living a life that fulfills God’s eternal plan – sharing from the conference in Poland

The following is some precious sharing from sister Deborah – what she enjoyed the most in the conference in Poland in November 2010 – Living a life for the fulfillment of God’s eternal plan.

This past year the conference in Poland was a really wonderful and precious time for me – especially since I wasn’t supposed to be there, and only a couple of days before the conference I found out I was going 🙂 Apart from this, my motivation for paying attention during the messages was the absence of my mom, with whom I wanted to share everything I heard so that she could also gain something – even though physically she wasn’t there 🙂

The topic of the conference was wonderful: LIVING A LIFE THAT WILL FULFIL GOD’S ETERNAL PLAN.

How can we live such a life? First of all, WE NEED TO KNOW GOD’S CENTRAL THOUGHT! This thought is that JESUS NEEDS HIS BRIDE, THE CHURCH – A COUNTERPART THAT WILL EXPRESS HIM. The more we come into the Body (the Church), the more we see of the vision of the Body, the more we are fulfilled, and God takes away EVERYTHING that isn’t Him and SUBSTITUTES it with CHRIST – until CHRIST BECOMES OUR EVERYTHING!!

Dear saints, we need to live not according to ourselves and our own goals, but live according to the vision we see from God! Lord, build Yourself into us! Be our grace every day! We want to cooperate with You in the matter of Your central work today! Lord, we open ourselves to Your infusion, Your dispensing! Lord, give us more of Your life every day!

God intended that Christ will be fully wrought into our being; however, in our spiritual pursuit we may not care about it, but instead we may care for our own intentions” – O, Lord, take away our desires, even the things we care for – Lord, even our human needs that have nothing common with You! We really want to be formed by You! We want You to be our only content! Make Your goal our goal!

Only Love Will Enable Us to Maintain A Proper Relationship With The Lord – here the speaking brother gave us an example: Everyday when he’s about to go out to work, he tells his wife „I love you”, but she always replies with an „mhmm…”, but he doesn’t leave and repeats „I love you” until the moment she can’t take it anymore and says that she loves him too 🙂 – beautiful! A plain „LORD JESUS, I LOVE YOU” helps cherish our love towards the Lord and maintain a close relationship with Him! O, may we always tell Him that we love Him often, or even all the time!

Listen! We have an answer to the question: „what is your practice?” (it can be asked regarding our way of prayer, your baptism, your everyday life – anything). OUR ANSWER TO THIS TYPE OF QUESTIONS IS: WE PRACTICE THE LIFE OF A GOD-MAN! That’s beautiful – one practice for EVERYTHING! Often we’re depressed because we cannot live the Christian life = a life that would express God… but listen: it is actually impossible to live such a life, so we shouldn’t even try to do it! Our way is to partake of the Lord! We need to come to Him every morning and open ourselves for His life! Constant prayer, morning revival, telling Him we love Him, pray-reading the Word, calling upon His name… enjoying Him! 😉

It was also said, that an alarm clock is our first choice – every five minute we choose the “snooze button” in the morning steals our time with the Lord – we could spend this time with Him! O, dear saints, I saw afresh how important every morning is for us, and how much it depends on us. Oh, Lord Jesus! Teach us to turn to You every morning! Lord, may our first words and our first thoughts be for You! So in the future You will be able to call us, just as You called Daniel, PRECIOUSNESS ITSELF!

The last message was about the vital groups. I was really built up by the testimonies of saints sharing at the end. They said that vital groups are VERY important in the church life: even when the church life is frail, and the evil one is constantly weakening it, the vital groups maintain the flow of Life! Praise the Lord! I saw that I can’t treat the practice of the vital groups as something unnecessary and take part in them only from time to time. Lord Jesus! Thanks to these small groups, which seem to be meaningless, the saints begin to open up and feel “part of the family”, and the Church can still function – incredible! Praise the Lord for the vital groups! Praise the Lord for their wonderful function in the church life! Lord, teach us to appreciate these groups, and encourage us to take part in them and open up for the other saints! A simple prayer that we should pray throughout the whole day is: “Lord, grow in me!

About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister in the Lord :
Sister in the Lord :
14 years ago

Wow…! I just can read this again and again 🙂 O Lord keep us loving You and choosing You every morning. We want to take care of You and Your heart's desire! Thank You for all the saints and all the meetings – use this to make us more and more vital for Your expression and Your satisfaction!