The Lord’s Recovery is the Recovery of the Light of the Truth, the Shining of Light

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32

The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the light of the truth; the truth is in the Bible, but due to man’s negligence and laziness, it was lost, misunderstood, and misinterpreted, so there’s the need for the recovery of the light of the truth according to God’s heart’s desire.

This week in our morning revival we come to a new topic, The Full Knowledge of the Truth.

When we hear this, we may think that we need to read the Bible more and we should encourage one another to pursue reading the Bible both personally and corporately.

We may think that we need more knowledge of the teachings and doctrines in the Bible.

But we need to see what is truth in the light of God’s economy.

As we are prayerfully considering what it means to live and serve according to God’s economy concerning the church, we need to be those who arrive at the full knowledge of the truth.

Our truth is the highest truth, for it is the entire truth in the Bible.

Our gospel is of glory, for it is the gospel of the glory of the blessed God, that is, the glory of God becoming our gospel, the very shining of God is the gospel that we preach.

This is a matter of God’s economy. But this doesn’t mean that, for us to be good Christians, we need to practice preaching the gospel, reading the word, and making sure that we read the Bible in a proper way.

May the Lord save us from merely picking up points that are on the surface of the Bible and of the sharing in the church life today; may we go deeper with the Lord until we arrive at the full knowledge of the truth.

To have this full knowledge, we don’t necessarily need more teaching of the Bible or more Bible knowledge, even though there’s nothing wrong with this.

We need to realize that in God’s economy, whether we’re preaching the gospel or teaching the truth, we are touching the very Triune God Himself who is embodied in Christ and realized as the Spirit to come into us, be dispensed into us to be our life and everything. This is His economy.

Everything we do is for this; our gospel preaching and our reading of the Bible is for this, for the economy of God.

We need to come to the full knowledge of the truth according to God’s economy, according to how God was processed to be embodied in Christ, consummated as the Spirit to be everything to us, to mingle with us, and to become one with us.

This is what the truth is, and this is the truth we need to enter into.

May the Lord enlighten us, remove any preconceptions and even Scriptural thoughts that we may have and which veil us, and may we come to the divine revelation in God’s word in a pure way for us to see what is the full knowledge of the truth and arrive to this full knowledge.

The Lord’s Recovery is the Recovery of the Light of the Truth, the Shining of Light

...I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall by no means walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12There are many definitions of the Lord’s recovery, for there is very much that the Lord wants to recover. One such definition is that the Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the truth.

The truth, however, does not have a sense of doctrine or teaching. In a more specific or particular way, we can define the Lord’s recovery as being the recovery of the light of the truth (1 John 1:5-6).

If we look back at human history and church history, there was a thousand years of dark ages from the sixth century to the sixteenth century under the Catholic church.

God’s people were kept in darkness because, even though the word of God was there, it was locked away and held away from the people by the catholic priests in the Catholic Church.

The Bible was not available to God’s children openly; the word of God was present, but it was kept in darkness, not being available to the people who wanted to know the light.

Then, Martin Luther came, being raised up by God in Germany, and he began to proclaim the simple, basic truth, that according to the Bible, man can be justified by faith directly by believing in God.

Man didn’t have to pass through an intermediary class, do many things for God, pay for this and that, worship this or that saint, but simply come to God through Jesus Christ.

Such a simple truth was held in darkness for ages, but Martin Luther recovered it.

When he opened up that word, the light shined forth!

From that time, truth began to shine forth and it has been shining for the last five hundred years.

Then the Lord raised up the Brethren, who opened up so much riches in the word of God.

Then the Lord raised up brother Watchman Nee and brother Witness Lee, and the Lord’s shining intensified.

The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the light of the truth.

He wants to shine through His word not just through sermons and expositions of the word but even in our daily life, He wants to shine in and through His word in our daily living.

We thank the Lord that He is recovering the light of the truth and that He is shining!

When the word of God is opened up in a proper way according to God’s desire, it gives light. Light is the source of the truth.

Every truth in the Bible, when it is presented, shines and scatters all the darkness!

When the Lord Jesus came, He said, I am the light of the world; he who follows Me…shall have the light of life (John 8:12).

When He came, light came. When He spoke, light shone.

His speaking was God’s shining, bringing light and life.

In the human life of Jesus there was reality, the shining of light.

And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and are not practicing the truth. 1 John 1:5-6We are not to imitate His human living and speaking outwardly; rather, we have been put in Christ as the mold, and now we need to learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus.

We need to learn Christ according to the reality shown in the Gospels, that is, according to the life of the Lord Jesus, which was wholly according to God’s reality, God’s truth.

The life of Jesus as presented in the Gospels is the shining of light, and this is truth, the expression of God. In the life of Jesus there is truth, reality.

John 8:32 says, You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

When we know the Lord Jesus and the divine light shines on the word of God, we are set free.

We need to be recovered back to the light in the word of God.

There needs to be much recovery of the light of the truth, for we are still so much in darkness in our daily living, in our thinking, and in our speaking.

May we open to the Lord for Him to continue His recovery work in us.

Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing us into the recovery of the light of the truth. Thank You for coming to be the light of the world, shining on us and in us to deliver us from any darkness. We open to You, Lord. We want to learn from You by being in You as the mold. Amen, Lord, we want to learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus so that our very life and living would be a duplication of Your life and living. Live in us today. Conform us to Your image. May the light of the truth shine in us and through us. Save us from merely knowing doctrines and teachings according to the Scriptures. May there be the shining of light on the words that we read so that we may live in the light and walk in the light! Amen, Lord, may Your living light shine in us and within us, and may any darkness be scattered! Continue in Your work of the recovery of the light of the truth!

Truth is the Shining of Light – We want the Light of the Truth to Shine on us!

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free...If therefore the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:32, 36

What is truth? What is the relationship between truth and light?

Many people think that truth is what is true, and especially in this perverted and crooked world today, people have their own truth, calling it “my truth”.

Is truth “my truth” and “your truth” or is truth “the truth”?

According to the Bible, truth is the shining of light, the expression of the divine light (John 8:12, 32; 1 John 1:5-6).

We could say that truth and light are nearly the same thing; they are the two ends of the same thing.

On one hand, there’s the source, which is light, the shining of God.

On the other hand, there is the issue, which is truth.

Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. John 17:17 And the things which you have heard from me through many witnesses, these commit to faithful men, who will be competent to teach others also. 2 Tim. 2:2The Lord Jesus said that He is the light of the world, and whoever follows Him will not walk in darkness, for He is the light.

But then in the same chapter, He said that we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free, and a few verses later he said that, when the Son sets us free, we will be free indeed (John 8:32, 36).

Christ is the light, the shining of light is truth, and truth sets us free; when the truth sets us free, Christ sets us free, and we are free indeed.

Truth is the very person of Jesus Christ coming to be the light of the world.

The truth that sets us free is the person of Jesus Christ who is the light of the world.

Truth is the issue of light; when light shines, we have truth (John 1:4, 7, 9; 3:21; 8:32).

Truth, however, is different from knowledge, for it is easy to have knowledge and not have truth.

There needs to be the recovery of the light of the truth among us today.

We may read the Bible diligently, we may memorize many verses in the Bible, and we may know all the solid and sound Bible teachings, but we may have no light, for we only have knowledge but not the truth.

We may simply have lots of mental understanding of God’s word, and lots of doctrines, but no truth, no divine light shining.

When the Lord shines on us, when the divine light shines on the word of God, the knowledge we have of the Bible becomes truth, for truth is the shining of light.

May we see this matter and may we be saved from merely having the knowledge of the Bible.

We may read the life-studies of the Bible and we may be very familiar with the footnotes in the Recovery Version Bible, but if we don’t have the divine light shining on us, we cannot have truth, for truth is the shining of light.

How much we need to have the recovery of the light of the truth in our church life and in our Christian life!

Throughout the centuries, the truths as revealed in the Scriptures have been lost, missed, misunderstood, misinterpreted, and wrongly applied.

There is so much darkness among believers today, especially in the Roman Catholic church.

The Lord may have many of His seeking ones in that system, but they are in such darkness, for there’s no light of the truth there.

We treasure what we have in the Lord’s recovery today, the recovery of the light of the truth.

Today we are brought out of all misconception, all error, and all wrong applications, and brought back to the pure truth in the Word of God.

The goal of the Lord’s recovery is to recover the reality, life, livingness, strength, power, and impact of the matters revealed in the Bible.

We are not here merely to recover all the truths in the word of God; we need to have the recovery of the light of the truth.

We are not fundamentalists, trying to do things according to the Scriptures in a fundamental way.

If we do not love the Lord, we may come to the Bible, we may have morning watch, but what we read may be just knowledge without light. If we have the Lord’s presence mingled in our knowledge, then that knowledge is the truth because the Lord’s presence is the light. We must have a zeal to seek after the Lord. Then the Bible helps, the Lifestudies help—help to get not doctrines but the truth, the real knowledge with light. Then we have the truth, the reality. We, the leading ones, should not put too many requirements on the saints. We ourselves have to take the lead. If we do not take the lead to be zealous after the Lord but expect others to be zealous, whatever we say becomes a doctrine, or a teaching, all with no impact. Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1983, vol. 1, “Practical Talks to the Elders,” pp. 59-60In the Lord’s recovery, the Lord wants to recover the life, the livingness, the strength, the power, and the impact of all the matters that are revealed in the Bible.

We don’t just want to know the main truths in the word of God and be able to repeat them, yet lack the power and impact of these truths.

Rather, we want to read the Bible and study the word prayerfully so that we may receive the divine light in God’s word.

We want to have much reality, livingness, life, power, and impact when we come to God’s word and when we meet with the saints.

We thank the Lord that in the Lord’s recovery, the truth is the consummation of the truth of the past nineteen centuries.

We stand on the shoulders of all those who have gone before us, and we go on with the Lord.

We love the Lord, we have a zeal to seek after Him and we exercise our spirit when we come to His word so that He may shine on us and infuse the light of His word into us.

We want not merely more knowledge of the Scriptures: we want the light of the truth to shine in us, in our whole being, and through us to others also!

Lord Jesus, we love You and we love Your word! We come to You in Your word to gain You and receive the light of life. Amen, Lord, we don’t want merely to gain more knowledge in Your word: we want more of the light of the truth! May the truth shine on us, shine in our being, and shine through us! Save us from merely getting doctrines and teaching out of Your word. Recover the reality, life, livingness, strength, power, and impact of the matters revealed in the Scriptures. Save us from merely having knowledge, for knowledge puffs up! We seek You, dear Lord! We want more of You! Recover the light of the truth in us and among us! Make us living, loving, vital, and full of strength and impact! Speak to us today and speak through us to those around us! We treasure Your living speaking in Your living word!

References and Hymns on this Topic
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
11 months ago

We may have more knowledge, but this does not mean that we have more truth. According to the New Testament revelation, truth is the issue of light. What is doctrine? What is truth? Knowledge without light is doctrine. Knowledge full of light is truth. Doctors of theology may have much knowledge of the Bible, but they may not have much light. The Life-studies may be just doctrine to you, or they may be truth. The difference is that when you have the knowledge with light, it is truth. Without the light it is only doctrine. You can get doctrines without loving the Lord. You may go to a seminary or to a Bible college and gain a lot of knowledge, but you may not receive light, because light is the Lord Himself. He never tells us that He is knowledge; He says that He is the light (John 8:12) and the truth (14:6). If we do not love the Lord, we may come to the Bible, we may have morning watch, but what we read may be just knowledge without light. If we have the Lord’s presence mingled in our knowledge, then that knowledge is the truth because the Lord’s presence is the light. We must have a zeal to seek after the Lord. Then the Bible helps, the Lifestudies help—help to get not doctrines but the truth, the real knowledge with light. Then we have the truth, the reality. We, the leading ones, should not put too many requirements on the saints. We ourselves have to take the lead. If we do not take the lead to be zealous after the Lord but expect others to be zealous, whatever we say becomes a doctrine, or a teaching, all with no impact.

Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1983, vol. 1, “Practical Talks to the Elders,” pp. 59-60

Stefan M.
Stefan M.
11 months ago

The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the light of the truth.

We need to have not just knowledge of the Bible but have the Lord’s light shine on us and in us that we may have the divine truth constituted into us.

May we love the Lord, open to Him, and seek Him as we come to His word so that He may shine in us.

Lord Jesus, recover the light of the truth when we come to Your word. Shine in us. Shine on us. Make the Word living to us. We want to walk in the light of the truth!

Rob M.
Rob M.
11 months ago


Oh Lord Jesus thank you for your light in us.

Continue shining into we come to the full knowledge of the Living Word!!

D. S.
D. S.
11 months ago

Amen. Oh Lord! Make the Word living to us! Amen!

Jon H.
Jon H.
11 months ago

Amennn! Yes Lord save us from dead doctrines, bring us to be those who touch you as the light of life!

Oh brother! Do you understand the difference between the bread of life and the living bread? 

Perhaps you may feel that both phrases mean the same.

However, the proper way to study the Word is to investigate both phrases …. 

The bread of life refers to the nature of the bread, which is life; the living bread refers to the condition of the bread, which is living. He is the living bread.

Although He was crucified and slain, He is still living. He alone is the living One in resurrection.

Verse 56 implies the matter of resurrection. “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in him.”

This indicates that the Lord had to be resurrected that He might abide in us as our life and life supply.

John 6 verse 56 indicates that He was going to be resurrected and become the indwelling Spirit. ✨

11 months ago

Amen for this truth and for this light that guides us on this path!

Moh S.
Moh S.
11 months ago

Amen! Yes Lord! 

Every aspect of the life of Jesus recorded in the Gospels is an expression of God!

Therefore in the life of Jesus there is truth, reality!

It is a mistake for us to imitate Christ!

When we believed into Him we were put into Christ as the mold!

Lord may we realise that we are in You as the reality, and that You are now the life-giving Spirit, the life pulse, the reality, the power and the impact of every aspect of all the doctrines in the Bible, save us Lord from mere doctrine, shine in us and on us, be real to us! Amen!

Lord Jesus, we want to learn You more today, as the reality is in Jesus!

Christian A.
Christian A.
11 months ago

Yes brother, the Lord’s recovery is to recover the reality, life, livingness, strength, power & impact of the matters revealed in the Bible.

Reality is truth, and truth is the shining of light.

This light is the very person of Jesus.

We must have a zeal to seek after the presence of the Lord.

Then, we will have the truth/reality.

Knowledge without light/Christ is doctrine.

May we learn Jesus according to the reality shown in the Gospels…

11 months ago

Amen! Thank You Lord, You are the light of the world.

Lord every morning save us from gaining knowledge without light. Lord we exercise our spirit!

We come to you this morning. Shine on us today.

We want to be walking in the light!

S. L.
S. L.
11 months ago

Lord Jesus may we seek you.

I enjoy the part in today’s messages about taking lead and seeking the Lord.

He is light and without it we have no truth.

We must be zealous, enthusiastic, energetic in our pursuit of the Lord.

All things I must work on in my walk day by day

Richard C.
Richard C.
11 months ago

The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the light of the truth.

The truth is the shining of light and as the true light, Jesus was the light of the world who who expressed God as reality and enlightened us through His shining.

As those who have learned Christ as the reality is in Jesus, we have been placed in the mold of such a one with such a life in the light of the truth to live as He did, walking in the light to express God in all that we say or do.

K. P.
K. P.
11 months ago

John 8:12 …I am the light of the world; he who follows Me…shall have the light of life.

John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

1 John 1:5-6 …God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and are not practicing the truth.

Praise the Lord!🙋🏽😃 Amen!🙏

Amen brother!

The Bible is a book of Truth and also Light,Life and Love. The author is all of these and more! 

We need to turn our hearts to the Spirit when he will unveil us and we will be able to see the light!


agodman youtube
agodman youtube
11 months ago

Listen to the audio version of this article via,

D. A. E.
D. A. E.
11 months ago

Oh Lord Jesus Amen Hallelujah 🙏

RcV Bible
RcV Bible
11 months ago

In Greek the same as reality in John 1:14, 17. The truth is not the so-called truth of doctrine but the reality of the divine things, which is the Lord Himself (see note John 14:62a; John 1:14, 17). This verse says “that the truth shall set you free,” whereas v. 36 says that “the Son sets you free.” This proves that the Son, the Lord Himself, is the truth. Since the Lord is the embodiment of God (Col. 2:9), He is the reality of what God is. Hence, reality is the very divine element of God realized by us. When the Lord as the great I Am comes into us as life, He shines within us as light, bringing the divine element as reality into us. This reality, which is the divine element imparted into us and realized by us, sets us free from the bondage of sin by the divine life as the light of man. When the Lord as the Word of God became flesh (John 1:14), He brought God to us as this reality, that God might be the grace for our enjoyment (John 1:17).

John 8:32, footnote 1 on, “truth”, Recovery Version Bible

A. K.
A. K.
11 months ago

Amen. Lord we want to walk in the light of the truth.

Mario V.
Mario V.
11 months ago


The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of God Himself because God is light and He is truth!

Both light and truth are embodied in the person of our Lord Jesus who has been realised as the Spirit of truth and reality.

Also the Spirit of reality is consolidated in the word of God and the word conveys to us the truth hence the word is also the truth. 

May we open ourselves to the triune God to shine into us and within us and to shine out of us.

Thank the Lord for the light in the word setting us free and causing us to walk and to practice the truth. Praise the Lord.

M. M.
M. M.
11 months ago

In John 1:14 Jesus became flesh full of grace and truth. Jesus brought God to men. Jesus is the reality of God.

Here, we can see that the love of God is expressed in the grace. This grace is Jesus Christ Himself.

In other words, truth is expressed by the light.The definition of light is the presence of God. Because God is light.

Therefore, Truth is the shining of light and then the expression of light is the expression of God.

Today’s key words are:
Jesus = life
Life = light of men
Truth = light = God’s shining

The new recovery is not, therefore, knowledge with no light, doctrine, but the revelation of life with His light and truth so that God can be expressed in His body fully for His eternal purpose.

Praise to the processed triune God for His recovery!

Moh S.
Moh S.
11 months ago

The term full knowledge does not merely mean understanding; it includes understanding and experience!

Lord constitute us with the truth, thank You Lord You are the truth! may the truth be wrought into our being!