore receive one another, as Christ also received you to the glory of God. Rom. 15:5-7They do not bring in different teachings nor do they teach according to what they like and understand in God’s word; rather, they are nourished with God’s word and speak the same thing.

It is such a simple thing to just speak the same thing with one accord and with one mouth, but in today’s world where everyone tries to be different, it seems to be so hard to do this.

May we be of the same mind toward one another according to Christ Jesus so that with one accord we may glorify God in receiving the believers to live the church life (Rom. 15:5-7).

When we have the same mind toward one another, loving one another and not thinking more highly of ourselves than we ought to think, we will pay the price to be in one accord with the saints.

When we are in one accord, we will speak the same thing, and we will speak with one mouth.

Wow, we will speak the same thing with one mouth!

Today there are so many mouths that speak, both in the word and in the church; but when we have the same mind toward one another, we remain in the one accord and speak the same thing with one mouth.

The only way this can happen is if we all allow Christ to make His home in our heart and be everything in our mouth.

We need to let Him make His home deep down in our heart so that He may renew our mind, attune our will, and temper our emotions for Him to dwell in us richly.

When we let Christ be everything to us in our mouth and in our heart, we can speak the one thing with one mouth in one accord.

We today in the church life have the high peaks of God’s present revelation, and we are learning to speak these things.

Then, as we learn these truths, the high peaks of God’s present revelation, we go out to speak with God’s up-to-date vision to move with God on earth today for the fulfilment of His purpose.

In this way, we speak the same thing, which is God’s eternal economy, and this speaking will be something that builds up and does not tear down.

In the church life we can testify that, by the Lord’s grace and mercy, we have been raised up by the Lord’s up-to-date ministry and we have a taste for this ministry; we have a taste for the teaching that builds up the church as the Body of Christ.

The taste for the healthy teaching keeps us here and is the controlling factor among us.

We do not accept any differing teachings, even though they may sound good, ethical, moral, and scriptural. Amen!

There are many seekers of the Lord in Christianity today, and they hunger and thirst for the deeper truths in the word of God.

They are in the denominations in Christianity, but they seek something higher, deeper, and richer, for they are tired of the shallow things that their pastors and leaders speak of.

May we be those who enjoy and experience the high peak truths in God’s revelation and may we learn to speak these things to others.

We need to be of the same mind toward one another according to Christ Jesus so that with one accord we may glorify God in receiving the believers to live the church life (Rom. 15:5-7). Whenever we are in one accord, we speak the same thing; we speak with one mouth. The only way to be with one accord and with one mouth is to allow Christ the room to be everything in our heart and in our mouth so that God may be glorified. We have said that God is the New Jerusalem. When we glorify God, we take Him as the New Jerusalem and give all the glory to Him. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “The Experience of God’s Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ’s Life,” p. 509On one hand, when we speak the high peaks of God’s present revelation to our fellow believers, we minister the riches of Christ as spiritual food to others so that they may be nourished and grow in life.

On the other hand, these healthy teachings will create in them a taste for the truth, a taste for God’s eternal economy, which builds up the church.

In the vast wilderness and widespread hunger for the truth in Christianity today, we in the church life have the high peaks of the divine revelation, and we can speak them to others.

May we pick up the high commission to not only read the Word of God to be personally nourished but even more, get into the deeper truths in God’s word, read and pray over the ministry that properly interprets the Word of God, and learn to speak the high peak truth in God’s word to others.

In the church life we speak this one thing, the economy of God, the healthy teaching that builds up the church.

And when we meet with our fellow Christians, we exercise to speak the high truth; though they may reject this at first, the truth will get into them, and they will hunger for the deeper truths in God’s word.

Lord Jesus, we aspire to be good ministers of Christ Jesus who speak the same thing with one accord and with one mouth. Grant us to be of the same mind toward one another according to Christ Jesus so that with one accord we may glorify God in receiving the believers to live the church life. Amen, Lord, we allow You the room to be everything in our heart and in our mouth so that God may be glorified. Thank You for giving us Your word, Your divine revelation, with the deeper truths and the high peaks of the divine revelation. We want to get into Your word, partake of Your riches, and be constituted with the truth so that we may minister the riches of Christ to others and impart the truth into them. Amen, Lord, may so many hungry and thirsty seeking believers come to the full knowledge of the truth so that they would be richly supplied and nourished with the words of the faith and grow in life unto maturity!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration for this article/sharing comes from the Word of God, the enjoyment in the ministry, a sharing by the brothers in the message for this week, and portions from, Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1994-1997, vol. 5, “The Experience of God’s Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ’s Life,” p. 509, as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Living and Serving According to God’s Economy Concerning the Church (2023 fall ITERO), week 6, entitled, A Good Minister of Christ Jesus.
  • Similar articles on this topic:
    The economy of God to produce the church as the Body of Christ in Ephesians, article by Ed Marks in, Affirmation and Critique.
    Are You a Normal Believer, Coming and Going? Read more via, Holding to Truth in Love.
    A good minister of Christ, a portion from, Life-Study of 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon, Chapter 8.
    The Application of the Universal Oneness of the Spirit, Through the Exercise of the Mingled Spirit, to Bring in the One Accord, Issuing in a Harmonious Symphony, for the Building up of the Body of Christ, the Preparation of the Bride of Christ, and the Rich All-Excelling Mutual Enjoyment of the Father and His Many Sons in the Father’s House, the Church. More via, Living to Him.
    Being turned from teachings and gifts to Christ as food, a portion from, Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, Chapter 6, by Witness Lee.
    A Good Minister of Christ, outline via, The Church in New York City.
    What is the all-inclusive Christ? Read more via, Radio Newsletters – the hearing of faith.
    Christ being the children’s bread and the crumbs under the table, a portion from, Enjoying the Riches of Christ for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, Chapter 5, by Witness Lee.
    The unsearchable riches of Christ as the content and structure of the gospel of God, article by Ed Marks in, Affirmation and Critique.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    – An uplifted gospel have we, / One we’re not ashamed to proclaim. / Our gospel’s the highest of all, / For it is God’s goal and God’s aim. / No longer so lowly and poor, / We’ve found that we’re God’s holy sons. / No more will we preach as before; / Now each man on earth can be won. (Hymns #1292 stanza 1)
    – Thou in the Word art the Spirit and life, / Thus by the Word I may feed upon Thee; / Thou dost as Spirit in my spirit live, / Thus I may drink in the spirit of Thee. / Now to enjoy Thee I come to Thy Word, / On Thee to feed till my hunger is o’er. / Now in my spirit I turn unto Thee, / Of Thee to drink till I’m thirsty no more. (Hymns #811 stanzas 5-6)
    – To the lost world minister Christ, / The precious One you possess, / Imparting Christ to those you love / As all their gain and success. (Hymns #922 stanza 2)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
1 year ago

According to 1 Timothy 4:6, we should also be nourished with the good teaching which we have closely followed. The words of the good teaching are the sweet words that contain and convey the riches of Christ to nourish, edify, and strengthen His believers. Actually, the words of the faith and the words of the good teaching refer to the same thing. If we would teach others, we ourselves must first follow these words closely. Following them closely and being nourished with them, we will then be able to feed others. For example, if a mother does not know how to nourish herself properly, she will not know how to feed healthy food to her children. Through her own experience of being nourished, she will know what food is best for her children. This illustrates the fact that as good ministers of Christ, we must first be nourished ourselves with the words of the faith and of the good teaching which we have closely followed, and then we will be able to nourish others.

Life-study of 1 Timothy, second edition, pp. 72-73, by Witness Lee

Stefan M.
1 year ago

We need to aspire to be good ministers of Christ Jesus, those who are richly nourished with the words of the faith and minister the riches of Christ to others for them to be nourished and supplied.

Amen, may we speak the same thing with one mouth with one accord in the church life for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ.

Lord Jesus, we want to drink the milk of the word and eat the Solid food in Your word so that we may be richly nourished and have something of the riches of Christ to minister to others also. Amen, Lord, flow through us as toward others for their nourishment and strengthening!

Pak L.
Pak L.
1 year ago


Lord we want to pick up this high commission to go out with the high peaks and the divine revelation.

Lord dispense your truth in us. We want to be filled with your light and your healthy words.

Lord give us such a deep and rich experience so that we can share and minister to others the riches of Christ!

Moh S.
Moh S.
1 year ago

If we would teach others we first have to be those who are nourished with the good teaching, with the sweet words that contain and convey the riches of Christ!

This will enable us to nourish others so they can be nourished with the words of the faith!

Lord bring us more into this reality! Thank You for the word of righteousness! Thank You for the solid food.

May we grow in life until we are full grown, and may we supply words of nourishment for many others to advance from the milk of the word to be experienced in the word of righteousness.

Oh Lord give us such a taste for the word of righteousness, for solid food! Amen!

Richard C.
Richard C.
1 year ago

To be a good minister of Christ we ourselves, first of all, need to be nourished by and closely follow the full gospel concerning God’s New Testament gospel and the riches of Christ – the sweet words which supply and strengthen others.

We are not here to gain mere knowledge, we are here to be fed by the Lord’s words, our spiritual food, so that we may feed others, that they also may taste and see that the Lord is good and through the milk of the word, then the solid food, would grow in life unto salvation.

Amen. Lord nourish us through our drinking and eating to supply others for Your building!

S. A.
S. A.
1 year ago

Amen. Last week’s reading said to open our mouths.

This week’s reading says we have to speak and to speak with one mouth.

Lord nourish us and flow us towards others as their nourishment, amen

Rob M.
Rob M.
1 year ago


Yes lord, we come to eat and drink you as our food!

May your element be stitched into us. Metabolised to be transformed into pure stone that we can minster only Christ!

Lord for we are the circumcision and serve by the Spirit of God. We boast in Christ Jesus! And not walk according to the Flesh but to the Spirit! 

Lord touch us with mercy that more of you can be wrought into us. More space for you. We only want you. Strengthen us! 

Daniel A.
Daniel A.
1 year ago

Amen brother, may we be those who follow ministry closely, especially the high peak of the divine revelation

Let it become our vision so that we can speak the same thing and nourish others according to these truths

1 year ago

Dear brother, buy the truth and do not sell it, today we must be good faithful ministers who speak the truth firmly without warm clothes, the truth is the truth!

Christian A.
Christian A.
1 year ago

We are called to be good ministers of Christ, those who are nourished with the words of the faith and the good teaching of God’s New Testament economy.

So, we ourselves must be faithful men who take the time to nourish ourselves so that we can then minister Christ as food.

May we allow the Lord to saturate our inner being with the words of His full gospel concerning His New Testament economy…

K. P.
K. P.
1 year ago

Heb. 5:12-14 …Because of the time you ought to be teachers, [but] you have need again for someone to teach you what the rudiments of the beginning of the oracles of God are and have become those who have need of milk and not of solid food. For everyone who partakes of milk is inexperienced in the word of righteousness, for he is an infant; but solid food is for the full-grown…

Praise the Lord! 🙌🙋🏽😃

agodman audio
agodman audio
1 year ago
RcV Bible
RcV Bible
1 year ago

The Greek word, translated reasonable in Rom. 12:1, is an adjective, derived from the noun word; hence, of the word; having the sense of pertaining to the mind (in contrast to the body), to the rational faculties; hence, rational, logical, reasonable. The milk of the word is not milk for the body but milk for the soul, the inner being. It is conveyed in the word of God to nourish our inner man through the understanding of our rational mind and is assimilated by our mental faculties.

1 Pet. 2:2, footnote 3 on, “milk of the Word”, Recovery Version Bible

Mila L.
Mila L.
1 year ago

Amen, Lord, Keep us enjoying Your divine word, and we will be nourished, constituted, and saturated with Your word.

We learn to minister and supply Your divine word to others.

Mario V.
Mario V.
1 year ago

Amen Father God, infuse us with such aspiration to be good ministers of Christ Jesus. 

Thank You that Your word is our food, our nourishment, and our supply. That Your word is becoming our inner constitution for Your word is Spirit and life.

It is living and operative, working in us and constituting us with what God is. Lord Jesus occupy every room in our being that You will be our all.

May there be no room for anything else but only You.

May You fill us and may we speak You forth. Amen!!!