But an hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truthfulness, for the Father also seeks such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truthfulness. John 4:23-24
Dear saints, let us pray that in the last part of the Lord’s table meeting the saints would exercise themselves to offer the genuine worship that satisfies the Father, the true worship that He is seeking and that is in His economy, the worship that is in spirit and with Christ as the offerings (John 4:23-24; Hymns, #11, ss. 1, 7-8).
Although we enjoy the Lord’s table meetings, we may not be clear concerning what makes the worship of the Father precious. It is precious when the meeting is not “raw” but issues from growth unto the maturity through training and practice. The worship in the meetings of many Christian groups today is “raw,” traditional, or old. If our meetings are the issue of growth unto maturity through learning and training, the worship in them will be unique and precious…
The Lord has shown us that the true worship of the Father, which is revealed in John 4:23-24, is closely related to drinking the Lord as the living water, which He spoke of earlier in the same chapter (vv. 10, 14). Actually, these two things are one. When we are satisfied by drinking the Lord as the living water, and we come to the Father with this satisfaction, this is the worship that the Father is seeking. Because the Lord used the title the Father when speaking of worship in John 4:23, this is a matter related to His economy—His dispensing. This is worship in the divine dispensing and is directly linked to our drinking of the Lord as the satisfying living water. (Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1979, vol. 1, “Fellowship During Various Lord’s Day Meetings,” ch. 6)
More details via Beseeching.org, day 399.