Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, / And do not rely on your own understanding. Prov. 3:5
Dear saints, let us pray that those who receive the Lord’s burden and commission to serve full time would be faithful to the Lord, taking care of the work that the Lord has committed to them and exercising faith and trusting in Him (2 Cor. 4:13; Prov. 3:5).
Whether we serve full time or we keep our job, we need to exercise faith and trust in the Lord. Those who work for a living should trust in the Lord just as much as those who serve full time. The working saints should not trust in their job, their education, their learning, or their ability; to do so is to take the way of the worldly people. We need to trust in the Lord, saying, “Lord, if You lead me to make my living by taking a job, I will still trust in You, not in my job.” Paul was an apostle; however, this did not keep him from having to work for his livelihood and that of his co-workers (Acts 18:1-3; 20:34-35; 1 Cor. 4:12; 1 Thes. 2:9; 2 Thes. 3:8). Yet even as he worked, he did not trust in his working; rather, he trusted in the Lord (1 Tim. 6:17). If we truly trust in the Lord, the question of serving full time or working will not be a great matter to us. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 3, “The Oneness of the Body and the Service in the Church Life,” pp. 102-103)
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