Gen. 18:17 And Jehovah said, Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?
What was the reason for which God came in a human form to visit Abraham, his friend? Was it merely to assure him that him and Sarah will have a son a year from then, at the time of life?
After Abraham and his guests had something to eat and drink, he accompanied them on their way out. Abraham lingered in the presence of Jehovah, and he didn’t speak much: he listened. As he lingered in God’s presence, “Jehovah said, Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?” (Gen. 18:17)
God had in mind the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but He revealed it to His friend Abraham only after spending an extensive time together and He saw that Abraham lingered in His presence. God told Abraham what He was about to do not in a clear way but in a “coded message”,
The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah, how great it is; and their sin, how heavy it is! I shall go down and see whether they have done altogether according to its outcry, which has come to Me; and if not, I will know” (Gen. 18:20-21).
If it were us, we may not understand what the Lord is speaking about, but Abraham as the friend of God understood: God needed Abraham to intercede for Lot, one of the people of God, who was living in Sodom. God didn’t ask Abraham to intercede for Lot, but He came to him with the intention of finding an intercessor for His people.
Today God is looking for intercessors, even a corporate intercessor, those who sympathize with Him, care for what He is up to, and are one with Him to pray for what He is about to do. He wants to gain some people who are His friends, those with whom He can spend time to speak about what’s on His heart, and those who linger in His presence to listen to what He is about to do. May we be such ones in this age today!
God is Seeking an Intercessor
After having a nice meal and a good time together in Abraham’s tent, Jehovah with His angels were led out by Abraham, who lingered in Jehovah’s presence. God revealed to Abraham His intention to destroy Sodom because He was seeking for an intercessor for His people in this city.
Even though God made up His mind to destroy these wicked cities, He still needed Abraham to intercede for Lot, who was dwelling in Sodom (Gen. 13:12; 14:13; 19:1). God wanted to save Lot because he was one of God’s people, and also because it was through Lot that Ruth came into the genealogy of Christ (see Gen. 19:37; Ruth 1:4; Matt. 1:5).
In order to save Lot, God needed an intercessor to pray for him, and so He paid a visit to Abraham, one who was very concerned for Lot. Proper intercession is not initiated by man’s preference or desire but by God’s visitation with His revelation, and proper intercession expresses God’s desire and paves the way for the accomplishing of His will (see Gen. 18:17).
On his side, Lot didn’t even realize that he needed to be rescued from God’s judgement on the wicked city of Sodom. But God came to Abraham for the purpose of finding an intercessor, since without someone praying and interceding for His people, God cannot do anything.
God didn’t visit Abraham only to confirm that Isaac will come forth but because He needed an intercessor for Lot, the one who lived with his family in the city God was about to destroy. God today is looking for intercessors on earth, those who sympathize with His interests and confide in Him.
God is looking for intercessors, those who pray one with Him and who would even interfere in a certain situation before God on behalf of other people so that God’s interest may be carried out (see Heb. 7:25; Isa. 59:16; Ezek. 22:30). Today God is looking for such intercessors, even a corporate intercessor, so that He may accomplish His purpose.
The great principle of prayer is that without the prayer and intercession of man, God cannot and will not work. He is Almighty, powerful, and He can do anything He wants, but He would not do certain things unless some people on earth are one with Him in prayer. Without the prayer and intercession of some, none of us can be saved, be perfected, grow in life, and overcome.
Lingering in God’s Presence to have a Revelation of God’s Heart and what He is About to Do

In His intimate fellowship with Abraham, in a mysterious way, without mentioning Lot’s name, God revealed His heart’s desire; Abraham’s purpose in standing before Jehovah was to intercede for Lot (Gen. 18:22). [HWMR Crystallization-Study of Genesis (2), msg. 7, outline
If we were Abraham, we may have been happy and satisfied having Jehovah over for a meal and being confirmed that the promised son is coming soon. But Abraham loved spending time with God and he lingered in His presence to the point that God could not hide anymore from Abraham what He was about to do.
In their intimate fellowship and conversation, in a very mysterious way – even without mentioning Lot’s name – God revealed His heart’s desire and what He was about to do to Abraham. Abraham continued to stand before Jehovah and he interceded for Lot, even though neither God nor Abraham mentioned his name.
Abraham’s purpose in standing before Jehovah was to intercede for Lot. The glorious intercession that Abraham made before God was not a prayer from man on earth to God in heaven; it was a human conversation between two friends, an intimate talk according to the unveiling of God’s heart’s desire. (Gen. 18:22, footnote 1, Recovery Version)
We need to linger in the Lord’s presence – not just enjoy Him, eat Him, drink Him, and fellowship with Him, but “remain standing before God”. God needs someone who doesn’t rush things but stands before Him and listens to His speaking.
He will not open His heart from the very beginning of our conversation; most likely, as friends do, He will speak to us this and that, and as we remain in His presence, He will not hide from us what He is about to do.
God needs an intercessor for what He is about to do and for His people, and for this He visits us, spends time with us, speaks to us, and has a good time with us; however, He wants and even needs us to linger in His presence so that He may reveal His heart to us. He needs to be comfortable enough with us and trust us to the extent that He would not hide from us what’s in His heart and what He’s about to do.
When we see what is in God’s heart, our reaction will be to pray, to intercede. He may not say names or situations or people but speak something “in code” (as it was in Abraham’s case), but we will understand what He’s talking about and we will respond by interceding.
God would not force us or coerce us into doing things for Him or “praying for His interest and His purpose”; rather, God wants to befriend us, fellowship with us, have a meal with us, enjoy a good time with us, and then He will simply open His heart to us.
God needs us, His people, to pray for His interest and for every step of accomplishing of His purpose. He needs us to pray for both the believers and the unsaved ones. But in ourselves and by ourselves we can’t do this and are not even inclined to do this; we need His visitation and the revelation of His heart in order to respond in prayer and intercession.
And all this happens as we linger in the Lord’s presence in our intimate fellowship with Him.
Lord, save us from rushing our time with You. May we be those like Abraham lingering in Your presence that we may receive a revelation of Your heart and what You are about to do. Make us the intercessors You need today. We love to be in Your presence, enjoying Your sweet visitation. Lord, we would linger here with You, conversing with You and listening to Your word. Open Your heart to us that we may pray according to Your heart for Your interest to be carried out! Lord, gain a corporate intercessor all over the earth!
References and Hymns on this Topic
- Inspiration: the Word of God, my Christian experience, bro. Minoru Chan’s sharing in the message for this week, and portions from, The Meaning and Purpose of Prayer (ch. 2), as quoted in, the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Crystallization-Study of Genesis (2), week 7 / msg 7, Living in Fellowship with God.
- Hymns on this topic:
# In such a fellowship / Thou, Lord, art grace to me; / My heart and spirit gladdened, filled, / I enter rest in Thee. / Lord, I would linger here, / Still seeking after Thee, / Continue in the Word and prayer / Till Thou dost flow thru me. (Hymns #812 by Witness Lee)
# Speak, Thy servant heareth, / Be not silent, Lord; / Waits my soul upon Thee / For the quickening word. / Fill me with the knowledge / Of Thy glorious will; / All Thine own good pleasure / In Thy child fulfill. / Like a watered garden, / Full of fragrance rare, / Lingering in Thy presence, / Let my life appear. (Hymns #809)
# Open my eyes that I may see / Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me; / Place in my hands the wonderful key / That shall unclasp and set me free. / Silently now I wait for Thee, / Ready, my God, Thy will to see; / Open my eyes, illumine me, / Spirit Divine! (Hymns #807)