And He took a loaf and gave thanks, and He broke it and gave it to them, saying, This is My body which is being given for you; do this in remembrance of Me. And similarly the cup after they had dined, saying, This cup is the new covenant established in My blood, which is being poured out for you. Luke 22:19-20
Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would learn to properly practice to distribute the bread and the cup when the remembrance of the Lord reaches the high tide and with thanks to the Lord (Luke 22:19-20; Hymns, #221, ss. 1-3 and chorus).
Hymns, #221, stanza 1 and chorus:
Lord, we thank Thee for the table,
With the bread and with the wine;
At this table we enjoy Thee
As the feast of love divine.
We partake the bread, the emblem
Of Thy body giv’n for us;
And we share the wine, the symbol
Of Thy blood Thou shedd’st for us.Lo, the holy table!
With the sacred symbols;
Its significance in figure
Is unsearchable!The proper distributing of the bread and the cup also requires our learning. We should distribute the bread and the cup neither too early nor too late. This is somewhat like serving a meal. One does not serve the main course at the very beginning of the meal nor after the dessert has been finished. This is either too early or too late.
We need to distribute the bread and the cup when the remembrance of the Lord reaches the high tide. This means that the atmosphere of our remembering the Lord has reached the highest point.
Furthermore, it is better to distribute the bread and cup with some thanks given to the Lord. We receive the bread and the wine mostly in a silent way. It is better to receive the bread that comes from the Lord and give Him some thanks. Luke 22:19a says that the Lord took the bread and gave thanks.
The focus of this lesson is expressed in the following statement: the proper remembrance of the Lord depends upon our proper practice. (Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1979, vol. 2, “Basic Lessons on Service,” Lesson 4)
More details via Beseeching.org, day 404.