The Meal Offering Typifies Christ in His God-man Living – He’s God Mingled with Man

The meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living.This week in our morning revival we are getting into the vision and enjoyment of the meal offering, and in particular today we want to see how the meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living.

All the offerings are types of Christ as the One who not only bridges the gap between us and God and is what we cannot be, but as the One whom God has sent to live a God-man living, become a life-giving Spirit, and be enjoyed and experienced by us for the Father’s satisfaction.

We need to see Christ – we need to have an enlarged, expanded, and extensive vision of Christ. The Christ that we see with our spiritual eyes is the Christ that we get.

Just as Abraham in Gen. 13:14-18, we need to lift our eyes and see from the place where we are, and all the Christ that we see and walk in is the Christ that we possess, enjoy and experience.

The meal offering in particular typifies three things: Christ in His God-man living, our Christian life as a duplication of Christ in His God-man living, and the church life we a corporate living by the perfected God-men.

The meal offering can be seen in Lev. 2:1-5, and it typifies first Christ, then we as believers in our living, and finally the church life.

The matter of the God-man living is one of the aspects of the new revival, the ultimate revival which the Lord is bringing in to end this age, the age of the church, and bring in the age of the kingdom, the millennium.

There are three aspects of the new revival. First we have the vision of eternity, which is the high peak of the divine revelation; this is the mingling of God and man for the oneness of the Body of Christ, which is a central matter in the Bible and in our Christian life. The mingling of God with man is for us to be the same as God in life and nature for the building up of the Body of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem.

The second aspect of the new revival is the life of eternity, which is the God-man living, a mingling living, in the eternal union of the regenerated, transformed, and glorified tripartite God-men with the Triune God in the resurrection of Christ. This mingling is going on with us and today we are being mingled with the Triune God.

The third aspect of the new revival is the work of eternity, which is to shepherd others according to God, to nourish others for ministering God into them. We need to do the work of eternity by shepherding others according to God’s nature, way, desire, and purpose, to cherish them and nourish them to minister God into them.

The Meal Offering Typifies Christ in His God-man Living – He’s God Mingled with Man

The meal offering spoken of in Lev. 2:1-16 is a type of Christ in His God-man living. The meal offering was of fine flour on which oil was poured, and frankincense, and also salt; it was to be baked in the oven, unleavened, and anointed with oil.

Each detail of the meal offering is a type of Christ in His God-man living, and as we prayerfully consider these aspects, we will see a Christ we have never seen before, and we will eat Him and enjoy Him to become His reproduction today.

The Fine Flour signifies Christ’s Humanity – Perfect, Tender, and Balanced

Fine flour, the main element of the meal offering, signifies Christ’s humanity, which is fine, perfect, tender, balanced, and right in every way, with no excess and no deficiency; this signifies the beauty and excellence of Christ’s human living and daily walk (v. 1; John 18:38; 19:4, 6b; Luke 2:40; 23:14; Isa. 53:3). Crystallization-Study of Leviticus (1), outline 4Fine flour – the main element of the meal offering – signifies Christ’s humanity, which is fine, perfect, tender, balanced, and right in every way; Christ’s humanity had no excess and no deficiency (see John 18:38; 19:4, 6b; Luke 2:40; 23:14; Isa. 53:3).

Our humanity is not fine or tender, but rough and imbalanced. Outwardly we may seem to be nice people, but actually we are quite rough. Among the human race only Christ is the One who is gentle, not rough, and His humanity is fine, perfect, balanced, and right in every way.

The fine flour was produced out of wheat, which had to go through many processes such as being sown, buried to die, growing up, being beaten by the wind, frost, rain, and sun, and then being reaped, threshed, sifted, and ground.

Christ went through many processes and sufferings in His human life, which made a “man of sorrows” (Isa. 53:3), and His humanity was perfect.

The fine flour in the meal offering – which is perfect in fineness, evenness, tenderness, and gentleness, and thus fully balanced – signifies the beauty and excellence of Christ’s human living and daily walk.

When we look at Christ in His God-man living, we see that He was fully balanced, not rough or coarse, but tender, gentle, with no excess or deficiency. When He was growing, He was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him.

When He was examined by Pilate, the Roman governor, He was found without any fault. In Matt. 27:12-13 Christ didn’t say anything to vindicate Himself, and the governor marveled greatly. Such a One is in us to be enjoyed and experienced by us as we eat His humanity!

Lord Jesus, how we appreciate Your fine humanity typified by the fine flour in the meal offering. Oh Lord, Your humanity is fine, perfect, balanced, and right in every way. You were tested, tried, and processed, and Your humanity is fine, tender, even, gentle, and fully balanced, with no excess or deficiency. We treasure Your humanity, and we exercise our spirit over Your word to eat Your humanity. Oh, we want to eat Jesus in His humanity so that we may enjoy Christ in His God-man living and become His corporate reproduction and duplication!

The Oil signifies the Spirit of God which was Mingled with Christ’s Humanity

The oil of the meal offering signifies the Spirit of God as the divine element of Christ (Lev. 2:1; Luke 1:35; 3:22; 4:18; Heb. 1:9). The mingling of fine flour with the oil in the meal offering signifies that Christ’s humanity is mingled with the Holy Spirit and that His human nature is mingled with God’s divine nature, making Him a God-man, possessing the divine nature and the human nature distinctly, without a third nature being produced (Lev. 2:4-5; Matt. 1:18, 20). Crystallization-Study of Leviticus (1), outline 4The oil of the meal offering signifies the Spirit of God as the divine element of Christ (Lev. 2:1; Luke 1:35; 3:22; 4:18; Heb. 1:9).

When Christ was conceived, He was begotten of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 1:20). He had the Spirit both essentially and economically. What was begotten in Mary was out of the Holy Spirit; incarnation took place not only when Christ was born, but when He was conceived in Mary’s womb.

Christ was essentially filled with the Spirit, just as the meal offering was mingled with oil.

Furthermore, before He started to minister, Christ was anointed with the Spirit economically; the Spirit was poured upon Him just as the oil was poured upon the fine flour.

As Heb. 1:9 says, Christ was anointed with the oil of exultant joy, and we as His partners share in this oil also! Hallelujah!

Christ was fully mingled with the Holy Spirit, just as the fine flour was mingled with oil.

The mingling of the fine flour with the oil in the meal offering signifies that Christ’s humanity is mingled with the Holy Spirit and that His human nature is mingled with God’s divine nature, making Him a God-man, possessing the divine nature and the human nature distinctly, without a third nature being produced (Lev. 2:4-5).

Christ was not just inwardly filled and outwardly anointed with the Spirit – He was mingled with the Spirit, and His divinity was mingled with His humanity for the producing of a God-man with a wonderful God-man living!

Through this divine mingling Christ’s humanity has been uplifted to the highest standard, and His divine attributes (which were in His divinity) were expressed through, with, and in His human virtues.

As we read the Gospels we see a wonderful Christ in His God-man living – He is the reality of the meal offering as food to God and to man. In Him we see both God and man, both the Spirit and humanity, just as in the meal offering we see both the fine flour and the oil.

The meal offering is not just fine flour and not just oil, but fine flour mingled with oil. We can eat Christ’s humanity (signified by the fine flour) by exercising our spirit to enjoy the Spirit (signified by the oil).

To be nourished with Christ’s humanity we need to exercise our spirit and eat the Lord in His word, and His humanity will be infused and constituted into us, as the Spirit works in our being.

We in ourselves cannot be the meal offering, but when we eat Christ as the meal offering, we become His reproduction and duplication. Hallelujah, Christ as the meal offering lives in us, and we can enjoy Him, eat Him, and become Him!

Lord Jesus, we exercise our spirit to eat You as the meal offering. We want to eat Your humanity and be infused with Your divinity so that we may become Your reproduction as the meal offering today. Oh Lord, grant us to see Christ in His God-man living, eat Christ, be filled with Christ, and become a corporate God-man that is mingled with God as the meal offering for God’s food and man’s food. Mingle Yourself with us more today so that Your divine attributes may be expressed through our human virtues.

The Frankincense signifies the Fragrance of Christ in His Resurrection

Luke 10:21 In that hour He exulted in the Holy Spirit and said, I extol You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to babes. Yes, Father, for thus it has been dwell pleasing in Your sight.The frankincense in the meal offering signifies the fragrance of Christ in His resurrection (Lev. 2:1-2).

The fact that the frankincense was put on the fine four signifies that Christ’s humanity bears the aroma of His resurrection (see Matt. 2:11; 11:20-30; Luke 10:21).

Christ went through a lot of things, and many times He was rejected and opposed; in such situations, Christ in His God-man living fellowshipped with the Father and exuded the aroma of resurrection.

Even though He was rejected by some of the cities He visited, He praised the Father with acknowledgment and bore the aroma of frankincense.

Although Christ suffered much, He exuded a sweet fragrance, the aroma of His resurrection.

Christ in His God-man living continually lived and walked in His humanity mingled with His divinity, expressing His resurrection with its aroma. What a wonderful One we have in us! He in us wants to live the same kind of life so that we may become the reproduction of Christ, the corporate meal offering!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by Ed Marks for this week, and portions from, Life-study of Leviticus, pp. 100-101 (Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Leviticus (1), week 4, The Vision and Enjoyment of the Meal Offering.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # In Christ, two natures mingled, / The human with divine; / The Spirit, thus compounded, / Blent oil with flour fine / To form a cake, an offering, / First unto God supplied; / Then pieces fed the priesthood; / Thus both were satisfied. (Song on, The Meal Offering Church Life)
    # Thou art the meal-oblation, / With “oil” and “frankincense”; / ’Tis holy, fine, and perfect, / And sweet to every sense. (Hymns #195)
    # The more we eat and drink Him / In His humanity, / The more we may enjoy Him / While feasting corporately. (Hymns #1104)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Israel F.
Israel F.
7 years ago

🎶 Let us eat Jesus every day,
Eating His flesh in such a way
That in the trials great or small
He as a Man will be our all.

Eat, eat more of Jesus!
Eat, eat more of Jesus!
Why should we undernourished be
When we have His humanity?🎶

Wayne H.
Wayne H.
7 years ago

John 4:34 “Jesus said to them, My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work.”

Fadi R.
Fadi R.
7 years ago

Mingle yourself with us to express you

Brown G.
Brown G.
7 years ago

Amen Lord

Nwabuokei I.
Nwabuokei I.
7 years ago

Amen Lord!!!

Sophia M.
Sophia M.
7 years ago

For the vision of eternity…
For the life of eternity… And
For the work of eternity…
Praise the Lord the three aspects of the new revival!!!

Merly H.
Merly H.
7 years ago

Yes Lord we really love You. You are the reality in all things…

Charles W.
Charles W.
7 years ago So let’s eat Christ!

M. S.
M. S.
7 years ago

este foarte interesant privitor la ofranda de mancare. Cristos este realitatea acestei ofrande – El cu umanitatea Sa perfecta este simbolizat de “fine flour”, Duhul care se contopeste cu Cristos este simbolizat de uleiul ce se contopeste si care unge ofranda, si tamaia este mireasma invierii Sale….plus, crucea este simbolizata de sarea care este adaugata… – Cristos a fost procesat sa devina hrana noastra!

Keven B.
Keven B.
7 years ago

Yes brother, Hallelujah for such a fine, pure, tender, balanced, right in every way humanity! Totally opposite to the fallen, rotten, corrupt, and rough humanity of the old man.

Thank You Lord Jesus we can eat You every day as the meal offering! What a fully satisfying meal You are!

F. B.
F. B.
7 years ago

Hallelujah! Christ is the real food in the universe. We have tasted and we can surely testify.

Moh S.
Moh S.
7 years ago

Amen, His humanity is our portion as a cake for the matured believers or as a water for the younger believers. Thank You Lord we can enjoy You as unleavened cakes mingled with oil or unleavened wafer anointed with oil!

Piripi M.
Piripi M.
7 years ago

Amen thank-you Lord we can see Christ in His God-man Living, eating and being filled with Christ daily, thank you Father we are becoming a corporate God-man mingled with You as the meal offering sitting with You and eating Christ as food mingle Yourself Father more with us so You may come forth from us as the One New Man……Lord Jesus we Love You….

Claudia O.
Claudia O.
7 years ago

Amen that’s right Lord YOU ARE

Juliet C.
Juliet C.
7 years ago

主に感謝します! アーメン
Thank you Lord! Amen.]

brother L.
brother L.
7 years ago

The mingling of fine flour with oil in the meal offering (Lev. 2:4-5) signifies that Christ’s humanity is mingled with the Holy Spirit (Matt. 1:18b) and His human nature is mingled with God’s divine nature, making Him a God-man. Christ is both the complete God and the perfect man, possessing the divine nature and the human nature distinctly, without a third nature being produced. Through the divine mingling Christ’s humanity has been uplifted to the highest standard. In His divinity Christ has the divine attributes, and these divine attributes are expressed through, with, and in His human virtues.

In the meal offering the oil and the fine flour are mingled and cannot be separated. Hence, to eat the fine flour is to eat the oil. The picture in Leviticus 2 indicates strongly that the way…to be nourished with Christ’s humanity, and thus to experience His human living, is by the Spirit (John 6:51, 57, 63). (Lev. 2:4, footnote 3)