Drink the Lord’s cup…partake of the Lord’s table…1 Cor. 10:21
Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would be uplifted in their vision by seeing the important difference between the Lord’s table for our enjoyment of the Lord in fellowship and the Lord’s supper to satisfy Him, to give Him our remembrance (1 Cor. 10:21; 11:20).
Throughout the years we have been deeply impressed with the significance of the Lord’s table. We know that Jesus’ physical body was given for the accomplishment of our redemption so that we may enjoy Him in fellowship. Therefore, we often pray, “Lord, thank You for Your redeeming blood. Thank You for redeeming us by shedding Your blood. Lord, we also thank You that you have given Your body on the cross to bear our sins, to die for us, and to terminate the old creation. Lord, now we are here enjoying Your table. You gave Yourself through death and now, in resurrection, You are on the table for our enjoyment.” Now we must also be impressed that to eat the Lord’s supper is to satisfy Him. It is to give Him our remembrance. This implies that we are here for the carrying out of God’s administration. In order that God’s administration may be carried out, we must care for the oneness of the unique mystical Body of Christ. Having such a concern will preserve us in the Body and keep us from any division. If we have this understanding of the Lord’s supper, we shall not be divided by anything. Rather, we shall remain in the unique mystical Body, the means for Christ to carry out His heavenly ministry for the accomplishment of the divine administration. (Life-study of 1 Corinthians, msg. 54, by Witness Lee)
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